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Graduate Entry into Vet Med. Vet Schools  RVC  Edinburgh  Liverpool  Glasgow  Dublin (2.2)  Nottingham  Dublin  Bristol  Cambridge (5 as graduates)

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Presentation on theme: "Graduate Entry into Vet Med. Vet Schools  RVC  Edinburgh  Liverpool  Glasgow  Dublin (2.2)  Nottingham  Dublin  Bristol  Cambridge (5 as graduates)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduate Entry into Vet Med

2 Vet Schools  RVC  Edinburgh  Liverpool  Glasgow  Dublin (2.2)  Nottingham  Dublin  Bristol  Cambridge (5 as graduates) 4 Year Courses 5 Year Courses

3 Tuition Fees  RVC – £3,000ish  Edinburgh - £22,000  Glasgow - £22,000  Cambridge - £10,000ish  Nottingham - £3,000ish  Dublin – €28,000  Bristol - £18,000

4 Funding your place  Student Loan Company  Professional Development Loan (Natwest)  Bank Loans  Parents/Guardians  Remortgaging house  MP’s – Local Funding/Bursaries

5 UCAS Applications  Register as an individual  Personal statement  Reference  £19 (if more than 1 uni applied to)

6 Personal Statement  Promote yourself  Don’t lie  Make it stand out  Work experience (small & large animal)  BSc modules and projects  Hobbies/Interests

7 Bio Medical Admissions Test  RVC  Cambridge  Dublin – GAMSAT  ~£70  Centres across London  Register  Test in November  More info

8 G & T  2 years in 1  Lots of anatomy  Module overlap with Vet Sci  AHEMS 12 weeks

9 Questions…

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