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UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE Delivering an Evidence Based Research & Development Strategy- Why, how and wherefore? Eileen Dickinson (Head of Profession,OT) Suzie.

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Presentation on theme: "UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE Delivering an Evidence Based Research & Development Strategy- Why, how and wherefore? Eileen Dickinson (Head of Profession,OT) Suzie."— Presentation transcript:

1 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE Delivering an Evidence Based Research & Development Strategy- Why, how and wherefore? Eileen Dickinson (Head of Profession,OT) Suzie Willis, ( Head OT Research & Development )

2 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE OVERVIEW Why do it? What are the incentives and drivers? Where to start? What do you need?

3 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE Research & Development Strategy WHY? 1. Government Policy 2.Professional requirement (COT) 3. Professional registration (HPC)

4 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE Why ? Government policy: lModernising Mental Health Services, Safe, Sound, Supportive.DOH 1998. lA First Class Service. Quality in the New NHS. DOH. 1998. lThe National Service Framework.1999

5 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE Why?:COT Strategic Vision & Action plan  Contributing to creation of a 5 yr strategic framework for OT in collaboration with AHP’s  Support the establishment of centres of excellence with sufficient infrastructures to sustain a research active community of OTs.  Contribute to the inclusion of AHP’s in policy formation, implementation and evaluation  Promote priority research topics and diversity of methods  All members are expected to promote a culture to improve practice  Reinforce requirements and responsibilities regarding the research capacity of all members

6 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE Why ? ‘Standards of proficiency’. HPC, July 2003 London v www. @ 2B.2 p11: ‘Occupational therapists are to be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills in order to make professional judgements.. through established theories, models, frameworks and concepts of OT.’

7 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE Why? The Clinical Specialist & Consultant OT: - Expert clinical practitioners, - Research (Master degree / Phd), - Teaching / dissemination of skills, national/ international level

8 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE Where to start : Audit What skills do you already have in your workforce? What are their thoughts/ views/ motivations? What are the barriers currently faced? What supports do they need?

9 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE CNWL December 2000 Audit: 84% Not involved in formal academic studies 90% Expressed an interest in undertaking or participating in research studies 72% Stated that they agreed that as a therapist they should invest more time in keeping up to date with research methods and findings. 87% Felt strongly that as a professional group greater respect and reimbursement would be given to a service that demonstrated greater efficacy

10 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE Where to start ? Start at the top:  Trust Board backing  A Champion for your cause  Academic partnership.

11 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE Design your strategy: Reference national policy & professional requirements Review your trust business case & local initiatives What will your work proposal add to the required output of the trust: clinical governance: benefits to patient & staff group

12 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE What do you propose to do and why? -Specify what it is you intend to do -Identify what changes you hope to achieve -How you will go about this -What resources you will need

13 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE CNWL OT R&D Strategy 1. Raise research awareness amongst OT staff 2. Identify research and development posts for OT’s 3. Create an organisational culture that supports OTs as researchers and research consumer 4.Develop staff skills to undertake evidence based practice 5.Enable staff to evaluate planned changes in local practice based on their research findings 6.Ensure sustained support for OTs undertaking clinical R&D activities.

14 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE What will you need? Leadership posts : Head OT R&D/ Research practitioner Senior Research practitioners / Clinical specialists Followers: all accountable through JD and supervision structures, CPD, training, support networks

15 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE What will you need? Organisational infra-structure: 1.Research & Development steering group 2. Seven Clinically based working sub groups 3. Monthly Link forum & training sessions


17 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE What will you need?  Money and Elbow Grease!  Roll out your work incrementally in a phased/ managed approach  Ensure support is sustained  Friends in high places

18 UKCORE  CNWL/UKCORE What will you need? Link with: R&D consortia & Clinical governance grp Senior managers Research active doctors Universities Anyone else you need to…..

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