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BIBLE 9: KTB101 CH 9 The Book of Acts: The Church is Born.

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1 BIBLE 9: KTB101 CH 9 The Book of Acts: The Church is Born

2 ACTS 2:42  They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

3 ACTS 2:42  They _______ themselves to the apostles’ _______ and to ________, to the _______ of bread and to ______.

4 THE ROCKET SHIP CALLED THE CHURCH  The church of Jesus Christ, which was born after Jesus ascended into heaven, is like a rocket ship on an amazing journey.  You are one of its many astronauts on a mission.  Don’t just read the Book of Acts as a history book. Read and study it as a manual for your Christian life.

5 FIRST, A LITTLE HISTORY & HOW’D IT HAPPEN?  Acts was written by Luke the physician, the only non-Jewish writer in the New Testament.  Acts is really a sequel to the Gospel of Luke.  Acts gives the context for every N.T. letter except 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus.  How did it all happen? The mission, means, message, and method designed by God Himself.

6 THE MISSION: GO INTO ALL THE WORLD  The book of Acts starts with the Great Commission.  Jesus’ mission: tell the world about me.  The disciples watched as Jesus “was taken up into the sky” long enough for angels to tell them “So what are you waiting for?”

7 WHEN WERE CHRISTIANS FIRST CALLED CHRISTIANS?  Christian is the common designation of anyone who believes in salvation through Jesus Christ.  It only appears 3 times in the Bible.  Acts 11:26 – “It was there at Antioch that the believers were first called Christians.”  Since it has lost some meaning in today’s culture we use the term Christ Follower.

8 REFLECTIVE WRITING #11 - P254 [REVISED #2]  List some ways you can “go into all the world” without ever leaving your hometown. Is anything preventing you from doing these things right now? Due Tuesday


10 BIBLE 9: KTB101 CH 9 The Book of Acts: The Church is Born

11 ACTS 2:42  They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

12 ACTS 2:42  They _______ themselves to the apostles’ _______ and to ________, to the _______ of bread and to ______.

13 THE MEANS: BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT  Jesus left the means to carry out the mission. The fuel to burn in the rocket ship is the Holy Spirit.  Seven weeks after Jesus returned to heaven, the Holy Spirit came upon the believers on a day known as “the day of Pentecost.”

14 THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE LIFE OF THE BELIEVER  God the Holy Spirit is the third Person in the Trinity, which also includes God the Father and God the Son.  God is not just near us; he is inside us – forever.  Wherever and whenever God has acted, the Holy Spirit has been present.  eg– Creation, writing God’s Word, Jesus’ Birth etc.

15 THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE LIFE OF THE BELIEVER, CONT.  The Holy Spirit gave the Apostles and Christians:  Power – to perform miracles, cast out demons, and speak in other languages.  Understanding – of Jesus’ teachings and the Bible.  Comfort – the Holy Spirit is also known as “the Comforter” bringing divine encouragement.  Guidance – to guide and direct believers.  Inspiration – breathed into writers of the Bible.

16 BIBLE 9: KTB101 CH 9 The Book of Acts: The Church is Born

17 ACTS 2:42  They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

18 ACTS 2:42  They _______ themselves to the apostles’ _______ and to ________, to the _______ of bread and to ______.

19 THE MESSAGE: ANYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.  Peter was an unlikely candidate to lead, but he preached a powerful message on Pentecost.  Acts 2:21 – “Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”  Peter became the first leader of the new church and its most powerful preacher.  When you get an opportunity, be ready to explain what your faith in Jesus is all about from a perspective that is both personal and historical.

20 DON’T SAY YOU’RE SORRY Apologetics  Not the same as “excusing yourself.”  An apologist is someone who knows how to answer questions about the Christian faith. Theology  The study of God.  A theologian is one who has thoroughly studied Bible doctrines, which are the beliefs and principles presented in the Bible.

21 THE METHOD: THE CHURCH  Peter invited the people listening to receive Jesus into their lives.  The Bible says that “about three thousand in all” were added to the church because they “believed what Peter said.”  God was initiating his method – the vehicle to carry the message to the ends of the earth was – and still is – The Church.

22 DISCUSSION  Read Acts 2:42-47.  How do our modern churches differ from the early Church?  What do we have in common?

23 THE CHURCH IS A BODY  The church is not a place.  The true church is made up of believers who share the common experience of receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.  When you become part of a local church, God uses you and your unique and special gifts to help spread his message.

24 THE WORLD’S GREATEST MISSIONARY [PAUL]  Saul hated the Christians and their message.  Jewish leaders trumped up charges against Stephen and sentence him to death.  Saul was a witness at Stephen’s execution.  Stephen became the church’s first martyr, which is a name given to anyone put to death for professing his or her faith. (discuss other ways the term “martyr” is used for clarification)

25 THE LEAST LIKELY CANDIDATE [PAUL]  Saul’s conversion experience is on the road to Damascus (where he was going to persecute more Christians).  Saul was knocked to the ground and Jesus called out from Heaven, “Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me!”  In an instant Saul was transformed from the greatest persecutor of Jesus and his followers into Paul, the greatest advocate the church would ever have.

26 COMPARE/CONTRAST  Compare and contrast Peter & Paul  Occupation: Luke 5:1-11, Acts 18:3.  “Religious” training: Acts 4:13, Mark 1:16-17, Acts 22:3, Acts 23:5-6.  Healings: Acts 3:1-10, Acts 5:15, Acts 14:8-10, Acts 19:12.  Legal history: Acts 4:3, 5:18, 12:3, 16:23-24, &21:27-36.  Who they preached to: Acts 4:5-12, Acts 5:29-32, Acts 22:30-23:6 & Acts 26:1-29  Views on Gentiles: Acts 15:1-12  Mission Field: Page 245 in KtB101  Published Works: See Bible Index

27 TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH [PAUL]  Paul personally established dozens of churches.  Missionary Journey #1 – Asia Minor – 45AD  Paul teamed up with a man named Barnabas  Missionary Journey #2 – Europe – 50AD  Paul built a new team that included Silas, Luke (the biographer), and Timothy.  Missionary Journey #3 – Turkey  Paul was arrested in Ephesus and eventually sent to Rome

28 THE LEGACY OF ACTS  Justin Martyr – the earliest Christian apologist.  Irenaeus - refuted Gnosticism and explained doctrines.  Origen – defended the Christian faith against heretics.  Jerome – translated the Bible into Latin.  Augustine of Hippo – the greatest thinker between the early church and the Reformation.

29 DISCUSSION  Read “How they died” on p 251.  Suffering was a common factor in Christian life and in the membership of the early Church. Why was suffering so common back then?  Why is it not as common today?  Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

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