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Rally School 2012
General Info Run on open public roads in sections 2-10+ miles long
Sections timed to the minute and the target is an 30mph average speed Competitors are given clues at the start of each section which they must solve in order to find the correct route Route checks along the way are code boards
General Info The score is kept in terms of penalty points
Being fastest on the road is not the way to win a road rally Missing a code board or passage control is penalised heavily compared with arriving early or late, so getting the route correct is vital
Navigator Never lose your place on the map
Give instructions and directions to the driver Keep track of time and communicate with driver about what is an appropriate speed remember to set watch to rally time at signing on! Looks after paperwork - write down codeboards, make sure marshal has written the correct time in the correct box Main person responsible for solving clues
Navigator - Equipment Map(s) Digital watch Pencils Light and magnifier
correct edition as noted in regs set to rally time Pencils Light and magnifier fairly dark (3B/4B) so they are easy to see Torch or headtorch Cardboard board Travel sickness pills... to lean on when drawing on map Extra Clipboard ruler leaning on and keeping paperwork together tracing paper calculator Rubber pencil sharpener protractor - some higher level clues may use angle or bearings Roamer accurate reference plotting, good idea to have this on a piece of string so you don't lose it at a key moment
Driver Should be comfortable with the car
Either extend own insurance or take insurance offered through event organisers Check car will pass scrutineering Drive within their own abilities Support and help navigator where appropriate Watch for code boards and tell nav when you see them
Car Preparation Able to pass an MOT
Car Preparation Scrutineering usually takes about 5 minutes, it is a check to aid safety, not trying to catch you out tyres should be in good condition with legal tread lights working - dipped, main, fog, indicators, brakes not excessively noisy seats secure with working seatbelts brakes working, including handbrake battery secure and positive terminal insulated, no dodgy wiring no significant fluid leaks - coolant, oil, brake fluid or fuel remove or strap down lose objects that could move around and potentially cause injury warning triangle in case of breakdown or accident tax up to date Remember to make sure you have sufficient fuel!
"to finish first, first you must finish"
Driving Technique "to finish first, first you must finish" The amount of time and penalties you might save by going a little faster is small compared to the amount of penalties you incur by missing a single code board, or the time it takes to be recovered from a ditch! Drive at a moderate/normal speed and concentrate as a crew on getting the navigation right and spotting all the code boards
Driving Technique Reading of the road by the nav can be useful to give the driver an idea of the corners ahead, however it is difficult to see every corner on the map and they are often quite inaccurate due to the small scale. Obey the rules of the road at all times and drive sensibly Remember at all times you are competing on open, public roads so around any corner there may be another competitor, a tractor, walkers etc, coming in either direction. If there is a faster competitive car behind you – let it past!
Driving Technique Due to trying to maintain an average speed on twisty roads there is often repeated acceleration and braking so be aware that brake performance can fall over time as they heat up. Treat all give way junctions as stops - complete stop at the junction, failure to do so can result in heavy penalties if spotted by a marshal 'Quiet zones' are areas where competitors must make the minimum amount of noise in order to not disturb local residents. Speeds less than 30mph in a high gear with dipped lights is required Failure to do so can result in exclusion. It is essential to be courteous to people who live near the rally route so that events can be held in the future.
Map Ordnance Survey Landranger series, scale 1:50,000
Map(s) used specified in regs make sure you have the appropriate edition as some clues will not work with the wrong edition. Highlight important features every tenth grid line spot heights churches maybe milestones and mile posts Crease the edges so you can fold the map back on itself The key on the right hand side defines all map features
Map References Plotted with a roamer Should be split to be plotted
eg > Four figure - entire 1km grid square Six figure - point within the square Eight figure - very exact references, extra digits will only be 0 or 5 (or ½)
Map References >
General Route Solving - Process
Check the clue you have been given is the right one for your class (it should say at the top of the paper) Plot next control so you have somewhere to aim for (higher levels may not be given this). This also helps to make sure you end up in the right place as you solve the clue. Calculate the time you need to be at the next control Check whether it is CRO (coloured roads only), AR (all roads) or IGR (ignore gated roads) You can either plot stationary or moving, I would recommend stationary to begin with Keep the mileage for the section in mind as you plot Don't forget the driver can also help with clue solving
General Route Solving - Process
Plot the clue as a continuous line close to the left of the road. Do not draw on the road itself as you will obscure it and make it more difficult to see features as you follow the route. Once you have plotted the clue, tell the driver to move off and start giving directions Keep your place on the map at all times, and tell your driver if you are unsure so they can slow down or stop to prevent you getting too far from the route. Keep an eye on the time and adjust speed as necessary to arrive at the control at the correct minute Don't forget to look for code boards - this should be mainly the drivers job as they are looking out at the road rather than down at the map. Make sure you write the code in the correct place on the time card When you have arrived at the control hand over your time card to the marshal and say what time you are after. Make sure they write the correct time in the correct box
General Route Solving - Process
General Route Solving NAM Triangles
Abbreviations AR = all roads MR = map reference B = brown
NAM = not as map BK = black PC = passage control BL = blue SH = spot height CRO = coloured roads only (blue/red/brown/yellow) SO = straight on SR = side road ETL = electricity transmission line TC = time control FL = fork left TJ = T-junction FR = fork right TL = turn left GL = grid line TR = turn right GS = grid square W = white IGR = ignore gated roads XR = crossroads km = kilometres Y = yellow m = metres
Clue type: Map References
Plot references accurately Pass through or avoid as directed by the clue At novice levels they will be given in order, may not be in order at higher levels Always take the shortest possible route
Clue type: Map Features
Spot heights give height at the point Can use any features on the map such a bridges, churches, ETL etc. The map key will show what symbols are used. Over and under – these normally refer to a bridge, although the bridge symbol may not be shown in the clue Other features may also be on the road writing such as place names Pass the features using the shortest route Also get spot height totals - normally higher level clues
Clue type: Grid Lines or Squares
Pass through grid squares or cross over grid lines Be aware of the difference between touching and crossing You may get two options and have to look ahead to work out which to use
Touching vs Crossing Definition of a road crossing or touching a grid line, electricity transmission line etc: A road that touches a line, as defined above, is deemed to cross it TWICE
Clue type: Coloured Junctions
Each block denotes a junction eg YBBY Enter a junction on the first colour Ignore the middle colour(s) Leave on the last colour May have to look ahead to eliminate options Look for crossroads (4 letters) YBBY
Clue type: Directions and Clock Face
Junction direction leave junction in given direction keep in mind whether you are including white roads and/or gated roads eg. SRTR = side road turn right
Clue type: Directions and Clock Face
Compass directions may mean leave grid square in given directions (will say in clue at novice level) eg. NW = leave the junction on the road heading north-west
Clue type: Directions and Clock Face
enter junction on the hour, leave on the minute eg. 11:10
Clue type: Tulips Each tulip represents a junction
Enter on the ball, leave on the arrow Can be seen as on map or always pointing up At higher levels there may be no ball and/or no arrow
Clue type: Herringbone
Route as a straight line, with short lines showing what roads are missed (CRO)
Clue type: Codes Clues may use a code
eg. A = 1, then used to write junction direction ( for XRSO) or to write grid lines (BD FB for 24 62) eg. a codeword that is 10 letters long with the letters representing the numbers 0-9
More Advanced... There are variations on the clues at harder levels. It is best to get out and get as much experience with different clues as possible.
Time Cards It should show control locations and section times
Usually space for you to use to work out your due time Code boards should be recorded on your time card A marshal will sign the card at each control
Time Cards
At a Time Control Enter control from the right direction - penalties for wrong direction You can ask for either the minute on the clock or the next minute - recommend entering on your minute to avoid any confusion If you are early, wait before the board If you are late, ask the marshal for your minute or 'earliest please' Be polite, the marshal's word is final
Timekeeping Always be aware of what time you need to arrive at the next control and try to have an idea whether you are on time, late or early. Timing is done in whole minutes, so both 22:45:01 and 22:45:58 are considered as 22:45 If you end up running late, aim to stay running the same amount late rather than racing to catch up. Basically, keep to the time for the section, not overall.
Timekeeping Rally time = all marshals and competitors watches should be synchronised to an agreed time which will be on display at signing on Lateness = how far you are behind your scheduled time. If you keep arriving late at controls you will increase your lateness. OTL = outside total lateness, gives the limit of how much lateness you are allowed to accumulate. Limit is usually 30 minutes. If you book into a time control OTL then it doesn't count, as if you never visited it at all if you are running late and the next two time controls are close to each other than you could miss a time control and so be on time for one of them. However you risk missing all codeboards and arriving at the control from the wrong direction. These both give heavy penalties.
Penalties Arriving later than due time at a TC = 1 per minute
Booking in before scheduled time = 2 per minute Missing a code board = 15 Arriving at a TC in the wrong direction = 15 Failing to visit a TC = 30 Minor infringement eg failing to stop at a give way = 30 Major infringement eg speeding = exclusion To count as having finished the rally, you have to visit a certain number of time controls, normally around two thirds (eg. 6 out of 9 TCs). There are certain controls which you must visit, normally the start, finish and any point at which time cards are collected such as a regroup.
Licences Everyone in the car needs to be a member of a MSA club - such as EUMSC! To compete in a 12-car rally you do not need a licence. The Training Rally will be a 12-car and most events have a 12-car class. To compete in non 12-car a licence is needed as necessary for the class
Navigational Scatters
There are a number of control points at various locations on the map Visiting each one is worth a varying amount of points depending on how hard they are to find You receive a sheet of navigational information for the control points at the start - map references or clues, which may require information you obtain by visiting another control point first eg. if the board at the last control was yellow follow instructions A, if it was white follow instruction B There is no obvious way to visit all controls but you must decide how much time to allow for plotting before heading out and plan a route to maximise your score. Most control points are not manned and require you to note down a detail off a road sign or house name
Regs and Final Instructions
These will give you key info about the event so read carefully! map needed start and finish venue scrutineering times (start and finish) signing on time deadline time that the first car starts list of abbreviations entry list, and your car number quiet zones phone numbers for the organisers - make sure you have a note of these whilst competing so you can contact someone in the case of an incident
At the Event Fill out an entry form and give to organisers along with entry fee (sort out between the crew how this is split) Organise with your driver/nav where to meet and arrive in plenty of time Scrutineer and sign on when you arrive at the start venue Get your car number and display it where directed Make sure you know your start time, and where the start control is Get your map and paperwork ready – plot start control Start and finish control can be plotted before the event as they are given in the regs Remember: if you are ever unsure of where you’re meant to be or what you’re meant to be doing just ask, there will be plenty of people who are happy to help!
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