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Verbnounadjective respect Respected/ respectful prefer development write Complete the table with the correct forms:

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Presentation on theme: "Verbnounadjective respect Respected/ respectful prefer development write Complete the table with the correct forms:"— Presentation transcript:

1 verbnounadjective respect Respected/ respectful prefer development write Complete the table with the correct forms:

2 gar. Complete these sentences with words from the list : Calories - concentrate - official - options - diabetes – responsibility 1- Too much sugar can cause ----------------. 2- I can’t ----------------------- because of the noise outside. 3- Dishdashah and Ghutra are the ----------------- uniform at our school. 4- Saeed made an accident because of driving too fast. The accident was Saeed’s ---------------- 5- Students must answer all the questions. They have no--------------------. 6- We get most of the ------------------ that our bodies need from fat and sugar.

3 Read the text then answer the questions.: 1- What’s the main idea of the text? a- eating junk food b- banning junk food from the market. c- banning junk food at school. D- fat and sugar 2- What’s Ayoub? A- a student b- a teacher C- a reporter d- a writer. 3-Ayoub is a student at------------------------. A- a high school. B-a prep school. C- a primary school. D- a kindergarten 4- Junk food means -------------------? A- healthy food. B- good food. C- unhealthy and useless food. D- rich and useful food. 5- Junk food contains large amounts of ----------------------. A- fat only. B- sugar only. C- both a and b d- all vitamins needed.

4 6- Children get most of the --------------------- from fat and sugar a- cargoes. B- carpets. c- calories. D- vitamins 7- Diabetes can cause --------------------------. A- one disease only. B- two diseases. C- three diseases. D- not mentioned. 8- The writer advises children to---------------------------. A- a- to avoid eating junk food. B- to eat junk food. C- drink milk only. D- eat chips and pizza. 9- Junk food and the lack of --------------- can cause many diseases. A- water. b- oxygen. C- exercise. D- oils. 10- Where do schools sell food and drinks? A- at the cafeteria. B- at the gate of the school. C- in the classrooms. D- in a tent. 11- What do they sell now? A- cola and water. B- fruit juice only. C- fruit juice and wraps with healthy fillings. D- cheese and butter sandwiches.

5 12- Can students eat junk food at school now? A- yes. b- no. C- from time to time. D- anytime. 13- Why can’t they eat junk food at school now? Because-------- A- it is expensive to buy. B- it is not available at school/not found. C- it is poisonous. D-it is healthy. 14- Complete the table with arguments FOR and arguments AGAINST banning junk food. FORAgainst 1- 2- 3- 4-

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