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ANSWERS. Promotional To advertise and to promote sales of the window. Also to raise the publics awareness of the company. Production To aid in the manufacture.

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Presentation on theme: "ANSWERS. Promotional To advertise and to promote sales of the window. Also to raise the publics awareness of the company. Production To aid in the manufacture."— Presentation transcript:


2 Promotional To advertise and to promote sales of the window. Also to raise the publics awareness of the company. Production To aid in the manufacture of the window. This information would be used by those involved in putting the window together in the factory. Preliminary To show initial ideas at the concept stage of how the new window might look. This could be helpful to people such as the client and the planning authorities. The size of the sheet of paper the drawing is going on to. The size of the object in real life. 1810 mm 1780 mm landscape portrait 24 47 size 47 should be above the dimension line size 24 should be rotated to read left to right projection lines should not touch the object matching set of arrows should be used hatching lines should lie at 45 o 15 20 15 35 50

3 Keep it simple – don’t try to be too smart Avoid mixing layout styles / avoid mixing typefaces / avoid ‘junk’ type Avoid changes which are too subtle and can look like mistakes Limit the number of visual elements on a page / limit the number of typefaces in a publication / create visual contrast / make full use of white space Reverse – white on black Rule Subheading / subtitle Graphic/ illustration / picture / image / artwork Caption Footer / folio / footer folio Gutter Margin Graduated / gradient / linear / logarithmic Pattern / hatch / hatching / texture Solid / pattern-solid / hatch-solid / plain / colour Edit tools to transfer a graphic from one location within a publication to another. The original is lost in this process. Edit tools to create multiple copies of text/graphics from one location to other specified locations. The original is kept in this process. When CAD drawings are layered they behave as if they were multiple sheets of tracing paper stacked on top of each other. Each layer can be assigned a unique job like ‘dimensions’ or ‘centre lines’ and the layers could be switched on and off as required. An architect could make complex drawings simplified by breaking the drawing down into sections such as ‘electrical’, ‘plumbing’, ‘water’ etc. and putting each on a separate layer. The user could then look at the drawing layers collectively or individually.






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