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Safer and Stronger Opportunities and Challenges for Community Justice Authorities.

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Presentation on theme: "Safer and Stronger Opportunities and Challenges for Community Justice Authorities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safer and Stronger Opportunities and Challenges for Community Justice Authorities

2 Background and Role 8 CJAs - Glasgow is unique. Local elected members provide accountability. Strategic role, do not deliver services – yet. 2% reduction in reconvictions by 2011. Governance of CJSWS ring fenced funding.

3 Area Plans 2008-2011 Violent, serious and sex offenders Persistent offenders, including women Young Offenders Resettlement and rehabilitation Housing and Accommodation Employability Health, including general health and mental health Addictions Families and Victims

4 Outcomes for Communities 1. Consistent approach leading to increased community safety. 2. Increased public confidence on the effectiveness of work with offenders. 3. Improved understanding of: community disposals the role of prisons. 4. Improved satisfaction for victims and sentencers. 5. Care of victims and timely information. 6. Timely information and involvement of families.

5 Some Early Work Glasgow’s Citizens’ Panel Work with Families and Victims about timely information. What works? Consultation with prisoners and those on a community sentence. Local Community Service priorities. Structured Deferred Sentence Package.

6 Challenges and Opportunities Challenges Creating a community profile. From partnership to joint working with others The national and local agenda. Demonstrating improvement - early. Opportunities Strong Glasgow identity Support and existing community structures Prison Commission & Audit Scotland reports Community Service visibility and feedback

7 SASO Glasgow Annual Conference 12 May 2008 Anne Connolly Chief Officer Glasgow CJA

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