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My ELC work food Units 1 Health & Safety in the Food Technology Room When making biscuits; By Bethany Coultas.

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Presentation on theme: "My ELC work food Units 1 Health & Safety in the Food Technology Room When making biscuits; By Bethany Coultas."— Presentation transcript:

1 My ELC work food Units 1 Health & Safety in the Food Technology Room When making biscuits; By Bethany Coultas

2 Check list Unit 1 Food making biscuits 1. Take part in a discussion about H & S issues in the work area 2. Identify four areas of hazard on a given diagram 3. Suggest a solution to the hazards 4. Identify four areas of hazard before making biscuits 5. Work safely while making a soft toy 6. Complete the soft toy 7. Draw up a set of four safety rules for the Food Technology area 8. Design a poster to illustrate one of these rules 9. Take part in an H & S simulation exercise 10. Write about the procedure for one H & S related incident.

3 Health and Safety, we have talked about health and safety in the Food room. Write down one sentence about what you said I think that ….. Outcome one

4 Outcome two

5 How can I make sure that I am safe when I work in the Food room? I can? 1. 2. 3. 4. Did I work safely when I made my biscuits, what did I do? Outcome three & four

6 This is a photo of my Made Biscuits. It is made from I like the I found that the I am please with the outcome because Outcome five & six Bethany Coultas

7 My four safety rules are 1. 2. 3. 4. Outcome seven

8 This is my Health and Safety Poster for making biscuits Outcome eight

9 When I carried out my health and safety simulation this is what I did? Write about the procedure for one H & S related incident. Outcome nine and ten

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