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Online Course Registration Sophomore Instructions 2014-2015.

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1 Online Course Registration Sophomore Instructions 2014-2015

2 Campus Portal  Know your username and password If you do not know your login credentials see or email Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Turpin or Mrs. Jass.  Know how to access the Infinite Campus website Visit, click on Quick Links, click on Student Access, click on Click Here for The TIP!  Login via an internet browser not the app.  Safari  Firefox  Google Chrome  Internet Explorer

3 1: From the homepage choose Quick Links. 2: Choose Student Access. 3: Select Click Here for The Portal. 4: Enter your login credentials. Repeat…..

4 Course Registration 2014-2015  Locate and click the button for Course Registration 2014-2015 on the left hand side.

5 Review Loaded Required Courses  Sophomores are required to take English II, Biology, US History, Advisory.

6 Enter Other Required Courses  Now, click on the Course Search link.  Sophomores are also required to select a math, a PE, and take speech and personal health if not already taken as a freshmen.  In most cases, you will also take study hall/band study hall/structured study hall. TIP! Type in course name or number- all or a portion.

7 Request as an Elective or Alternate  1-2) Click on any course listed to view the course description.  3) To request a course as part of the schedule for next year, click the Request as Elective button or Request as Alternate button. Alternates are placed in the schedule if other electives are full. 1 2 3

8 What should I take?  Know your 4- year plan- IHAPI  Know your graduation requirements 5c8561a9768  -Clarke High School Diploma  -Clarke Honors Diploma  -Clarke Learning Center Diploma Graduation Requirements

9 Requesting Units  Students should request the majority of units needed. In some situations, students may request more than the maximum units. Maximum units are 108 (1 quarter = 3 units, 1 semester = 6, 1 year = 12). The first number tells how many units student has requested and the second number tells how many units are needed. Example: Units: 18/108

10 Sophomore Schedule 1. English II 2. US History 3. Math I/Math II/Math III (Transition Algebra may be taken after Math I or Math II with teacher recommendation.) 4. Biology 5. SS elective/Global Studies/Personal Health/Speech (only if not completed freshmen year) Lunch/Advisory 6. PE/PESC/EBPE (Students may take EBPE after completing 1 quarter PESC successfully. Students 10-12 may waiver.) 7. *Elective Course (Sophomores should submit two Elective Courses. These are your first choices.) 8. Study Hall Sample Schedule

11 What are my elective choices?  *At least two (2) Alternate Courses should be inputted as well. These represent your second and third choice Elective Courses should you not get your first choices.  *Elective Courses for sophomores- Please consult the Course List or Course Description Booklet for a complete listing of core and elective courses. Course List Course Description Booklet  Art  Ag  Industrial Technology  Foods, FCS  Spanish II  Business/Computer  Band(Mrs. Scott will input Band Flag participants.)  Choir(Mrs. Scott will input Chamber Choir participants.)  HS TAG(Must be TAG qualified to request.)  Additional Core Courses Electives

12 Logging Off  To prevent other users from accessing the portal and changing requested courses, instead of just closing the browser, click the Sign Out option in the Index.  Course Registration for 2014-2015 will close May 2, 2014.

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