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ChoicesChoices 88 IB Film Assignment. Give a coherent, incisive, insightful and detailed evaluative interpretation of the extract Display an excellent.

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Presentation on theme: "ChoicesChoices 88 IB Film Assignment. Give a coherent, incisive, insightful and detailed evaluative interpretation of the extract Display an excellent."— Presentation transcript:

1 ChoicesChoices 88 IB Film Assignment

2 Give a coherent, incisive, insightful and detailed evaluative interpretation of the extract Display an excellent understanding of how meaning is constructed through the use of film language. Show an excellent understanding of the film history/film theory topic. Samples referred to are highly relevant to the topic and are coherently and fully integrated into the script.

3 In this scene, James Allen just got back from the war and he has gotten his job back at the factory. He comes into his new office sees people building abridge outside. As he looks outside he grabs the chair by the bars foreshadowing something. The director is trying to tell us that something bad might happen to him for example the bars could foreshadow that he goes into jail. 1 1 SHOT TYPE: Medium Full CAMERA ANGLE: Still CAMERA MOVEMENT: Normal

4 In this scene, James Allen is working back at the factory and the people building the bridge outside are distracting him. The camera being shot from the outside is trying to show us that he is trapped inside with his dreams, which is to build bridges, is outside looked away. The director is also foreshadowing him being trapped somewhere by the framing of the picture. There are 2 bars around him, possibly jail bars, foreshadowing that he might go to jail. 2 SHOT TYPE: Medium Shot CAMERA ANGLE: Still CAMERA MOVEMENT: Normal

5 In this scene, James is arguing with his wife that he was forced to marry. As they argue, James walks to the chair behind his wife and sits down with his back facing her. The director puts different junk and alchohol between them to show that there bond is now very blury, recked. This technique is called Mise-en-scene. 3 3 SHOT TYPE: Medium Shot CAMERA ANGLE: Still CAMERA MOVEMENT: Normal

6 In this scene, the people and the horses are being chained up to be sent to the mining spot. The director is using a technique called parallelism. In this scene, the director first shows the people being chained together, then they change to show the horses being changed up the same way. The director does this to tell the people watching this that the people in the chain gang are we treated like animals. 4 4 SHOT TYPE: Medium Shot CAMERA ANGLE: Still CAMERA MOVEMENT: Normal SHOT TYPE: Medium Shot CAMERA ANGLE: Still CAMERA MOVEMENT: Normal

7 5 5 SHOT TYPE: Medium Shot CAMERA ANGLE: Low Angle CAMERA MOVEMENT: Normal SHOT TYPE: Medium Shot CAMERA ANGLE: Medium CAMERA MOVEMENT: Tracking In this scene, James Allen is trying to escape and he has just misshaped his chains so that he could slip out of it. It cut to this scene with the person who inspects the chains and you see him inspecting three to four people and then it cuts to James Allen. You see him walking towards his inspection and the director does this to bring suspension. He finally gets checking and it takes a bit longer than the rest of the people to also bring suspension and then he passes the inspection, showing he has gotten away with it.

8 6 6 SHOT TYPE: Full Body CAMERA ANGLE: Normal CAMERA MOVEMENT: Still In this scene, Red has just been let out and you see everyone waving goodbye, but on the left of the screen, you see a man stuck on a cross. This is a symbolism for Jesus Christ. The director is trying to say that the main character is just like Jesus, he has not done anything wrong and he was punished for it.

9 In this scene, James Allen has just gotten out of prison and he is getting shave. He walks in and starts the shave but then a cop walks in. He sits down and talks about the escaped prisoner and describes him while the barber is staring right at him. This is called irony, this scene was put in by the director to make the story more interesting. After he is done with the shave, he asks for a hot towel and the barber asks him, “is it hot enough”. This could also mean that is it dangerous enough for you, showing irony in this scene. As James Allen comes off the chair he faces the cop straight in the face but the cop was reading the newspaper not noticing him, and the title on the newspaper is Liberty, showing more irony. Then when James is about to leave, the barber asks him, “Was it close enough”. We assume that the barber is talking about the shave but this could also be implied to say is this close enough to being caught and again showing more irony. 7 SHOT TYPE: Medium Shot CAMERA ANGLE: Still CAMERA MOVEMENT: Normal

10 In both of these scenes, James Allen is being caught to be sent to the chain gang and in both these scenes, the camera dollies in. The director does this so that you can see the expression of the characters face, to see the fear and the confusion of James Allen when he gets caught. SHOT TYPE: Full Close Up CAMERA ANGLE: Eye-line CAMERA MOVEMENT: Dolly-In 8 SHOT TYPE: Full Close Up CAMERA ANGLE: Eye-line CAMERA MOVEMENT: Dolly-in

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