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A Crosswalk Between College and Career Ready Standards and Educator Evaluation Systems 2012 ESEA Title II, Part A - National Meetings March 5-7, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "A Crosswalk Between College and Career Ready Standards and Educator Evaluation Systems 2012 ESEA Title II, Part A - National Meetings March 5-7, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Crosswalk Between College and Career Ready Standards and Educator Evaluation Systems 2012 ESEA Title II, Part A - National Meetings March 5-7, 2012

2 Presenters Janice Poda Strategic Initiative Director for Education Workforce and Director of State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness (SCEE), CCSSO Kathleen Paliokas Director, Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC), CCSSO

3 College and Career Ready (CCR) and Educator Evaluation Disconnect between state implementation toward CCR and state educator evaluation work Waiver applications are evidence of the divide Lets explore the bridge between the two Aligning visions (standards) across the system Transforming K-12 instruction to get to CCR Evaluation and professional growth Leveraging state teams, higher education, and a variety of stakeholders via multiple national efforts ICCS, SCEE, TPL, CRP, etc.

4 Student Success Growth Opportunities & Supports High Quality Instruction & Leadership Educator & System Accountability Core Teaching Standards Professional Development Standards Common Core State Standards for Students Data Standards School Leader Standards

5 Table Discussions – 5 minutes What is something new you learned from the pyramid?

6 College and Career Ready Students who are college- and career-ready is the larger goal. Common Core State Standards are a tool for getting us there They define performance standards for todays students – the WHAT HOW we get to readiness is through effective instruction Teaching standards define what effective instruction looks like Leadership standards define what school leaders do to support instruction The goal of professional development is to improve instruction


8 A New Vision of Teaching Developmental Continuum A Focus on 21st Century Knowledge and Skills Personalized Learning for Diverse Learners Increased Emphasis on Assessment Literacy A Collaborative Professional Culture New Leadership Roles for Teachers and Administrators

9 The Learner and Learning Standard #1: Learner Development Standard #2: Learning Differences Standard #3: Learning Environments Content Standard #4: Content Knowledge Standard #5: Application of Content Groupings of Standards

10 Instructional Practice Standard #6: Assessment Standard #7: Planning for Instruction Standard #8: Instructional Strategies Professional Responsibility Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration

11 InTASC Teaching Standards Linked to Common Core Student Standards InTASC Teaching Standards Standard 5: CCSS Mathematics

12 Table Discussions – 10 minutes In planning implementation of the CC, is your state going beyond providing educators with content workshops to thinking about how overall instruction needs to change? What would that look like?

13 Evaluation and Professional Growth Balancing accountability and support Translating educator standards into action Learning progressions for educators Evaluation frameworks Data systems and feedback loops Incorporating effectiveness into the system (e.g. measures of student growth)

14 Leveraging State Teams Making connections across a variety of projects ICCS – Implementing the Common Core Standards SCEE – State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness CRP – College Readiness Partnership TPL – Transforming Professional Learning

15 Implementing the Common Core Standards (ICCS) CCSSO collaborative of 32 states with 6-member teams meets three times per year Teams include assessment coordinators, curriculum and instruction, professional development coordinators, SEA staff, math and ELA specialists, LEA staff Areas of focus – professional development, curriculum, instructional materials, assessment, communications, transition plans Systemic approach

16 State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness (SCEE) Purpose is to help states develop coherent standards-based educator effectiveness SYSTEMS Preparation, Licensure, Professional Development, Evaluation 28 state teams of 6 members each SCEE provides states with a forum for sharing via Monthly webinars Collaborative work site National summit Regional/topical meetings

17 Areas of Focus

18 SCEE Support to States on Evaluation Topical Meeting on Educator Evaluation October 13-14, 2011 in St. Louis Webinars November 1, 2011 - Continuing the Conversation about Educator Evaluation December 13, 2011 - Legal Defensibility January 11, 2012 - Principle 3, ESEA Flexibility Waiver Application Support Expert review of draft applications with feedback January 26-27, 2012 in Dallas, TX SCEE Summit – May 2-4, 2012 in Seattle, WA

19 Transforming Professional Learning A partnership between Learning Forward and CCSSO LF recently released updated Standards for Professional Learning that promotes job-embedded, ongoing, professional learning within a team culture Goal is to develop model(s) of a comprehensive and coherent statewide professional development system to support implementation of CCSS and new student assessments.

20 20 KENTUCKY (Demonstration State) KENTUCKY (Demonstration State) UT Critical Friend State UT Critical Friend State WA Critical Friend State WA Critical Friend State GA Critical Friend State GA Critical Friend State NH Critical Friend State NH Critical Friend State NJ Critical Friend State NJ Critical Friend State CCSSO Learning Forward AACTE NGA NASBE DIP Technology Solutions IL Critical Friend State IL Critical Friend State

21 College Readiness Partnership: NATIONAL PARTNERS AASCU American Association of State Colleges and Universities Connect to local (institutional) postsecondary partners CCSSO Council of Chief State School Officers Connect to state and local K-12 partners SHEEO State Higher Education Executive Officers Connect to state-level postsecondary partners

22 College Readiness Partnership: GOALS Collaborative leadership and communication Connect state and local leaders in K-12 and postsecondary Communicate regularly; collaborate for success Shared understanding of college readiness Work from CCSS in English and mathematics Align HS exit expectations with postsecondary entrance Redesign of teacher preparation and PD Connection to other CCSS initiatives in states Common Assessment Consortia – PARCC, SBAC Race to the Top, state strategic plans, etc.

23 College Readiness Partnership: PLAN OF WORK 7 State Leadership Teams KY, MA, ME, MO, OR, TN, WI States in different stages of CCSS implementation Distributed regionally, assessment consortia participation Work with states to develop plans Phase I: SHEEOs, CSSOs, AASCU presidents Phase II: Principals, Faculty (K-12 and HE), Deans Redesign teacher preparation programs Common Core State Standards and assessments Clinical Practice Integration: NCATE Blue Ribbon Report Teacher Performance Standards: InTASC Framework Develop plans for in-service teacher PD

24 For More Information transformingprofessionallearning.cfm

25 Contact Information Janice Poda 202-336-7057 Kathleen Paliokas 202-336-7058

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