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 Valentine’s day…. this name makes you think at love.

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2  Valentine’s day…. this name makes you think at love.

3  Because it is a love holiday it has many symbols. One of them is Romeo and Juliet. Their story is a symbol because there is a beautiful love story and because if one of them dies the other one dies too.

4  Cupid is the saint of this holiday but some people don’t believe in him. He is a good Sagittarius and his shoot makes love everywhere  Cupid is the saint of this holiday but some people don’t believe in him. He is a good Sagittarius and his shoot makes love everywhere.

5  Roses reminds us about Valentine’s day thanks to their bloody color so the valentines receive a symbol of love from the beloved person.

6  Chocolate is a sweet gift like a sweet love and therefore it is a good gift for young valentines.

7  Scented letters are a way in which they confess their love! Valentines statements written on beautiful scented paper with the perfume of love.


9  Created by Dumitranche  Miruna Georgiana

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