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Distance learning programmes in Renewable Energy at TERI University V.V.N.Kishore, Professor and Head, Dept.of Energy & Environment TERI University, 10,

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Presentation on theme: "Distance learning programmes in Renewable Energy at TERI University V.V.N.Kishore, Professor and Head, Dept.of Energy & Environment TERI University, 10,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Distance learning programmes in Renewable Energy at TERI University V.V.N.Kishore, Professor and Head, Dept.of Energy & Environment TERI University, 10, Institutional Area, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi India

2 About TERI University The University is the outcome of research, consultancy and outreach activities of The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) Deemed University status granted by the University Grants Commission of India in August 1999 The University commits itself to academic excellence and an environment which would encourage personal and intellectual growth.

3 TERI University has evolved its organisational structure bearing TERI’s skill-sets in mind Faculty of Applied Sciences  Centre for Bioresources and Biotechnology  Department of Natural Resources  Department of Energy and Environment Faculty of Policy and Planning  Centre for Regulatory and Policy Research  Department of Policy Studies

4 Regular programmes Doctoral programmes MA (Public Policy & Sustainable Development) MBA (Infrastructure) M Sc (Environmental Studies) M Sc (Natural Resources Management) M Sc (Water Resources Management) M Sc (Geoinformatics) M Sc (Plant Biotechnology) M Sc (Climate Science & Policy) M Tech (Renewable Energy Engineering & Management) MBA (Business Sustainability)

5 Distance learning programmes in Renewable Energy The following distance learning programmes are offered by Dept. of Energy and Environment: – PG Diploma (one year) – Advanced PG Diploma (two years) The programmes were initiated with partial support from a UKIERI grant and in collaboration with The Open University, UK (Collaborator: Prof. Godfrey Boyle). Partial financial support was obtained from the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Govt. of India, for the one year programme. Applications are invited in March each year and programmes start in July.

6 Programmes are designed – to provide postgraduate training in the area of Renewable Energy – for working professionals/ fresh graduates in engineering (all branches) and related disciplines – to meet the needs of trained human resource for an expanding Renewable and Sustainable Energy industry in India and other countries.

7 Approval of programmes Programmes have been reviewed and approved by the Departmental Committee and the Academic Council of the University.

8 Evaluation procedure ActivityWeightage Assignments30% Semester end exams40 % Minor project15% Major project15%

9 PG Diploma in Renewable Energy-1year Block-1 Energy Infrastructure Block-2 Introduction to Basic Engineering Principles FTF interaction Block-3 Renewable Energy Block-4 Policies, Programs and Regulations FTF interaction Project work

10 Advanced PG Diploma in Renewable Energy - 2 years Block-1 Energy infrastructure Block-2 Introduction to Basic Engineering Principles FTF interaction Block-3 Environmental and Health Impact of Energy Use Block-4 Energy Conservation and Management Block-5 Renewable Energy Sources FTF interaction Minor Project

11 Advanced PG Diploma (contd) Block-6 Solar Thermal, Solar Photovoltaics and Passive Solar Architecture Block-7 Hydro, Wind, Geothermal, Ocean energy etc. FTF interaction Block-8 Thermo-chemical and Biochemical Conversion of Biomass. Liquid Biofuels Block-9 Policy, Programs, Regulation, etc. Block-10 Fossil Fuel Sustainability Block-11 Software Tools for Energy Analysis FTF interaction Major Project

12 Programme delivery Study material, consisting of PDF files, Excel sheets, Word and Video files, is made available to the students week-wise through the university website using moodle platform: Some assignments are also made available on bi-weekly/weekly basis to assess the knowledge of the students on the topic For sharing their views and clearing doubts on the topics, students interact with each other and with tutors through: – Online discussion forum – Online chat sessions – E-mail – Telephone

13 Face to face interaction sessions The face to face interactions are planned for a week each in winter and summer at the designated study centers (Delhi, Bangalore, Pune)

14 The activities during the FTF sessions include: – Lectures on subjects learnt during the semester

15 – Hands-on experience in measurements, testing etc. The FTF activities (contd)

16 – Visits to nearby energy installations/industries – Interaction with institutes/industry dealing with renewable energy – End-semester exams The FTF activities (contd)

17 Present status ProgrammeStudents Advanced PG Diploma (2009-2011)14 PG Diploma(2010-2011)27 Advanced PG Diploma (2010-2012)23

18 Thank you

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