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Perencanaan SDM (HR PLANNING)
HR Planning What is HR Planning? Why is it rarely done?
What is the connection between a firm’s strategic orientation and HR planning?
HR PLANNING Human Resource Planning : Human resource planning is the term used to describe how companies ensure that their staff are the right staff to do the jobs. Sub topics include planning for staff retention, planning for candidate search, training and skills analysis and much more.
HR PLANNING Human resource planning
A process which anticipates and maps out the consequences of business strategy on an organization's human resources. This is reflected in planning of skill and competence needs as well as total headcounts.
HR PLANNING Suatu proses review yang sistematis atas kebutuhan-kebutuhan SDM, untuk meyakini bahwa jumlah dan keahlian yang harus dimiliki, tersedia pada saat diperlukan. Proses analisis dan identifikasi kebutuhan dan ketersediaan SDM, sehingga organisasi dapat mencapai obyektifnya.
HR PLANNING The manpower planning approach which addresses questions such as: How many staff do we have/need? How are they distributed? What is the age profile? How many will leave in each of the next five years? How many will be required in one, five, ten
Organizational Life-Cycle Stages and HR Activities
STAFFING COMPENSATION TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT LABOR / EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Introduction Attract best technical and professional talent. Meet or exceed labor market rates to attract needed talent. Define future skill requirements and begin establishing career ladders. Set basic employee-relations philosophy of organization. Growth Recruit adequate numbers and mix of qualifies workers. Plan management succession. Mange rapid internal labor market movements Meet external market but consider internal equity effects. Establish formal compensation structures. Mold effective management team through management development and organizational development. Maintain labor peace, employee motivation, and morale.
Linkage of Organizational and HR Strategies
Organizational Life-Cycle Stages and HR Activities (cont’d)
STAFFING COMPENSATION TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT LABOR / EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Maturity Encourage sufficient turnover to minimize layoffs and provide new openings. Encourage mobility as reorganizations shift jobs around. Control compensation costs. Maintain flexibility and skills of an aging workforce. Control labor costs and maintain labor peace. Improve productivity. Decline Plan and implement workforce reductions and reallocations, downsizing and outplacement may occur during this stage. Implement tighter cost control. Implement retraining and career consulting services. Improve productivity and achieve flexibility in work rules. Negotiate job security and employment-adjustment policies
Factors That Determine HR Plans
HR Planning Berdasarkan Target Perubahan Organisasi
Purposes Clarify or Create Mission & Objectives Technology Improve equipment, Facilities and work flow Objectives Set or modify specific performance targets Strategy Clarify or create strategic and operasional plans Structure Update organizational design and coordination mechanism CHANGE TARGETS Culture Clarify or create core beliefs and values Tasks Update job design for individuals and groups People Update Recruiting & Selection Practices Improve Training & Development HR Planning Berdasarkan Target Perubahan Organisasi
HR PLANNING Strategi korporat Strategi bisnis Strategi fungsional
Target Penjualan laba Strategi bisnis Jumlah produksi Omzet penjualan Strategi fungsional Produksi Pemasaran Pelayanan Strategic Planning Rencana divisional Kebutuhan SDM (demand) Pemenuhan SDM (supply) HR planning
HR PLANNING (process)
Planning Question Where are we now? Where do we want to be?
How do we get from here to there? How did we do?
Diagnostic Approach (Milcovich/Bodreau) WHERE ARE WE NOW? Assessing external and organizational conditions and employee characteristics WHERE DO WE WANT TO BE ? Set human resources objectives, based on efficiency and equity, according to dimensions that matter to tha key stakeholders HOW DO WE GET FROM HERE TO THERE? Choose human resources activities and expend resources necessary HOW DID WE DO? WHERE ARE WE NOW? Evaluate result by assessing new condition according to the objectives, and start the process again
HR PLANNING Strategic Planning Human Resource Planning
Forecasting Human Resource Requirements Comparing Requirements and Availability Forecasting Human Resource Availability Demand = Supply Surplus of Workers Shortage of Workers No Action Restricted Hiring, Reduced Hours, Early Retirement, Layoff, Downsizing Recruitment Selection
Forecasting HR Requirements
Demand for firm’s goods or services must be forecast Estimate of numbers and kinds of employees the organization will need at future dates Forecast is then converted into people requirements
Forecasting HR Availability
Determining whether the firm will be able to secure employees with the necessary skills, and from what sources these individuals may be obtained Show whether the needed employees may be obtained from within the company, from outside the organization, or from a combination of the two sources
Internal Assessment of the Organizational Workforce
1 Auditing Jobs and Skills What jobs exist now? How many individuals are performing each job? How essential is each job? What jobs will be needed to implement future organizational strategies? What are the characteristics of anticipated jobs?
Internal Assessment of the Organizational Workforce
2 Forecasting the Demand for Human Resources Organization-wide estimate for total demand Unit breakdown for specific skill needs by number and type of employee Develop decision rules (“fill rates”) for positions to be filled internally and externally. Develop additional decision rules for positions impacted by the chain effects of internal promotions and transfers.
Internal Assessment of the Organizational Workforce
3 Organizational Capabilities Inventory HRIS databases—sources of information about employees’ knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) Components of an organizational capabilities inventory Workforce and individual demographics Individual employee career progression Individual job performance data
Surplus of Employees Restricted hiring – employees who leave are not replaced Reduced hours Early retirement Layoffs
Shortage of Workers Forecasted
Creative recruiting Compensation incentives – premium pay is one method Training programs – prepare previously unemployable people for positions Different selection standards – alter current criteria
Internal vs. External Staffing
HR Forecasting Techniques
Zero-based forecasting – uses current level as starting point for determining future staffing needs Bottom-up approach – each level of organization, starting with lowest, forecasts its requirements to provide aggregate of employment needs
HR Forecasting Techniques
Mathematical models –Assist in forecasting. Relationship between sales demand and number of employees needed is positive one. Simulation – technique with experimenting with real-world situation through a mathematical model
= Kebutuhan SDM Pemenuhan SDM HR planning Rencana rotasi/ mutasi
Rencana suksesi Hasil audit SDM Expert Tuntutan eksternal Kebutuhan SDM Jangka Pendek Panjang Internal Proyeksi trend Permintaan SDM (demand) Keputusan organisatoris Pemenuhan SDM = Teknik peramalan Faktor ke-TK-an Eksternal Metoda lain Hasil analisis bursa TK Penambahan Jangka pendek & panjang HR planning Proses pengawakan internal Proses pengawakan eksternal
Benefits of HR Planning
Better view of the HR dimensions of business decisions Lower HR costs through better HR management. More timely recruitment for anticipate HR needs More inclusion of protected groups through planned increases in workforce diversity. Better development of managerial talent
Employee Replacement Chart for Succession Planning
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