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World War II The Making of a New Global Order. Japanese Expansion Before World War II Reasons for: Militarists leaders Results Earlier occupation of Manchuria.

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Presentation on theme: "World War II The Making of a New Global Order. Japanese Expansion Before World War II Reasons for: Militarists leaders Results Earlier occupation of Manchuria."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War II The Making of a New Global Order

2 Japanese Expansion Before World War II Reasons for: Militarists leaders Results Earlier occupation of Manchuria Now in 1937, invasion of China proper -Signaled suspicious intentions Results:

3 European Aggression Before World War II Road to War 1.Mid 1930s: Hitler withdraws from League of Nations and built up army – direct violation of Treaty of Versailles 2.G.B and France seem to ignore Hitler (appeasement!) and Hitler “annexes” Austria in 1938 and eyes Czechoslovakia 3.In 1939, Hitler invades Poland and agrees to “split it” with the Soviet (both intend to go-back on this plan, however

4 Reasons for Appeasement 1.G.B./France/U.S. (all democracies) greatly fear war 2.They fear communism more than Germany 3.At a conference in Munich in 1939 (after Germany takes Austria), the soon-to-be Allied powers allow Hitler to have the German portions of Czechoslovakia if he promises to take no more (they believe him)

5 Copyright © McDougal Littell. All Rights Reserved. Aggression in Europe, Africa and Asia, 1930-1939

6 Illusion of Peace Neville Chamberlain, "peace in our time.“ APPEASEMENT!

7 Hitler's Goal World domination Frank & Marie-Therese Wood Print Collections, Alexandria, VA.

8 Invasion of Poland

9 London Blitz

10 North Africa and Europe Hitler's goal: Force G.B. out of the war (or to surrender) before the Americans (with their potential for industrial might) can save them Battle of Britain foiled this plan 1941: Hitler launched a massive invasion of Soviets Lessons learned from Napoleon? Germans also defeated at El Alamein early in the war

11 Copyright © McDougal Littell. All Rights Reserved. World War II in Asia and the Pacific, 1941-1945

12 The Beginning of the End—Europe Soviets– advances in the East Western invasion D-Day– invasion of European mainland Onward to Paris! Germany defeated May 1945

13 National Archives D-Day 1944

14 Japan will not go easily… When this photo of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki was taken on August 9, 1945, from an observation plane 6 miles up, 35,000 people on the ground had died.

15 August 6, 1945

16 Hiroshima National Archives.

17 And In China…

18 Chairman Mao People’s Republic of China

19 Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All Rights Reserved. Europe After the Second World War ‘View Show' to view and zoom map

20 The Holocaust Copyright (c) Houghton Mifflin Company. All Rights Reserved.

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