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Taryn Riemer. ~First began in 1913 in Roland Manitoba ~Focused on raising the best animal, growing the best crop or making the best cake to begin with,

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1 Taryn Riemer

2 ~First began in 1913 in Roland Manitoba ~Focused on raising the best animal, growing the best crop or making the best cake to begin with, 1950 things changed ~First club in Saskatchewan started in 1917 ~Motto: “Learn To Do By Doing” ~Pledge: “I Pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, my health to better living, for my club, my community, and my country

3 ~Largest out of school education program in Canada ~Member ages 6 – 25 ~Age categories are: Cloverbud, Junior, Intermediate, Senior and Future Leaders ~Projects are: Animal, Home and Family, Leisure Skills, Mechanical, Personal Growth and 4-U Self Determined

4 ~Situation ~Objective ~Audience ~Strategy ~Tactics ~Calendar ~Budget ~Evaluation

5 ~Saskatchewan 4-H has been mostly focused on rural communities since its beginnings ~Not many people know what 4-H is let alone what it offers

6 ~My goal is to increase the membership in the North East Region of Saskatchewan by 20% in the 2012-2013 year ~I would like to get 1500 people to attend each 4-H Day ~For the community meetings I plan to have around 200 people ~In the first year of operation I would like to have 500 followers on Twitter ~To do this I will need $22,000 for events, supplies, fuel, building rental, and presentations that I plan to do for this project

7 ~I would like to focus on the North East Region of Saskatchewan according to the 4-H Regions

8 ~4-H Days hosted in the Larger communities ~Community Meetings ~Visit every school that will allow a 4-H presentation ~Get a Twitter account started ~Encourage 4-H clubs to volunteer at events and share the 4-H secret with their friends ~Key Message: “4-H is 4 Everyone!”

9 ~4-H Days: showcase the 4-H clubs, show the community what 4-H is ~Community meetings: Presenter will come into the communities and let the parents and adults know what 4-H is, how they can get their child involved, how much it cost, etc. ~School Visits: Same idea as the community meeting but will be for the kids in school ~Twitter: Get 4-H across every social media possible ~Encouragement: Send e-mail to General Leaders to get them to encourage their club members to get out there in the community

10 News Release July 15, 2013 (For immediate release) Nipawin Fair Grounds hosts 4-H Day to highlight local clubs in area July 15, 2013 Saskatchewan 4-H is hosting a 4-H Day at the Nipawin Fair Grounds for everyone in the community to attend. There will be booths set up that the local club will run to showcase their club. There will also be a portion of the day where each club will be able to show their animals to the public. There will be a ‘petting zoo’ area for the kids and games set up to win 4-H prizes. Food booths will be set up on sight and restrooms will be available. Everyone is welcome to attend the 4-H Day that will run from 10 am- 4pm. For more information contact: Taryn Riemer (306) 276-9284

11 NovDecJanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOct School Visits ___ ____ 4-H Days ____ Commu nity Meetin gs ___ ____ Twitter___ ____ Encour ageme nt ___ ____ Plannin g _______ Evaluati on ____

12 ~4-H Days: $2,000 x 7 = $14,000 ~School Visits/Community Meetings: $3,500 ~Posters/Supplies for Presentations/Survey: $2,000 ~Employment Salary: $2,500 ~Hours each week: up to 30hrs a week (may be more if driving time is involved, may be less)

13 ObjectiveEvaluation Get a 20% increase in membershipCheck and compare membership from previous year Have 1500 people attend each 4-H DayHave everyone sign in at entrance and count signatures Have 200 people attend the community meetings Have everyone sign in and count signatures Get 500 followers in the first yearCount number of followers after one year Get the word of 4-H out through 4-H clubsPrint out a survey that will be distributed at 4-H Days and check feedback


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