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Strengthening the Role of MCNs Hilary Davison Head of Standards Development Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening the Role of MCNs Hilary Davison Head of Standards Development Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening the Role of MCNs Hilary Davison Head of Standards Development Unit

2 Background HDL (2002) 69 Role of CSBS (now NHS QIS) NHS QIS established MCN Steering Group Development of QAF template Accreditation of Diabetes, CHD, Stroke MCNs Review of processes 2005/06 HDL (2007) 21 New accreditation process in place 2008

3 Early questions what networks should be accredited when should they be accredited Will this come with/result in additional funding What happens if networks are not accredited

4 Challenges Development of QAF Patient/public involvement Dedicated/protected time Links to local and regional planning Reporting structures Resources

5 Benefits Collaborative working Acknowledges the range of Networks A framework for consistent approach without losing benefits gained through diversity Strengthening links with NHS Boards and planning functions Six year targeted approach

6 Yearly Targets Year 1 Enlist and secure stakeholder involvement Enlist and secure patient focus and public involvement Secure NHS Board endorsement Define organisational structure – clinical and social care Define patient pathway Agree priorities and key improvement measures Define the MCN communication strategy Complete self assessment against EQA model – 60% to be fulfilled and remainder to inform year 2 work programme Report to CGC for sign off

7 Yearly Targets cont. Year 2 Define work programme Refine priorities Establish education programme Establish audit and research programme Enlist sponsorship from involved organisations and launch MCN Notify of EQA application Complete self assessment against EQA model – 60% to be Fulfilled and remainder to inform year 3 work programme Report to CGC for sign off

8 Yearly Targets cont. Year 3 Progress work programme Audit and Review and key improvement measures Gather evidence from year 1 and 2 for EQA Determine future work programme and key improvement Measures Submit evidence for EQA – 60% of criteria to be fulfilled Year 4-6 Progress work programme and key improvement measure Achievement Maintain EQA standards demonstrated in submission of an annual report to NHS QIS and local NHS Boards

9 Development of QAF measure performance against agreed standards support improvements in care and services learn from challenges and share strengths open transparent reporting development of standards agreed arrangements for performance assessment and monitoring agreed arrangements to implement recommendations

10 QAFs Might include… organisational and management arrangements support the implementation of guidelines patient/public involvement multi- disciplinary working staff education and training audit performance assessment/monitoring coordinated approach to prioritisation of work

11 For Discussion: What drivers can support the development of MCNs? How can we work more effectively across boundaries – organisational, professional, sector? What can be measured and where? How can this be embedded within routine practice? How should this be assessed? What is the role of NHS QIS and MCNs in continuous quality improvement?

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