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Geller’s Sophisticated Sophomores Fall 2013.  Brutus, Cassius, and the other conspirators have been driven from Rome by an angry mob after Antony convinces.

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Presentation on theme: "Geller’s Sophisticated Sophomores Fall 2013.  Brutus, Cassius, and the other conspirators have been driven from Rome by an angry mob after Antony convinces."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geller’s Sophisticated Sophomores Fall 2013

2  Brutus, Cassius, and the other conspirators have been driven from Rome by an angry mob after Antony convinces the plebeians that the conspirators are dishonorable traitors.  Antony is planning to meet with Caesar’s nephew, Octavius, to raise an army in opposition to the conspiracy and seize control of Rome.

3  *Insolent (adj): Rude, disrespectful  *Wrangle (v): Wrestle  Nemesis (n): Arch-enemy  Covert (adj): Secret  Chastise (v): Scold, criticize  *Sage (adj): wise; (n): Wise old person  *Contaminate (v): To make impure or unclean  Seduce (v): Persuade via flattery, bribes etc.  *Attire (n): Clothing

4  Vulgar (adj): Common, unsophisticated, rude  Mirth (n): Celebration, merrymaking, happiness  *Vile (adj): Gross, disgusting, abhorrent, offensive  Insupportable (adj): Unable to be endured; intolerable  Perils (n): Dangers  Choleric (adj): Sulky, melancholy  Resolve (v): Figure out, remedy

5  Perceive (v): Discern, figure out, determine using the senses  Durst (v, archaic): dare  *Exigent (adj): Pressing, demanding, urgent  Unmeritable (adj): Not worthy or deserving of merit, praise, or reward.

6  Octavius ◦ Caesar’s great- nephew and official heir ◦ Member of the triumvirate ◦ Goes on to become Caesar Augustus, establishes Roman Empire ◦ 18 years old

7  Lepidus ◦ Member of the triumvirate ◦ Roman patrician and Caesar’s “Master of the Horse,” big supporter of Caesar ◦ Depicted by Shakespeare as a “slight, unmeritable man”

8  As Act IV begins, Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus (the Second Triumvirate) are at Antony’s house, essentially making a “hit list.”  Meanwhile, Brutus, Cassius, and their army are encamped near Sardis in Asia Minor, strategizing for the upcoming civil war.

9 Character3 rd 6 th 7th AntonyDrewParkerTyler LepidusCalebBrennenAaron OctaviusKyleAlexWill BrutusAndrewMichaelKevin CassiusCCBraydenColton Lucilius (officer of Brutus) JessieBrittney P.Matthew Morgan Pindarus (Cassius’s servant) KyleeBrittany C.Matt N. First, Second, Third Soldiers Jacob, Jake, Thomas Greyson, Nick, Chris Kassi, Alyssa, Alissa

10 Character3 rd 6 th 7th PoetDaraAnnaDanielle Messala (officer)SavannahSydneyAndrea LuciusAnthonyLeannDalton Varrus (soldier)HarmonyKelseyLevi Claudio (soldier)WestleyMadisonCameron Caesar’s ghostRhysJeremiahTJ

11  #10…Anachronism on page 854 (Between lines 250-255).

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