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Published byRebeca Estess Modified over 10 years ago
Strategic Clinical Network Structures
O UR STRUCTURE 2 Greater Manchester Area Team (Host Organisation) Greater Manchester Area Team (Host Organisation) Cardiovascular Council Mental Health, Dementia and Neurological Conditions Oversight and Planning Group NHS England Maternity, Children and Young People Senate Assembly Palliative and End of Life Care Cancer Dr Peter Elton Clinical Director for SCNs Janet Ratcliffe Associate Director Professor Donal O’Donoghue Senate Chair Juliette Kumar Senate Manager donal.o'
Oversight, Steering Group and Task and Finish Groups responsibilities: Oversight Group will oversee the:Steering Group will:Task and Finish groups and special interest groups development of the SCNs in line with national policy and the needs of the constituent organisations, ensuring active engagement of these constituent organisations. Develop the disease/condition specific network in line with national policy and the needs of the constituent organisations, ensuring clinical engagement, influence and the patient’s voice is at the heart of network activities. development of SCN strategies and annual programmes of quality improvement ensuring these are integrated with the wider health community agenda, especially commissioning plans. This will include approving the SCNs annual work-plan for submission to the NHS England Board. Overseeing the development of the strategy and annual programme of quality improvement in line with national and local priorities, plans submitted to the Oversight Group for approval prior to submission to the NHS England Board To deliver the detailed work necessary to deliver the programmes of quality improvement identified as priorities by the steering groups allocation of resources to the SCNs and approving the SCNs financial plans. Developing resource plans for submission to the Oversight Group for approval. Following approval ensuring delivery within the resources agreed. Identify any resource gaps to delivery of the individual projects timely delivery of the SCN strategies and annual work-plans. This will include ensuring planned improvements in quality and outcomes are achieved, with supporting intervention for significant risks to benefits realisation. Leading the delivery of the disease/condition specific network strategy and annual work-plan. This will include ensuring planned improvements in quality and outcomes are achieved, with supporting intervention for significant risks to benefits realisation. Identifying any risks to delivery of the quality improvement projects and benefits realisation delivery of the Annual Accountability Agreement including the production of a quarterly Accountability Report, the publication of an Annual Report and other evaluation requirements Contributing to the delivery of the overarching SCNs Annual Accountability Agreement including the production of a quarterly Accountability Reports, the publication of an Annual Report and other evaluation requirements Contribution to the production of the quarterly reports progression of partnership arrangements between the SCN groupings; with other structures (e.g. Academic Health Science Networks); and other geographical areas as required Assessing the implications of national/regional policy and guidance for SCN conditions across primary, secondary, tertiary and community care. Ensuring that the implications of national/regional policy is considered and taken into account in the development of local policy and guidance Providing leadership and promoting the work of the SCNs within the wider community Providing support, advice and recommendations to commissioners (NHS Commissioning Board and Clinical Commissioning Groups), including information from horizon scanning. Providing recommendations to the Steering Groups Engagement of patients,, carers and members of the public including those groups with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010
Dr Fath-Ordoubadi Cardiac Dr Khalil Kawafi Stroke Dr Mike Picton Renal Mr Simon Hardy Vascular Dr Mark Kellett Neurology Dr Kenneth Wood Dementia Dr Arokia Antonysamy Mental Health Dr Sandeep Ranote CAMHS Miss Karen Bancroft Maternity Dr Carol Ewing Children Dr Geraldine Skailes Cancer Dr Mark Robinson Children Dr Susan Salt Palliative & End of Life Care Dr Stephanie Gomm Palliative & End of Life Care Dr Sara Shackleton Palliative & End of Life Care Dr Naresh Kanumilli Diabetes Clinical Leads
Mental Health, Dementia, Neurological Conditions and P&EoL Care Strategic Clinical Networks Dementia Steering Group (Chair: Kenneth Wood) Palliative & End of Life Care Steering Group (Co-Chairs: Stephanie Gomm & Susan Salt) SCN and Senate Oversight and Planning (OP) Group Mental Health Steering Group (Chair: Arokia Antonysamy) Neurological Conditions Steering Group (Chair: Mark Kellett) SCNs and Senate Footprint Task and Finish groups SCNs and Senate PCP Advisory Group GM Area Team (Host Medical Director (Chair) CAMHS Advisory Group (Chair: Sandeep Ranote ) Maternity, Children and Young People Steering Group Mental Health, Dementia, Neurological Conditions and Palliative and End of Life Care
Dementia Neurological Conditions and Learning Disabilities Palliative and End of Life Care Mental Health Task and Finish Groups to TBC Early Diagnosis Pathway Mental Health, Dementia, Neurological Conditions and Palliative and End of Life Care Kim Wrigley Quality Improvement Lead Maqsood Ahmad SCN Manager CCG/GP Leadership Training Sue Dyke BST and PA Schizophrenia Integrated Care Pathway Review IAPT and Learning Disabilities Reduce Premature Deaths CAMHS (Led by Advisory Group) Parity of Esteem John Herring Quality Improvement Lead Task and Finish Groups to TBC Julie Rigby Quality Improvement Lead t Research and Audit Co Chair GM & CL Education and Training Co Chair GM & CL Transforming Care + DNACPR Co Chair GM & CL Care Coordination Facilitators/OOH Co Chair GM & CL Palliative & End of Life Care Plan. Chair: Dr Waterman
Greater Manchester, Lancashire & South Cumbria Strategic Clinical Network Education and Training Co Chair GM & CL Greater Manchester Lancashire and South Cumbria Network Palliative & End of Life Steering Group (SCN clinical leads +team, Locality Chairs, Patient Rep) Chair: Dr Gomm and Dr Salt Transforming Care + DNACPR CO Chair GM & CL Patients, carers and members of the public (including voluntary organisations) Local Strategy Groups North West Operational Group (MPET) Chair: Dr Ellershawe Lancashire and South Cumbria Palliative & End of Life Care Strategic Clinical Network Advisory Group Chair: Dr Salt Cumbria Gre ater Manchester Cancer Services (GMCS) Palliative Care Board Chair: Carol Mula Greater Manchester P&EOLC SCN Advisory Group Chair: Dr Gomm Care Coordination Facilitators/OOH CO Chair GM & CL Research and Audit Co Chair GM & CL DNACPR Reference Group NWAS Facilitators Palliative & End of Life Care Plan (Task & Finish) Chair: Dr Waterman Palliative and End of Life Care Structure
Maternity and Children CAMHS Advisory Group (Chair: Sandeep Ranote )
Maternity and Children Children and Young People Rachel Kramrisch BST and PA Julie Cheetham SCN Manager Reduction in perinatal mortality emphasis Small for Gestational Age Children & Young People Steering Group Chair - Christine Morgan Barbara Smith - Programme Lead Maternity Maternity Steering Group Chair - Dr Peter Elton CAMHS North West Integrated Care Pathway Improving outcomes for children with Asthma
CVD Steering Group (Chair: tbc) Diabetes Specialist Interest Group/s SCN and Senate Oversight and Planning (OP) Group Cardiac Specialist Interest group/s Vascular Specialist Interest Groups/s Specific projects e.g. HT Cardiac Pathway, Stroke centralisation, Vascular reconfiguration etc. SCN and Senate PCP Advisory Group Area Team Medical Director (Chair) Stroke Specialist Interest group/s CVD Network Cardiovascular
Julie Cheetham SCN Manager Roger Gamon - Programme Lead Renal Cardiac StrokeVascularDiabetes Rachel Kramrisch BST and PA Cardiovascular
GM Clinical Pathway x 20 GM Cancer Commissioning Board SCN and Senate Oversight and Planning (OP) Group Lancashire and South Cumbria SCN Cancer Steering Group Delivery, aligning local / regional priorities, pathway integrity and performance oversight Matrix Cross Cutting Groups SCN and Senate PCP Advisory Group Area Team Medical Director (Chair) Health Inequalities Groups GM Cancer Services providers ( probable ODN) L&SC Tumour Specific Groups Task and Finish Groups Patient Partnership Forums GM Cancer Strategy SCN Forum Cancer
Sue Dyke BST and PA Brian Knowles SCN Manager GMLSC Cancer training network (TBC) GM Primary Care network (TBC) GM Awareness and early diagnosis initiative strategic group Johanna Farrington Cancer
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