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Headteacher Performance Review and Pay Review 2012 Alan Jenner Senior Adviser, Workforce Development and Head of Governor Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Headteacher Performance Review and Pay Review 2012 Alan Jenner Senior Adviser, Workforce Development and Head of Governor Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Headteacher Performance Review and Pay Review 2012 Alan Jenner Senior Adviser, Workforce Development and Head of Governor Services

2 Intended Outcomes Governors will have: a greater knowledge of the new arrangements for headteacher appraisal A better understand of how the new arrangements will impact on the judgement for Leadership and management an opportunity to raise issues, share solutions and plan to take action

3 Performance Management: What will stay the same ……. Requirement to have a written policy Link between performance and pay Link between appraisal and professional development Process contributes to school improvement and pupil progress Written assessment recording the outcomes

4 Performance Management: What will change ……… The government will not be managing from the centre: the processes involved in establishing the policy and the timescales associated with it who reviews performance the detail of the meetings, the arrangements for the observations; what should be recorded and how the arrangements for appeals, how written assessments should be used and how to report to governors In addition the ‘3 hour’ rule will be removed

5 Establish the school’s appraisal policy, monitor the operation and outcomes of appraisal arrangements, and review the policy every year Agree for 2/3 governors to review the head teacher’s performance on an annual basis Appoint an external adviser to advise appointed governors on the head teacher’s performance Roles & Responsibilities of the Governing Bodies Source: TDA Performance Management Briefing and Planning event

6 Retain a copy of the head teacher’s appraisal statement (normally the Chair) Where the head teacher makes such a request, to action requests for evidence from the performance management process if the head teacher transfers mid- cycle Ensure the content of the head teacher’s appraisal statement is drafted having regard to the need to be able to achieve a satisfactory work life balance Undertake action in relation to appeals in line with the school’s policy Roles & Responsibilities of the Governing Bodies (???) Source: TDA Performance Management Briefing and Planning event

7 Performance review

8 Determining the right salary range

9 To determine the headteacher’s salary range… First –Work out the school’s group size Secondly –Look up the group salary range Thirdly –Consider and decide on the Individual School Range (ISR) –Take into account the recruitment situation

10 Working out the school’s group size 1.Work out the total unit score, based on pupil numbers in each key stage 2.Use the total unit score to find the school’s group size

11 Step 1: Total Unit Score Key stageUnits per pupil EYFS7 17 27 39 411 5 (VI form)13

12 Worksheet ABCD Key stage Number of pupils Units per pupil Unit score (B x C) EYFS7 17 27 39 411 5 (VI form)13 Total

13 Look the group size Total Unit ScoreSchool group Up to 1,0001 1,001 to 2,2002 2,201 to 3,5003 3,501 to 5,0004 5,001 to 7,5005 7,501 to 11,0006 11,001 to 17,0007 17,001 and over8

14 Group sizes in special schools In special schools, the calculations are modified The calculations are too complicated for this course, but the full instructions are included in the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document

15 School Group Size and Pay Ranges (2012) Group Range of spine points Inner London Salary Range 1L6 – L1849,466 – 64,036 2L8 – L2151.611 – 68,375 3L11 – L2455,104 – 73.049 4L14 – L2758,700 – 78,072 5L18 – L3164,036 – 85,384 6L21 – L3568,375 – 93,451 7L24 – L3973,049 – 102,296 8L28 – L4379,835 – 112,181

16 The school’s ISR Headteachers must be paid on an Individual School Range, or ISR The ISR must be set by the relevant body The ISR must have SEVEN CONSECUTIVE POINTS The ISR is an issue for governors to decide WITHIN THE GROUP Remember, what you pay the head teacher should be fair. It should not be over-generous!

17 Rules about setting an ISR The ISR should not normally exceed the top of the group range The headteacher’s salary must be paid in line with the ISR. It is not possible to pay more than the ISR – or less The ISR for the headteacher must be set at least one point higher than the ISR for a deputy headteacher or the equivalent salary of the highest-paid classroom teacher.

18 Flexibility over ISR A school may fix its Individual School Range (ISR) above the Group Range if: –The school is a school causing concern –The governing body considers the school would have substantial difficulty in filling a vacant headteacher post –There is evidence that the school would have difficulty retaining the current headteacher –The headteacher is head of more than one school

19 How much more? If one of the four conditions above is met: –The total sum of payments made to a headteacher in any school year must not exceed 25 per cent of the amount that corresponds to that headteacher’s point on the leadership group pay spine

20 What about a Group 7 or 8 school? If any of the three conditions applies, governors could determine an extended ISR (pay scale) above the maximum for Group 8 –Any locally agreed ISR must consist of seven points An uplift of between 5% and 20% would be in line with the guidance for smaller schools –(moving to an ISR appropriate to a school within one or two groups above the appropriate range for the school in question) If the ISR is raised above the maximum for Group 8, governors must decide on the value of each point on the new scale –It is expected that the gaps between the points would be identical

21 Determining the headteacher’s salary on appointment On appointment the headteacher must be assigned to one of the bottom four points on the ISR It is unlawful to place the headteacher on point five, six or seven

22 Pay review There must not be any movement up the pay spine unless: –there has been sustained, high quality performance, having regard to the most recent appraisal or review The headteacher’s pay may not be increased by more than two points in any one year –If the ISR is raised for any reason, any salary award should be calculated on the basis of the previous ISR before the headteacher is assimilated into the new ISR

23 Planning and Review Meeting Recommended good practice is that at the planning meeting the appraiser and appraisee will: seek to agree the objectives, the observation (if appropriate) and any other evidence; Agree on the success criteria for each of these objectives against which the totality of the teacher’s performance will be assessed at the end of the cycle Become familiar with the National Standards in readiness for 2013

24 The Process Objectives – how many? Lesson observation Other evidence Leadership Standards


26 Case studies The headteacher of a Group 4 school has been in post for twelve years and is paid at the top of the ISR. The school does reasonably well on all performance measures but has more-or-less static results. The governors think the head teacher deserves a pay rise, particularly since he is coming up for retirement. What are their options? The school has had static results at about the national average for four years. This year, they shot up. Should the performance review committee recommend a pay rise for the head teacher?

27 More case studies The headteacher took up her appointment two years ago and was appointed at point four of the school’s ISR. Since that time the school has been bumping along the bottom of the performance tables and there has been little improvement in results. The headteacher has been making representations about her salary, which she says is lower than most of her colleagues. What should the governors do? The headteacher is at the top of his scale (ISR). The school is doing well and the headteacher is keen to get a pay rise. He tells you he has been approached by another school asking him to apply for the headship. He tells you the governing body is offering at least £20,000 per year more than he is currently earning. What should governors do?

28 Recording decisions The headteacher’s annual appraisal statement should ALWAYS make a pay recommendation –The recommendation should be: to offer pay progression of one (or possibly two) points not to offer pay progression because performance has not been sustained and of high quality that there is no available pay progression because the headteacher has reached the top of the ISR –The external adviser could be asked to record the decision on the Appraisal Statement –The external adviser should not be involved in the decision-making on pay All pay decisions, and the reasons for them should be minuted formally The minutes of the pay committee should be signed as an accurate record Any decisions not correctly minuted and explained could be held to be illegal and not binding

29 Performance review and new target setting Pay recommendation from Performance Review Committee (either to offer progression, or not) Pay review by Pay Committee Discussion of any pay recommendation by governing body Pay adjustment (IF agreed) Agree ISR Appoint Headteacher Set targets Record all decisions, and the reasons for them. Sign all minutes. Store them safely in case they are ever required by an auditor

30 The new Ofsted Framework (Sept 2012) Quality of leadership judgement includes the robustness of performance management …….including the extent to which the school takes account of the Teachers’ Standards i.The robustness of procedures for monitoring teaching and learning ii.Strong link between appraisal and salary progression iii.Coherence and effectiveness of the professional development programme iv.How well best practice is identified and modelled

31 New Framework: Subsidiary Guidance Inspectors should: Ask the headteacher about the proportion of teaching staff that has passed through to the upper pay spine Compare this with the overall quality of teaching Find out whether there is a correlation between the two

32 Guidance for Inspectors: Governance Inspectors will consider whether governors are: Carrying out statutory duties Working strategically Challenging and supporting equally Aware of pay progression decisions Performance managing the headteacher Failing to perform well and contributing to weaknesses in leadership and management Involved in Pupil Premium decisions

33 In Summary ………. Must be done by end of December each year Pre-meeting with the external adviser for headteacher Pre-meeting with external adviser for governors An in-the-round evaluation of the previous year’s work, based on the discussions with external adviser and then with the headteacher A judgement on the degree to which last year’s objectives were met

34 ……….continued Set new objectives, making sure they are written in such as way as they will be measurable at the next annual review Ensure training needs are recorded and actioned Consider a mid-year interim meeting to consider progress against objectives Make a pay recommendation and RECORD IT ON THE FORM. Governors must do this themselves since the external adviser should not get involved with pay recommendations The external adviser CAN advise on technicalities of pay scales and ISRs.

35 Storing confidential minutes and review statements Minutes should be stored securely Consider a locked filing cabinet in school –Consider lodging the key with the Chair of Governors with a spare held by the school’s Human Resources provider or other reliable and ongoing outside organisation –Make sure the governing body has a formal minute showing the arrangement…

36 Useful websites School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) 2012 –This is long and dull, but outlines the statutory position on pay –http://www.dfe/search/results?q=schoolteachers+pay +and+conditions+documenthttp://www.dfe/search/results?q=schoolteachers+pay +and+conditions+document

37 Useful websites Appraisal and Capability http://www.dfe/aboutdfe/statutory/g00213138/teacher -appraisal-and-capabilityhttp://www.dfe/aboutdfe/statutory/g00213138/teacher -appraisal-and-capability Schools must have an appraisal policy for teachers and a policy, covering all staff, which deals with lack of capability. The guidance: provides a model policy for schools set out in two parts: I.covers appraisal; and II.covers capability. gives a limited amount of advice on using the policy.

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