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Agenda 8.30 – 9.00 QIO Update 9.00 – 9.45 New Standardised Assessments (Linda Hearton GL Assessment) 9.45 – 10.15Assessment and Moderation Group Discussion/

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1 Agenda 8.30 – 9.00 QIO Update 9.00 – 9.45 New Standardised Assessments (Linda Hearton GL Assessment) 9.45 – 10.15Assessment and Moderation Group Discussion/ sharing practice on Assessment 10.15- 10.30 Group Feedback 10.30 – 11.00Coffee 11.00 - 11.20Assessment – Fox Covert’s journey, Gillian O’Rourke 11.20 – 11.30 Questions/Evaluation

2 SEAL/Into P1/Maths Moderation/5.1 SEAL Schools to be offered whole school training and SEAL Champion Training P1 teachers to receive training and follow up P2 teachers to receive training and follow up SFL Training SEAL Learning and Teaching network Into P1 Booklet with publications Training in June and then again in August (6 th June, 29 th August) Moderation of Maths Will be same format as Moderation of Literacy. Each cluster will need a Numeracy Assessment and Moderation nominee Annotated exemplars to be on Ed Scotland website by June


4 5.1/5.9 Meetings Request by HTs to have more group meetings For this session only, our 5.9 meetings in June will evaluate your curriculum. Details to follow at the next HT meeting. Next session: 1.1 September 5.1 March 5.9 June

5 On Track with Learning Update 25 schools trained last session, 12 currently ‘in training’, 15 more from April Significant aspects for Maths and Literacy added SEEMiS updating management reports re “How much” and “How well” Any teacher comments on progress to be transferred exported (by June 2014) Similar roll out planned for next session... Expression of interest sheet

6 Please add your school name to sign up sheet or email with preference of timing of training ie Aug-Dec, Jan- Easter,

7 Standardised Assessment

8 StageMathematics / NumeracyEnglish / Literacy P1Progress In Maths 5 (Pim5) Booklets sent away for marking and analysis York Assessment of Reading Comprehension (YARC), School to enter data on pupil responses P4 and P7 Progress in Maths – onlineNew Group Reading Test (NGRT) online



11 Build capacity and confidence across CEC practioners to make professional judgements develop professional practice in assessing progress and achievement of a level within the broad general education Assessment and Moderation Teams in Literacy and English

12 Overview Phase 1 - Cluster assessment coordinators (Jan- Mar) Session 1 - Thursday 16th Jan 3.30 - 5.45 Session 2 – Thursday 13 th Feb 3.30 – 5.45 Session 3 – Wednesday 19 th March 3.30 – 5.45 Share the standard - gather evidence of achievement- moderate early,first,second and third level in R,W and L and T Phase 2 - Cluster assessment coordinators working with school assessment coordinators (Mar-June) Session 1 - Monday 31 st Mar 3.30 - 5.45. Session 2 - tba between cluster and school coordinators Share the standard - gather evidence of achievement- moderate early,first,second and third level in R,W and L and T Recall session for assessment cluster coordinators- Tuesday 3 June 3.30 Phase 3 - Cluster Moderation for all staff ( Aug -Mar 2015) Share with HTs Sept 2014 2x Cluster CAT sessions to be arranged Oct - Mar 2015

13 Achieving a level Has achieved a breadth of learning across almost all of the experiences and outcomes for a level, including significant aspects of the curriculum area Has responded consistently well to the level of challenge set out in these experiences and outcomes Has moved forward to more challenging learning in some aspects: and Has applied what he/she has learned in new and unfamiliar contexts

14 Annotated exemplars - support key messages: virtual child assessment judgements should be informed by a range of evidence across the significant aspects of learning*. individual pieces of work in themselves cannot provide evidence of achievement of a level. moderation of evidence is critical progression across levels should be evident latest and best – sampling……?(How much..? And how well?)

15 What will your exemplars look like? you decide for your context A4 or A3 format. Level Title -Reading/Writing/L and T Significant aspects context in which the learning took place learner evidence Annotations - teachers’ notes/pupil voice (may be captured in the evidence) learner reflection/conversations No names

16 Cluster Coordinator School Coordinator

17 Assessment – Key Messages Assessment: 1.Is integral to learning and teaching - involves all stakeholders, most importantly the learner - is ongoing, periodic, at times of transition 2.Builds capacity in practitioners to make professional judgements underpinned by professional dialogue - assessment requires a variety of approaches generating a body of quality evidence - assessment and moderation are integral to each other 3.Is holistic and informative - has many purposes, the most important of which is to support the learner journey - goes beyond KU alone to include skills, attributes and capabilities

18 Assessment Skills Profile


20 Discussion How well have you developed your strategy for assessment to ensure a coherent approach to learning, teaching and assessment ? What are the overall strengths of your current assessment practice? What do you need to further develop ?

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