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Chapter _____: [Title of chapter]. Characters [List the main characters who appear in this chapter. Try to keep them in order. Explain who each character.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter _____: [Title of chapter]. Characters [List the main characters who appear in this chapter. Try to keep them in order. Explain who each character."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter _____: [Title of chapter]

2 Characters [List the main characters who appear in this chapter. Try to keep them in order. Explain who each character is or how the narrator describes them.]

3 Setting [Tell where this chapter takes place. If there are any memorable descriptions, include them.]

4 [Main Event 1 – create a headline] [Use a different slide for each main thing that happens in your chapter. Start at the beginning of your chapter. A guideline might be to write create one “main event” slide for every 2-3 pages of your chapter.]

5 [Main Event 2 – create a headline] [Use a different slide for each main thing that happens in your chapter. Start at the beginning of your chapter. A guideline might be to write create one “main event” slide for every 2-3 pages of your chapter.]

6 [Main Event 3 – create a headline] [Use a different slide for each main thing that happens in your chapter. Start at the beginning of your chapter. A guideline might be to write create one “main event” slide for every 2-3 pages of your chapter.]

7 Vocabulary include any examples in your chapter of – interesting dialect, – new words you didn’t know, or – words we have studied in class.

8 Narrator’s Descriptions or Funny Comments [include any “asides” or observations that the narrator talks about in your chapter.]

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