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César Alberca & Belén Vidal z z z zzz. Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "César Alberca & Belén Vidal z z z zzz. Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 César Alberca & Belén Vidal z z z zzz

2 Introduction

3 Fall sleep Cataplexy EDS Hypnagogic hallucinations Sleep paralysis Disturbed nocturnal sleep Automatic behavior Other complaints Signs and Symptons

4 Ancertain genetic conditions. Chromosome 6 known as the HLA complex Autoimmune disease. Causes

5 Diagnosis SituationRisk of Dozing Sitting and reading Watching TV Sitting inactive in a public place As a passanger in a car riding for an hour Lying down to rest in the afternoon Sitting and talking with someone Sitting quietly after lunch 0= Unlikely to fall asleep 1 = Slight risk of falling asleep 2 = Moderate risk of falling asleep 3 = High likelihood of falling asleep

6 Diagnosis I 1-6 Congratulations, you are getting enough sleep! 7-8 Your score is average +9 Seek the advice of a sleep specialist without delay

7 Drugs –Ethylphenidate, –Amphetamine, –Methamphetamine, –Modafinil Cataplexy Naps Treatment

8 Epidemiology

9 Fight Club Galaktic football Los Soprano One Piece Notable cases

10 Have nice dreams! z z z z z z

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