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Health Information Plus: A User Tour This online presentation shows you around Health Information Plus (or HI+ for short) and points out some of its major.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Information Plus: A User Tour This online presentation shows you around Health Information Plus (or HI+ for short) and points out some of its major."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Information Plus: A User Tour This online presentation shows you around Health Information Plus (or HI+ for short) and points out some of its major features. Click your mouse to move to the next slide.

2 Navigating this demonstration Once you’ve finished reading each slide, please click your mouse to move to the next slide.

3 What is Health Information Plus? A one-stop shop to quality assured health information for patients, carers and the public. An online health and wellbeing information portal developed by the NHS Evaluated information sources including: NHS Scotland, BBC Health, and published healthcare research. Learning resources to build confidence in taking charge of your health and wellbeing.

4 How do I find NHS Health Information Plus? There are two main ways to find HI+ 1. The easiest way to find HI+ is to enter the URL (web address) directly into your browser:

5 2. You can find us through Google:

6 The next slide points out the main elements of the HI+ homepage. Keep clicking your mouse or tapping your spacebar to reveal new features.

7 A-Z Guide to conditions Healthcare journey BBC Health headlines Links to Stroke and Diabetes Plus Your Services Languages and Media Electronic health dictionaries

8 Let’s take a closer look at the A-Z Conditions Encyclopaedia: This example uses “Flu” as a topic to browse for. First, we select “F” from the A-Z.

9 Then we’ll see a screen that looks like this: All of the conditions beginning with “F” are listed on the left. We can see that our “Flu” is included in the list.

10 Next we are given a list of resources relating to our chosen condition. By selecting one of these links, we will be taken to the information.

11 In this example, the first resource is from the NHS24 website. You could think of HI+ as being like a library. HI+ doesn’t publish information. It points you in the right direction of great quality information on the web.

12 Let’s take a look at the BBC Health News Feed: The most recent two health news headlines to be published by the BBC will appear here. To see more news stories, select “View fill list”.

13 Next you will see a screen like this. If you select a headline that interests you, you will be taken to the full story at the BBC News Website.

14 The BBC News website looks like this. You may be familiar with this already. To return to HI+, you can simply click “Back” in your browser.

15 Let’s look closer at the top of the HI+ homepage: From here you can: consult medical dictionaries browse for materials in a variety of different languages or media (including audio and visual materials) Find your local GP, Dentist or Pharmacist in “Your Services” Take a look at the specialist website, Stroke Information Plus or Diabetes Information Plus.

16 When selecting “Dictionaries”, you are given two medical dictionaries. These are handy for looking up quick definitions of conditions or medicines.

17 In the “Languages and Media” section, you can choose to look for materials in a variety of different languages. The list of languages is displayed on the left. You can also look for audio and video files by selecting one of the links on the right.

18 On the next slide, we’ll take a look at the “Your Services” feature. This helps you to locate the GP, Pharmacy and Dental services in your local area. “Your Services” can be accessed by selecting the link at the top of the HI+ homepage:

19 Postcode- based service locators Links to registers of practitioners NHS Scotland Health Boards Further information on services and support

20 In addition to HI+ there are three similar websites designed for providing specialist health information. If you’re looking for information concerning Strokes you may also want to try: If you’re looking for information concerning Diabetes you may want to try:

21 And if you’re a member of the Polish-speaking community, you could try looking for information in: Each of these specialist resources have their own web addresses (e.g. and also have links at the top of the HI+ homepage:

22 Another great way of finding information in HI+ is through the “Healthcare Journey” menu at the bottom of the homepage: Each section represents a stage of a healthcare journey: from general wellbeing though to illness help and support.

23 And now you’re done! This is the end of the Health Information Plus tutorial. You are now ready to start finding your own health information via HI+

24 You have reached the end of this slideshow. Press the escape key to exit.

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