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Published byRosa Hains Modified over 10 years ago
International News US increasing its visible support Operating under financial constraints but slowing down other parts of the MUCOOL programme to provide resources to iMICE.
Solenoid & Refrigerating Solenoid Expected mid October - time scale slipped by two months but no panic ( yet ) Refrigeration A problem with the discontinuation of the system which had been the basis of the original plans. The replacement system is more expensive – however the process of drawing down contingency funds has been exercised. Expecting to order replacement this week.
RF Power System from Berkley Arrived at Daresbury and the renovation is building momentum.
RF Cavity The RF cavity under construction at Berkeley has been electro-polished and is being prepared for power at the Fermilab MTA
TRD SEPT04 Layout TOF0 TOF1 Ckov1 Iron Shield TOF2 Ckov 2Cal ISIS Bea m Diffuser Proton Absorber Iron Shield Tracker Target Particle identification PID
Chkov1 CKOV1 University of Mississippi Summary Frascati meeting Ray tracing optimization of Mirror and PMT in progress Test Beam this autumn Final design by January 06
Aerogel box Front mirror Particle entrance window Particle exit window Reflecting pyramid Back mirror Optical windows, Winston cones, PM’s + various small elements (clamping pieces for windows) 8 Ckov2 : University of Louvain
Simulation of ckov2 3 detectors hit ! Some ring imaging clearly visible on the screen display. 28 No scattering
Aim of TOF stations : Milan TOF0 experiment trigger TOF0/TOF1 PID on incoming muons TOF1/TOF2 PID on particle traversing the cooling channel Requirements: oSingle detector resolution ~60 ps oHigh rate capability oSustain nearby B fringe fields
The environment The beamline design puts harder and harder requests on TOF stations Higher and higher particle rates ( now 2.3-2.8 MHz for TOF0, it was ~1 MHz at beginning) Request for thinner and thinner scintillators (to reduce multiple scattering) TOF stations in the fringe field of magnets: quadrupoles for TOF0 (B ~ 50-100 gauss), solenoids for TOF1/TOF2 (B~.2 T)
TOF0 support structure
TOF Detector Layout TOF X/Y planes with PMTs at both ends: TOF0 is placed after Q6. TOF1 is placed after Q9. TOF2 downstream –Transverse sizes: TOF0,1,2 are all 48 48 cm. –Segmentation: All stations are 2 planes arranged orthogonal to each other. TOF0 has 12 slabs in each plane. NO OVERLAP (to cope with higher rates) TOF1,2 have 8 slabs per plane. NO OVERLAP TOF0 environment: –Low field: 100-200 g; High rate: 2.5 MHz. TOF1,2 environment: –High field: 1-2 Kg; Medium rate 0.5 MHz
Comparison of laser with cosmics calibration data The two calibration methods provide similar accuracy on the equalization constants The shifts of equalization constants ( ) measured with the two methods are well correlated (within 100ps) 70ps laser cosmics Shifts of calibration constants from 2001 to 2002 data taking M Bonesini – IEEE 2002
TOF : Conclusions design for TOF stations well understood only some points to be defined connected with choice of size of TOF1/TOF2 PMTs (1.5” vs 2”) and divider for TOF0 PMTs (booster vs active divider) define electronics chain (TDC for high incoming rate): probable choice CAEN V1290 define the high-demanding calibration system (mainly laser based) test a prototype asap at LNF BTF, together with EMCAL
Test Beams UK : Focus on two test beams KEK : late September – testing the tracker ISIS : Early January – testing the production target
Tracker Prototype Fourth station completed and new tracker assembled with 4 stations at Imperial. New waveguides manufactured in Japan. Optical connector at Station end much easier to use! Tracker was made light-tight at Imperial and shipped to Fermilab for cosmic-ray testing. Now in Japan being setup for test-beam.
ACC and TOF Performance
VLPC with MICE Cryostat We have two D0 VLPC cassettes (1024 channels each). MICE cryostat, using Sumitomo cryocoolers has been operating at Fermilab since May. Now operating well at KEK. LED calibration data taken at Fermilab as well as 3606 cosmic ray triggers.
FNAL Cosmic Ray Setup
High Gain Cassette - More Light Made with G4MICE
Test Beams : Isis Background Isis beam – 50 Hz rep rate. Injection every 20ms. Acceleration 10ms. Fast extraction. MICE target dips into the beam during the last ~2ms by upto 35 millimetres Must be out by the next injection 10ms later.
Target questions Satisfy ISIS that we can create a system which 1.Will not compromise the vacuum 2.Whose reliability does not compromise ISIS operation 3.Removes a maximum amount of ISIS beam Determine whether what muon flux we can produce within these constraints. Aims of the tests 1.Run a prototype target 2.Characterise the beam
Hall Switches (Control) Position Sensor (Monitor)
Target questions A target has been created and put through bench tests It works with some provisos continuous oscillation one shot operation needed for synchronisation with ISIS not made of vacuum safe materials
Target answers : i Plans Necessary improvements Creation of a version in vacuum safe materials Improvement of the electronics to allow one shot operation Desirable improvements Upgrade the electronics to increase the power and hence the acceleration. At present the acceleration is not sufficient to get the target in and out in the required time.
Target answers : ii Desirable improvements Upgrade the electronics to increase the power and hence the acceleration. At present the acceleration is not sufficient to get the target in and out in the required time. January running 50/128 Hz – means that the target does not have to be out in 10ms Start of insertion can be moved back in time to allow sufficient target insertion.
Timetable: Design review end September Test mechanical assembly late October. Vacuum & reliability tests November. Decision on readiness end November. Install in ISIS from early January ISIS closes 20 th January. Test run from 23 rd January (~100 pulses? Over a few days). Remove by 31 st January.
Particle flux measurements : Glasgow Prepare for system test end 2005 inside ISIS at 10 m, 20 m. –Set-up test station at Glasgow with UNIDAQ and read-out electronics: in progress, some technical problems with DAQ (talking to Makoto) –Test all PMTs and validate performance –Purchase Bicron BC-404 scintillator + light-guides. –Full system fully tested by November 2005 –Purchase polyethylene absorbers –Install equipment in ISIS during December-January (ISIS shutdown) –Set-up triggering electronics and gated scalers for target monitoring In parallel, perform more accurate simulations: in progress –Calculate particle momenta coming out of target –Run test-beam set-up at 10 m and 20 m using different absorbers –Determine rate per scintillator slab for different configurations –Write proposal to ISIS: target November 2005
Conclusions Work is building momentum. Progress is happening in all the components Problems are arising and ( thus far ) being solved
Advert CCLRC/PPARC seeks to position UK strategically w.r.t.: –International Linear Collider –Neutrino Factory –Other accelerator-based scientific facilities Key component – high-gradient cavities: –Develop manufacturing capability –Neutrino Factory application: Proton driver: –Front-end: ~234 MHz, RFQ, buncher cavities, chopper –Could be SC linac; SPL (352 MHz), FNAL (1.3 GHz), … –Synergy with ILC Phase rotation, buncher and cooling channel –Require large aperture low frequency –Transport: solenoidal channel cavities operate in strong B field Use warm cavities at low (200 MHz – 300 MHz) frequencies
Collaboration: So far: –US: LBNL (some advice/contact from/with JLab) –UK: IC Phys/Mech.Eng., advice and contact from CCLRC, RAL and DL Proposal: –Cavity: US: LBNL, FNAL (MuCool, MTA), JLab? UK: IC, CCLRC, HPRF Faraday (E2V, Shakespeare) Cockroft –Note: Industrial CASE application ICL/HPRF Faraday submitted –Coupling coil: GVA Timescale: –Submit October/November Proposal Design, manufacture and commission 201MHz cavity
Design from Imperial Mech. Eng. Contact Ken Long
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