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Published byJeremy Easterling Modified over 10 years ago
Institute for Educational Leadership, Center for Workforce Development
Work-based Learning: Resources for Working with Students with Disabilities New York State DCDT Conference March 27, 2014 Curtis Richards Institute for Educational Leadership, Center for Workforce Development 1 1
What is Work-based Learning? Why Work-based Learning Matters?
Session Agenda What is Work-based Learning? Why Work-based Learning Matters? Innovative Strategies and Resources 2 2
Who We Are & What We Do Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL)’s Center for Workforce Development National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth) Funded by Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), U.S. Department of Labor National TA Center assists state & local workforce development systems to integrate youth with disabilities into their service strategies Partners: IEL; Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota; Boston University; PACER Center; TransCen, Inc.
What is Work-based Learning (WBL)?
A supervised experience sponsored by an education or training organization that links knowledge gained at the worksite with a planned program of study. Experiences range in intensity, structure & scope. Types: worksite visits, job shadowing, paid & unpaid internships, service/volunteer work, structured on- the-job training, formal apprenticeship or employment, entrepreneurship This definition comes from the Work-based Learning JumpStart on NCWD/Youth’s website There is a broad continuum of work-based learning opportunities. The continuum typically starts with career exploration activities in which youth meet employers in their school or community to learn about what they do (guest speakers, career fairs, job site tours) and advances to work experiences in which youth work side-by-side professionals in a real work setting. Participating in the full range of work-based learning opportunities helps to facilitate young people’s career development.
Career Development Process - Three Components
Self-Exploration Career Exploration Career Planning & Management Why work-based learning matters? Because it’s an important vehicle for Career Development. The career development process consists of three components: self-exploration, career exploration, and career planning and management. 1) Self-Exploration: Opportunities to learn about oneself through use of validated assessments of interests, skills and values and discover the many ways one can match interests, skills and values to career opportunities - Work-based learning contributes to developing self-exploration skills by helping youth further develop their interests, skills, and values. 2) Career Exploration: Experiences at school and in the community that help young people to (a) identify how their interests, values, and skills relate to careers of interest; (b) learn what skills and activities are associated with working in those careers; and, (c) identify the postsecondary education and training programs needed to successfully pursue those careers. - Work-based learning increases a youth’s career exploration skills as they investigate the nature of the job requirements and the educational background needed to excel in the employment setting. 3) Career Planning & Management: involves developing employability and decision-making skills, connecting with their capacity to operate within the world of work. Youth often struggle in employment because they don’t have the skills to easily manage the basic day-to-day expectations of employers or the awareness that in a rapidly changing job market, people need to adapt quickly to be successful. Career planning and management involves developing the skills to become and maintain one’s employability throughout the lifespan. Career planning and management activities support students by helping them: Acquire job search skills; Build career readiness skills; and Develop traits, work habits and behaviors that allow them to continually seek new work opportunities, therefore maximizing employability. - Youth develop career planning and management skills through work-based learning as they build employability skills and gain a clearer understanding of the range of soft skills needed to successfully enter the world of work.
Guideposts for Success
Five Essential Components for All Youth: School-Based Preparatory Experiences Career Prep & Work-Based Learning Youth Development & Leadership Connecting Activities Family Involvement & Supports Why work-based learning matters? Because it’s one of the critical components that all youth need for successful transition to adulthood Briefly explain Guideposts and how work-based learning is a key part – based on strong research evidence (see below) Value of work experience – Research evidence indicates: For youth with disabilities, work experiences and work-based learning are associated with improved employment outcomes: Youth with disabilities who participated in work experiences during high school (paid or unpaid) acquired jobs at higher wages after they graduated (Colley & Jamison, 1998) Students who participated in occupational education and special education in integrated settings are more likely to be competitively employed than students who have not participated in such activities (Blackorby & Wagner, 1996; Colley & Jamison, 1998; Luecking & Fabian, 2000; Rogan, 1997) For all youth, work-based learning may: increase school outcomes – researchers have found it increased attendance, decreased dropout rates, reduced school suspensions, and increased school engagement (Medrich, Calderon, & Hoachlander, 2002) increase likelihood of attending college or going to work (Jobs for the Future, 2007) Employers value past work experience when hiring especially when the competencies acquired are those that are specifically needed in the workplace. Some employers require work experience - Many professions, such as health and education professionals, require completion of an internship in order to receive a degree and/or a professional credential. NOTE: The next slide has brief overview of Guidepost Area 2- Career Prep & WBL
Career Development Strategies Guidepost Area 2
All Youth Need: Self-exploration activities to learn about their skills, interests & career options Career exploration activities including site visits, guest speakers, job shadowing; includes learning about education/ training entry requirements & earning potential/benefits Opportunities to practice through work experiences i.e. internships, community service work, part-time jobs Soft skills training to gain job-seeking & workplace basic skills Brief overview of Career Prep & WBL Guidepost area
Career Development Strategies Guidepost Area 2
In addition, youth with disabilities need: To understand benefits planning To learn to communicate their disability-related work support and accommodation needs To learn to find, formally request, & secure supports and accommodations The additional Guideposts for youth with disabilities are things you want to be sure to provide to youth along with work-based learning opportunities
About NY State’s Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential
As of July 2013, new optional credential for students with disabilities to document preparation for entry- level employment Must successful complete in Gr not less than equivalent of 2 units of study in CTE course(s) and/or work-based learning experiences (Requires minimum of 54 hours of documented school supervised WBL) Work-based learning experiences include, but are not limited to, job shadowing, community service, volunteering, service learning, senior project(s) and/or school based enterprise(s) To provide some context, review some information about NY State Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential which calls for youth with disabilities to complete work-based learning experiences Ask participants about their experience with the new credential and/or with work-based learning in general
Purpose of WBL - Helping Youth Build & Practice Competencies
Design opportunities to build youth competencies including: Career readiness skills – soft skills & technical skills appropriate to own career goals Understanding oneself - how own skills, attributes, values, & interests match up with different career options Awareness of various career options Understanding required credentials/skills/experiences and career pathways to pursue careers of interests Job seeking skills Ownership for own career development – actively explores options, set goals, and creates career plans This isn’t an exhaustive list. Discuss other purposes for work-based learning
Strategies & Tools You Can Use
Engaging Youth in Work Experiences: An Innovative Strategies Practice Brief: youth-in-work-experiences Features strategies from 10 successful programs nationwide Describes how they implement strategies and what tools they use The Innovative Strategies Practice Brief on Engaging Youth in Work Experiences is an excellent resource for learning what strategies make for a successful program. It also provides examples of tools the featured programs use. NCWD/Youth asked programs that were identified as Innovative and Promising to share what strategies and tools they use to engage youth in work experiences. This brief is just one of several useful resources that we have available online. The next few slides highlight some of what you’ll find in this brief.
Innovative Strategies – Common Practices of Successful Programs
Provide youth with soft skills training and guidance Train youth in technical skills, or hard skills, as needed for specific work experience setting Devote significant time to developing and maintaining relationships with employers Clearly communicate what is expected of employers, youth, and families upfront Carefully match youth to opportunities based on individual interests and skills Provide on-going support to youth and employers throughout the work experience From Innovative Strategies Practice Brief on Engaging Youth in Work Experiences Across all the programs, six trends emerged regarding strategies for engaging youth in work experiences: Programs prepare youth for work experiences through training and guidance in soft skills. Some programs also train youth in technical skills, or hard skills, needed for specific career pathways or work settings. Program staff devote significant time to developing and maintaining relationships with employers. Programs clearly communicate what is expected of employers, youth, and families before the start of a work experience. Programs carefully match youth to work experience opportunities based on individual interests and skills. Programs provide on-going support to youth and employers throughout the work experience.
Innovative Strategies
Designing Internship Opportunities Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential, OH 10-week summer internship: various jobs at VA Medical Center and other work sites matching individual youth’s interests Internship Learning Contract clarifies expectations for all Worksite Progress Report, supervisor shares feedback Palm Bay High School/High Tech, FL Students obtain internships through various connections: program mentors, Chamber of Commerce, parents Internship Agreement defines intern duties, expectations Supervisor provides feedback via Student Evaluation form These are program examples from the Innovative Strategies Practice Brief on “Engaging Youth in Work Experiences” Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential (LEAP), Cleveland, OH LEAP operate a year-round High School/High Tech program as well as other youth programs in partnership with local high schools. LEAP arranges 10-week summer employment opportunities for youth participants which involve working in various departments at the Veterans Administration Medical Center facilities in Cleveland and other work sites. LEAP staff develop employer relationships through a combination of continuously making new contacts and building on existing relationships. LEAP’s Employment Specialist finds out about possible employers through online research, attending community meetings, and asking friends and colleagues. Sometimes, LEAP staff make cold calls or send letters of introduction (See LEAP’s Letter to Employers) explaining the program and inquiring about an employer’s interest in becoming a partner. When possible, staff leverage personal connections to make in-roads with employers. For example, one staff member approached a friend who had a small business about serving as a summer work site. LEAP communicates what it expects of employers through its Internship Learning Contract. The contract specifies the employer’s role during the internship which includes: Providing assignments and duties to the youth that enable youth to learn through the internship experience; Mentoring the youth throughout the internship; Assessing the youth’s performance and providing feedback to the program coordinator; and Notifying the coordinator of any job performance issues or problems and any changes in the youth’s supervisor. Youth in LEAP’s HS/HT program and their parent or guardian sign the same Internship Learning Contract that the worksite supervisor signs. The contract provides youth and their families with details about the internship location and supervisor contact, the work schedule, the assigned duties and any expected products or projects to be completed, and what the student will be paid and how and when paychecks will be processed. Youth in LEAP programs have a variety of disabilities so the contract also includes details about any resources or accommodations the youth needs to succeed at work. To ensure that families of youth who are minors are fully informed and provide consent for their youth’s participation in a work experience, LEAP uses a Wage Agreement letter that youth, the parent or guardian, and the employer sign. The agreement outlines all the program details, including the wage and payment information. A few months before youth will be placed in summer work experiences, staff identify existing or new employer partners who could provide a work experience matching the youth’s interests and goals. LEAP has one large employer partnership with the Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Center where youth can work in one of a number of offices and departments depending on their interests and skills. When a youth has a career interest that does not align with the opportunities at the VA Medical Center, LEAP staff reach out to other local employers in search of the right fit. LEAP’s Program Director explains, “The large employer partner model works well for some youth but not for all youth.” When one youth demonstrated strong skills and interest in working with computers, the LEAP Employment Specialist searched online for information about local organizations and businesses to approach about partnering. She discovered that a local nonprofit that operates a public computer center was looking for volunteers to staff the center. She called and set up a meeting with the nonprofit to discuss the possibility of arranging a work experience for the youth. She explained that LEAP could pay the youth for working in the nonprofit’s computer center if the nonprofit agreed to provide any needed training and supervision. The nonprofit agreed and as a result the youth gained valuable experience working as a computer lab assistant. His duties included teaching others how to use the computers for ing and conducting job searches. LEAP uses a Worksite Progress Report to collect supervisor feedback on a specific set of soft skills as well a general comments. Able Trust Florida HS/HT Program at Palm Bay High School (PBHS) The Director of the Able Trust Florida HS/HT Program at PBHS says he also uses a variety of methods to identify and build relationship with employer partners. One way he finds employer partners is by talking with parents and volunteers who assist with other aspects of the program. Involving parents on the program’s advisory committee helps build a network of contacts. He also tries to get to know human resources staff at local businesses. Attending Chamber of Commerce meetings provides opportunities to learn who the local players are and to network with employers. The Director also builds on his relationships with the program’s volunteer mentors. Some mentors help open doors within their companies to developing work experiences for youth. The program uses an Internship Agreement to ensure employers clearly understand what is expected of them and how the work experience will be structured. It asks the employer to specify the duties and specific work hours they are assigning to the youth. The agreement also indicates who will be the onsite supervisor and the location where the youth will be assigned to work. By signing the agreement, the employers commits to providing the youth with a specific number of total hours of work and assigning tasks that enable the youth to develop career readiness and occupation specific competencies through the experience. Employers also agree to consult with the program coordinator about any job performance concerns before making any decisions about terminating the internship. The program also requires youth and families to sign the PBHS Internship Agreement. The agreement outlines the guidelines that youth must follow throughout the internship including maintaining a minimum grade point average, dressing and grooming themselves appropriately for the workplace, following all applicable health and safety laws, and conducting themselves professionally on the job (specific expectations are described in the agreement). The agreement also explains that youth are responsible for their own transportation and how they are expected to handle absences and workplace complaints. The Able Trust HS/HT program at PBHS uses a Student Evaluation Form to collect feedback from worksite supervisors on the youth’s performance and growth during the work experience.
Innovative Strategies
Designing Internship Opportunities Linking Learning to Life, NH Training Interns & Partnering for Success (TIPS) - use internship training plan to focus experience on learning soft skills Youth & employer revisit plan throughout internship to rate youth’s performance & record progress Use testimonial videos, flyers, PSAs, success stories to recruit employer partners Project Search, Cincinnati, OH Year-long unpaid internship with job rotations at hospital Daily on-site job coaching before and after work Worksite mentors Linking Learning to Life, Chittenden County, New Hampshire Linking Learning to Life offers the Training Interns and Partnering for Success (TIPS) internship program. TIPS internship program uses an Internship Training Plan to communicate the training objectives that both youth and employers agree to focus on throughout the internship. Youth and their supervisors fill in details of how the youth will practice and develop specific soft skills on the job. The targeted soft skills are organized into three categories – communication skills, executive skills, and problem solving skills – and youth and employers can add other skills to the plan as appropriate to the youth’s work assignment and personal goals. The youth and employer revisit the plan throughout the internship to rate youth’s performance and record progress. The program uses outreach materials such as the TIPS Informational Flyer, TIPS Program Public Service Announcement, TIPS Success Stories, and Employer Testimonial (video)to attract employers and other partners. Project Search, Cincinnati, OH and other locations nationwide Project Search sites typically partner with one large employer, such as a local hospital, and work with that employer to identify multiple job assignments in different departments. During their year-long unpaid internship, youth rotate from one job assignment to another every few months, giving them a chance to try out different jobs and develop a range of skills. Project Search’s model provides daily on-site job coaching and support. The program coordinator meets daily with youth before and after their work hours at the work site. As a part of the partnership agreement, the employer provides a dedicated meeting space for all the youth interns to meet daily. This approach allows the youth to work on soft skills in their morning group class and then immediately practice the skills on the job the same day. The after-work meetings provide an opportunity for the program coordinator to coach youth on any challenges they may have experienced at work that day. Youth also receive support from worksite mentors who collaborate with the program staff on coaching youth on the job.
Innovative Strategies
Worksite Visits and Job Shadowing Transitional Age Youth Program, Long Beach, CA Worksite visit for Career Cruising: Airport visit = 27 jobs Five-Day Checklist Extravaganza: Week-long job rotation Bay Cove Academy, Brookline, MA Job shadowing includes career scavenger hunt activity Reach out to employers that match students’ career interests North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Prepares employers to host job shadowing by providing employer toolkit including suggested schedule and other action steps Career Exploration The Village Integrated Service Agency’s Transitional Age Youth Program National Mental Health Association of Greater Los Angeles, Long Beach, CA Staff members send the message to TAY clients that work, and the education and training that moves an individual into work, is a “vital necessity of life.” The program director emphasizes that for all youth and young adults, not just youth with mental health needs, trial and error is the key to successfully finding a job and/or career that fits their individual interests. This requires exposing clients to jobs and career paths, teaching clients that everyone must set career goals and design step-by-step processes to get there, and providing opportunities for work experiences and immediate income. The program’s career developer emphasizes “career cruising” as an important way to expose youth to the many work and career options. For example, youth visited the local airport where they learned about 27 jobs, their pay scales, and the skills required to be successful at each job. TAY uses a Five-Day Checklist Extravaganza Assessment to assess each youth’s work readiness. TAY places clients in three different Village ISA worksites (at a deli, doing maintenance, and assisting with clerical tasks) over a five-day period. Following the assessment, the client and staff members determine next steps to find and secure employment that matches the youth’s skills and interests. Job Shadowing at Bay Cove Academy, Brookline, MA Bay Cove Academy’s Career Development Program provides both school-wide and individualized job shadowing opportunities. Each year for National Groundhog Job Shadowing Day, staff organize a school-wide event that engages all students in a job shadowing experiences. As they plan the event, staff poll the students about their career interests and then reach out to employers that match those interests. Some of the businesses and employers that have hosted students for job shadowing in recent years are the Zoo, the Aquarium, the radio station, and the New England TV sports network. Teachers accompany students on the job shadowing experience, which typically lasts a few hours. To provide structure to the job shadowing experience, students complete a career scavenger hunt activity. The activity requires students to work as a team to answer the scavenger hunt questions. This provides an opportunity for students to develop team work skills, one of the many soft skills that employers look for in new employees. Students receive a prize for achieving the goal of answering all the questions. Students are also asked to complete a student evaluation form with questions about what they learned and how they will apply the new information to planning for their future. Bay Cove Academy also asks employers and teachers to complete Job Shadow Day evaluations to help staff improve the experience each year. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Provide Employers with Guidance on Hosting Job Shadowing Guidance and support for employers is a key component of the shadowing initiative, a collaborative effort between the NC Dept of Public Instruction, First Gentleman Robert Eaves, and the North Carolina Business Committee for Education (NCBCE). was launched as a statewide initiative for middle school students in In its first year, provided job shadowing opportunities for 17,000 middle school students by partnering with small and large employers including the State Employees' Credit Union (SECU), North Carolina Highway Patrol, Cisco, IBM, and EMC2. The initiative has developed a toolkit for employers to help them prepare to host a job shadowing day at their workplace. The toolkit includes an action plan for job shadowing that outlines steps for employers to take. The steps include: Get senior management on board and make a commitment to participate; Contact the local job shadowing coordinator (contact information for local coordinators is provided on the website); Set the agenda for the event (a sample schedule is provided in the toolkit); Develop a message for students that employees will communicate during their interaction with students (suggested topics include workplace expectations, employability skills, importance of education to employment success, how academic skills are applied on the job); and Provide feedback to the initiative after the event. The toolkit provides more detailed instructions and suggestions for each action step including what responsibilities the employer can expect the school to handle and tips from past employer participants. A video produced by one of the employer partners is also available to give other employers a picture of what a job shadowing day may entail. While employers design their own agenda, the suggested schedule consists of a large group welcome and overview of the employer’s business, two to four hours of one-on-one job shadowing in which each student is matched with an employee, a lunch presentation and discussion with a business leader, and a tour of the workplace.
Innovative Strategies
Entrepreneurial Work Experiences Hope Haven, Inc., Iowa Career and Self Exploration (CASE) class at West Sioux High School includes student-run business: Coffee Shop Students work in coffee shop before morning classes, earn class credit for work experience Tech Now Oklahoma High School/High Tech Youth learn to create and sell own products using multimedia technology skills Learn business concepts and skills (finance, marketing) Hope Haven, Inc., Hawarden, Iowa In partnership with the local school district and other community agencies, Hope Haven, Inc. developed a high school career development class with a student-run business component. Students enrolled in the Career and Self Exploration (CASE) class at West Sioux High School work at the in-school coffee shop, Falcon Joe’s, in the morning before classes start. Youth earn partial class credit by completing the work experience and they also earn tips. Local employers are involved in the CASE class as guest instructors (a local baker taught students about money management) and advisors (a flower shop owner has assisted with mock interviews). Tech Now Inc. Oklahoma High School High Tech Program Entrepreneurship is a central component of the Tech Now Inc. Oklahoma High School High Tech Program. Youth produce and sell various products they create using the multimedia technology and entrepreneurship skills they develop through the program. Tech Now Inc. aims to help youth develop a combination of multimedia technology and business skills. Because the program provides work experiences through student entrepreneurship, the program trains youth on the various multimedia technology skills they need to create their own products. They also learn business skills needed to market and sell their creations. On the business side, youth gain an understanding of manufacturing costs, profits, and losses. On the technology side, they develop skills in desktop publishing, desktop manufacturing, computer animation, and digital media production (See Tech Now’s brochure for more details about this youth entrepreneurship program model).
Innovative Strategies
Preparing Youth through Soft Skills Training First Jobs Academy, ME All youth must complete 4 weeks (6 hr/week) of pre-employment life skills & job retention training (Curricula available online) Training on Communication, Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving, Professionalism, Teamwork & Collaboration; Employer partners assist in delivering training Open Meadow Alternative School, OR Several weeks of training hosted by employer partner Training in professional work culture, career planning, competitive interviewing strategies, self marketing techniques, and networking skills These examples are in the Innovative Strategies Practice Brief on “Engaging Youth in Work Experiences” Soft Skills Training First Jobs Academy, Maine First Jobs Academy (FJA) requires youth to complete four weeks (six hours per week) of pre-employment life skills and job retention skills training program to be eligible for a summer job placement. The training is conducted by business and community leaders at the University of Southern Maine (USM). Youth receive a $25 stipend for each of the four weeks of training. With support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, FJA has published its pre-employment training curriculum (see the First Jobs Academy Work Readiness Training for Child Welfare Involved Youth: Trainer Guide). The curriculum is designed to help youth job seekers master knowledge, skills, and abilities in four main competency areas: Communication: How to articulate thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively; public speaking skills; writing work-related materials clearly and effectively. Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving: Sound reasoning and analytical thinking; how to use knowledge, facts, and data to solve workplace problems. Professionalism: Personal accountability and effective work habits, such as punctuality, working productively with others toward a goal, and time and workload management. Teamwork & Collaboration: How to build productive and professional working relationships with colleagues, supervisors, and customers; how to work with diverse teams; how to negotiate and manage conflict in the workplace. Open Meadow Alternative School Career Connections Program, Portland, OR Youth in Career Connections must complete several weeks of training held at the offices of an employer partner. During the training, youth learn about professional work culture, career planning, competitive interviewing strategies, self marketing techniques, and networking skills. Employers assist with the training by leading workshops and providing workplace tours (See an article by one employer partner, Portland Bureau of Development Services, about their involvement in Career Connection’s training).
Soft Skills Training Resources
ODEP’s Skills to Pay the Bills: Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success curriculum, Resources for Families: Helping Youth Develop Soft Skills for Job Success: Tips for Parents and Families InfoBrief, Soft Skills Podcast series, skills-for-job-success Here are some resources you can use to learn more about Soft Skills including a soft skills curricula developed by DOL ODEP
Guideposts for Employer Success
Demand Side Supply Side Available online at: Refer to copy of Employer Guideposts sent by Francis for notes on this section 19
Engaging Employers Strategies that Work
Communicate Benefits to Employers New source for reliable loyal employees New ideas & skills Professional development for existing staff Chance to meet & “try out” youth prior to hiring New partnerships Services for current employees Increased capacity of organization Increased reputation in community Tax benefits Fun! Feels good! (Office morale) These are a combination of tips from Employer Guideposts, KSA module on employer engagement, RAMP and other programs (per Patricia’s presentation) 20
Engaging Employers Strategies that Work Value of References
Employer to Employer: reference letter, list of references, name to call Colleague to Colleague: anyone else I should talk to? Within an Industry: associations, unions, chamber of commerce Within an Organization: human resources, diversity/EEOC group These are a combination of tips from Employer Guideposts, KSA module on employer engagement, RAMP and other programs (per Patricia’s presentation) 21
Engaging Employers Strategies that Work
Use Employer Friendly Language Awareness of particular industry’s needs Program feature vs. benefit Know benefits for employer (recruitment, tax credits, skilled & reliable employees,…) Documentation of quality skills development Streamline referrals & pre-screen applicants Create an employer brochure or flyer These are a combination of tips from Employer Guideposts, KSA module on employer engagement, RAMP and other programs (per Patricia’s presentation) 22
Engaging Employers Disability & Diversity Awareness
Provide disability-specific information & supports Identify & address access/accommodations needs (How they will help youth perform vs. legal reqs.) Ongoing post-placement follow-up (visits, modeling) Prepare & support youth (disclosure, reas. accom.) Disability & Diversity-awareness training Ask what further support and information the employer would like These are a combination of tips from Employer Guideposts, KSA module on employer engagement, RAMP and other programs (per Patricia’s presentation) 23
Strategies that Work – Provide Guidance to Employers
How to Prepare & Support Youth On-Site Involve youth-friendly staff Identify youth’s interests, goals, and expectations Provide clear information about your expectations Recognize move from school to work (new rules) Share your own experiences & career pathway Select hands-on, varied, and interactive tasks Allow exploration and failure (expect it!) Connect to resources & training Have fun! These are a combination of tips from Employer Guideposts, KSA module on employer engagement, RAMP and other programs (per Patricia’s presentation) 24 24
Strategies that Work – Say Thanks
Provide Thanks & Recognition Early & Often Food – breakfasts, luncheons Awards – ceremonies, plaque Publicity – internal & external Benefits – access to special events, tax benefits Letters – from youth, program, program seal Outcomes – invite to graduations, events These are a combination of tips from Employer Guideposts, KSA module on employer engagement, RAMP and other programs (per Patricia’s presentation) 25
Employer Engagement Resources
Work-based Learning Jumpstart – Employer Audience, Strategies for Youth Workforce Programs to Become Employer-Friendly Intermediaries, Where to find more guidance for engaging employers online 26
Your Questions & Strategies
Any questions? Strategies from the Group: Where have you found employers? How did you get your foot in the door? How do you keep your relationships strong? Other tips, strategies, resources to share? Discussion – their experiences with employer engagement 27
Engaging Families Make Sure They Are Informed
Provide details about work-based learning opportunities – expectations for all involved and support available Discuss relationship between benefits planning & work Share Ways They Can Support Youth Take active role in career exploration and planning Help youth practice soft skills/work skills at home Use family and social networks to find employer partners Discuss with youth whether, when and how to disclose disability and ask for a reasonable accommodations Opportunities to Get Engaged Some important ways to engage families
Disclosure and Accommodations
Disclosure—youth should decide when and how much to tell others, and understand how their disability affects their capacity to learn and/or perform effectively; they should also be “aware”… Accommodations—youth should be empowered to determine what environmental adjustments, supports, and services they need in order to access, participate and excel in school, at work, and in the community. A critical part of career development with youth with disabilities is learning about disability disclosure 29
Family Engagement Resources
Soft Skills Info Brief (See earlier slide on Soft Skills) Helping Youth Build Work Skills for Job Success: Tips for Parents and Families Info Brief, Tapping into the Power of Families: How Families of Youth with Disabilities Can Assist in Job Search and Retention, into-the-power-of-families The Guideposts for Success: A Framework for Families Preparing Youth for Adulthood Info Brief, brief And more resources from NCWD/Youth and other organizations on work-based learning
Disability Disclosure Resources
The 411 on Disability Disclosure: A Workbook for Youth with Disabilities, disability-disclosure The 411 on Disability Disclosure: A Workbook for Families, Educators, Youth Service Professionals, and Adult Allies Who Care About Youth with Disabilities, for-adults Cyber Disclosure for Youth with Disabilities, Disability Disclosure Videos, These are resources you can use to assist youth in learning about disability disclosure.
Accommodations Resources
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN), JAN’s Searchable Online Accommodation Resource, Entering the World of Work: What Youth with Mental Health Needs Should Know About Accommodations, ODEP, These are resources for helping youth understand what accommodations they might use depending on their disability
More WBL Resources Work-based Learning Jumpstart: Ch. 3 in High School High Tech Program Guide: Guide to Internships for Students with Disabilities: Individualized Learning Plans How-to Guide, Section on Work- based Learning: Additional resources for designing and implementing WBL
More Career Development Resources
Using Career Interest Inventories to Inform Career Planning, Innovative Strategies Practice Brief, career-interest-inventories-to-inform-career-planning Career Exploration in Action, Innovative Strategies Practice Brief strategies/practice-briefs/career-exploration-in-action These are some additional resources from NCWD/Youth which you can find on our website.
Partner Resources NSTTAC Youth to Work Coalition, TransCen, Inc., PACER Center, Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota, Find resources from various NCWD/Youth Partners on these websites.
For More Information National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth: Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy: Contact: Curtis Richards, Ph. (202) Ext. 163 Contact Us 36 36
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