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PERTEMUAN III Lesson Action Plan Learning Material Evaluation Vocabulary skill for fourth grade students of elementary school FRUITS Prepared By :

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2 PERTEMUAN III Lesson Action Plan Learning Material Evaluation Vocabulary skill for fourth grade students of elementary school FRUITS Prepared By :

3 Lesson Action Plan Standard competence : to understand the meaningful functional words in daily life Basic competence : responding and understanding the meaningful functional words in daily life Indicators : 1.The student able to understand the materials of vocabulary 2.The student able to understand the name of the picture

4 Learning Material DO YOU LIKE A FRUITS?? FRUITS???

5 Learning Material What fruit do you like??

6 Learning Material Grapes Pinapple

7 Learning Material watermelon cerrys


9 Apple Coconuts

10 Pumpkin Manggo

11 Oranges Banana

12 EVALUATIONS EVALUASI I Matching pictures and the words

13 EVALUATION I choose the correct name of fruits in the box A. Durian B. Grapes C. Strawberry 1

14 A. Durian B. Grapes C. Strawberry 2

15 A. Cerry B. Grapes C. Apple 3

16 A. Apple B. Pumpkin C. Manggo 4

17 A. Coconuts B. Durian C. Oranges 5

18 A. Durian B. Grapes C. Strawberry 1 Answer keys

19 A. Durian B. Grapes C. Strawberry 2

20 A. Cerry B. Grapes C. Apple 3

21 A. Apple B. Pumpkin C. Manggo 4

22 A. Coconuts B. Durian C. Oranges 5

23 Name :Made Ayu Astriani NPM :3013 Skill :Vocabulary Topic :Fruits


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