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Kalsoom Dilawar Moqeet Ahmed Malka Nisar Mehwish Asgher Waqar Ali Group Members.

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Presentation on theme: "Kalsoom Dilawar Moqeet Ahmed Malka Nisar Mehwish Asgher Waqar Ali Group Members."— Presentation transcript:


2 Kalsoom Dilawar Moqeet Ahmed Malka Nisar Mehwish Asgher Waqar Ali Group Members

3 HR Policies and practices PTCL

4 Introduction about company Objectives Human Resource Management Recruitment and selection Orientation Training and Development Compensation Presentation Format

5 Ptcl is in existence over the past six decades The company provides telephonic services nation-wide and is the backbone for country's telecommunication infrastructure despite arrival of a dozen other telecommunication companies The company operates around 2000 telephone exchanges across the country Originally owned by the Government of Pakistan, this holding has been reduced to 62% since 2006, when 26% of shares and control was sold to Etisalat - and the remaining 12% to the general public Government of PakistanEtisalat Introduction to PTCL

6 Since the establishment of Pakistan in 1947 PTCL has been the major player. It established and worked under PTC act 1991. In 1994 it issued six million vouchers exchangeable into 600 million shares PTCL was listed on all stock exchanges of Pakistan till 1995 These vouchers were converted into PTCL shares in mid-1996. History of PTCL

7 PTCL launched its mobile and data services subsidiaries in 2001 by the name of Ufone and PakNet respectively. In 2005 Government of Pakistan decided to sell 26 percent of this company to some private corporation. History of PTCL

8 Evo BroadBand GSM Smart Tv V fone Products offered

9 To be the leading Information and Communication Technology Service Provider in the region by achieving customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholders' value. Vision statement

10 To achieve our vision by having: An organizational environment that fosters professionalism, motivation and quality An environment that is cost effective and quality conscious Services that are based on the most optimum technology "Quality" and "Time" conscious customer service Sustained growth in earnings and profitability. Mission statement

11 Professional Integrity Customer Satisfaction Teamwork Company Loyalty Core Values

12 Profit maximization Differentiation Cost leadership ( for the time being) Retain customers Best and affordable service Objectives

13 Following are the needed competencies for achieving companies objectives Employees behavior Skill and experience Networking Loyalty Needed competencies

14 Board Of Directors CEO Project Director Marketing & Sales Finance Information SystemCustomer Care Engineering Quality Assurance Information technology HR & Admin Organizational structure

15 M arketing Department F inance Department H uman Resource Department C ustomer Care Department I nformation System Department E ngineering Department I nformation Technology Departmental Division

16 Job Analysis Recruitment and selection Training and Development Performance evaluation and Appraisal Compensation Human Resource Functions

17 Job analysis is the exploration of activities related to job. It is a basic task to be performed for efficient recruitment. Job Analysis

18 In Ptcl job analysis is done through procedure manuals They do forecasting for future turnover. After forecast they analyze where they have vacancy either it is in HQ, Region, CCS or somewhere else? They collect data from managers, supervisors as well as their own inputs They collect data through interviews, informal questions about the job and observation. Job Analysis at PTCL

19 They do job analysis to analyze that: What type of work job requires? Which activities should be performed? What competencies we need for the job? What kind of person should we hire for the job? Job Analysis at PTCL

20 After analysis of job they write job specification taking following things under consideration Skills Required Qualification Experience Personality and Behavior Job Specification

21 After job specification they move towards job description and write details of duties and responsibilities, working conditions and other main aspects. Job Description

22 Human Resource Planning Internal Candidates External Candidates

23 Human Resource Planning For internal candidates Promotion Job Posting Succession Planning Internal Candidates External Candidates

24 Human Resource Planning For External Candidates Internet Advertisement Employment Agencies outsourcing External Candidates

25 Internal Candidates: Ptcl select their internal candidates for vacant posts by following methods: They use online software call PMS for performance evaluation. Ask from employees’ immediate boss Or if boss nominate any employee as eligible Recruitment and Selection

26 External Candidates: For generating pool of external candidates Ptcl follows the given steps: Advertisement through different medias Online submission of C.v’s ( e.g. Online prescreening for those who don’t meet initial requirement Then applications of short listed candidates reaches to HR manager. Recruitment and Selection

27 1 st Interview: After initial prescreening short listed candidates are called for interviews 2 nd Interview: After further short listing from 1 st interview remaining candidates are called for 2 nd interview ** For internal candidates there is only one interview. Conducting Interview

28 Both interviews are Panel interviews Consisting of 3 to 4 members Members are: – Head of concerned department – Head of HR department – 1 or 2 members of Higher management Members of higher management can be different in 2 nd interview Interview

29 Types of Questions: Interview is formal and structured Each panel member has sheet to evaluate In 1 st interview they evaluate qualification, skills and behavior of the applicant In 2 nd interview most of questions are situational and job related ** Questions for internal candidates are situational and job related. Interview

30 Orientation: Orientation is given to new employees according to manual/forum Policies, Rules and Regulations of the organization Duties and responsibilities to be performed Routine Task Communication to colleagues and immediate boss Training and Development

31 Ptcl do TNA by performance evaluation through Performance Management Software (PMS), observation or asking by employees’ immediate bosses. Training Need Analysis (TNA)

32 Ptcl do TNA provides following two types of training On the job training Off the job training Types of training

33 It includes learning by observation Training by supervisor Training by colleagues Learning by doing On-the job Training

34 For off-the job training PTCL have training centers Ptcl training center ITC academy Islamabad From recent 3 years their own former or existing employees give training to new employees After training they also evaluate the difference in performance Off-the job Training

35 Ptcl has also outsourced some of its departments as well as employees Mostly it has outsourced the customer care centers It hires the outsourced employees by : E square HRRS Third party Radar Outsourcing

36 Compensation

37 Structured pay Plans Increase salary once in a year Increments are based on experience Bonuses on performance Allowances Salary Plans and Incentives

38 Free internet service Free telephone facility at office and home Transport facility Medical facility Accommodation facility Facilities


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