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Characteristics of research. Designed to derive generalisable new knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristics of research. Designed to derive generalisable new knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics of research

2 Designed to derive generalisable new knowledge

3 Designed to test a hypothesis

4 Addresses clearly defined questions, aims and objectives

5 Usually involves collecting data that are additional to those for routine care but may include data collected routinely. May involve treatments, samples or investigations additional to routine care

6 Study design may involve allocating patients to intervention groups

7 May involve randomisation

8 Normally requires Research Ethics Committee review

9 Characteristics of clinical audit

10 Designed and conducted to produce information to inform delivery of best care

11 Designed to answer: ‘Does this service reach a predetermined standard?’

12 Measures against a standard

13 Usually involves analysis of existing data but may include administration of simple interview or questionnaire

14 No allocation to intervention

15 No randomisation

16 Does not typically require Research Ethics Committee review

17 Characteristics of service evaluation

18 Designed and conducted solely to define or judge current care

19 Designed to answer ‘What standard does this service achieve’?

20 Measures without reference to a standard

21 Usually involves analysis of existing data but may include administration of simple interview or questionnaire

22 No allocation to intervention

23 No randomisation

24 Does not require Research Ethics Committee review

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