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(C) 2011. Leslie Wagner. LW-IP Consulting. All rights reserved.1 Defining your IP Potential Leslie F. Wagner Intellectual Property and Licensing Consultant.

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1 (C) 2011. Leslie Wagner. LW-IP Consulting. All rights reserved.1 Defining your IP Potential Leslie F. Wagner Intellectual Property and Licensing Consultant (858) 442-5758

2 (C) 2011. Leslie Wagner. LW-IP Consulting. All rights reserved.2 The Total Package Intellectual Property (IP), licensing encompasses: Patents Utility (utilitarian/functional elements and features) Design (ornamental features) Plant patents (asexually reproduced). Copyrights documents, web sites, manuals, instructions, marketing materials, software, etc. Trademarks phrase, term, symbol, smell, sound, color, trade dress and product design that identify the source of the product (who not what). Trade Dress look and feel of the product packaging Trade Secrets unpublished information, processes, formulas, etc., that offer you a competitive advantage Create alignment in order to take advantage of your unique marketing opportunities. Effectively protect your entire IP portfolio.

3 (C) 2011. Leslie Wagner. LW-IP Consulting. All rights reserved.3 Work Backwards if you have to… Dont know your potential? what can I or should I license? who are my potential partners, distributors, licensees? Work backwards to figure it out… Start with what you know about your product. What are the potential uses? Look at your product from as many angles as possible? Can it be used in different ways? For different purposes? Look around you. Go to where you want your product to be sold. Research.

4 (C) 2010. Leslie Wagner. LW-IP Consulting. All rights reserved.4

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6 Build your strategy (C) 2010. Leslie Wagner. LW-IP Consulting. All rights reserved.6 Put your plan together – map it out Revise and edit your plan

7 (C) 2011. Leslie Wagner. LW-IP Consulting. All rights reserved.7 Proceed with caution… Now youre ready to proceed…with caution. First… IP protection established Non-Disclosure Agreements

8 (C) 2011. Leslie Wagner. LW-IP Consulting. All rights reserved.8 IP and Licensing Leslie F. Wagner Intellectual Property and Licensing Consultant (858) 442-5758

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