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Virtual Worlds in education in 10 slides… OrO, Peter J. Dekker February ‘08.

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Presentation on theme: "Virtual Worlds in education in 10 slides… OrO, Peter J. Dekker February ‘08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virtual Worlds in education in 10 slides… OrO, Peter J. Dekker February ‘08

2 Virtual, digital, learning ……

3 What is a virtual world? 3D Avatar: your digital self! Shared space, with many others, forming social groups Synchronous communication Co-creation You leave, the others stay and go on USP’s: presence, space, co-creation

4 Learning in an virtual world ?? Net generation – always online Social constructivism - the student is working, not the teacher New ways of learning - so they say.. Its a new horizon.. we ain't seen nothing yet

5 Movies, cool! But …maybe not now Een filmpje over virtuele werelden i.h.a. (ca. 5 min.: Second Life, specifiek over de educatieve toepassingen (ca. 6 min.): Een grapje (< 1min.): Nog een informatieve introductie in Second Life, …een beetje lang (9. min.) Sims Online (ca. 7,5 min): World of warcraft (ca. 5 min.):

6 Others have boldly gone before us! Ouch. Hogeschool INHOLLAND FONTYS Hogeschool Hogeschool Rotterdam Technische Universiteit Delft etc

7 What did they do? Give instruction: live (well, sort of) Recorded colleges Building (together) Roleplaying ……

8 We know that this helps Give (educational) support Give relevant background information Do goal-oriented activities Give/get feedback Design realistic & challenging situations Interaction is key Fun (Leemkuil, 2007, AGS)

9 We don’t know yet about this… Pedagogical –We want learning results  How do we shape the virtual world? –We really want learning results  Which interventions do we use at what time? –We really, really, really want learning results  What do we need to do in the virtual world to ensure that we use the competence later in the real world? Technical: –What is needed for this university to use this tool: hardware, support, etc. In short: what do we learn from virtual worlds? (yes, that’s a deep one)

10 Who wants to know? HvA (its in the policy) –Oro?? Staff department Education & applied research Nation-wide: expertgroup ‘ICT in learning’


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