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Prehistoric Indians AnasaziHistoric Indians Random 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Prehistoric Indians AnasaziHistoric Indians Random 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prehistoric Indians AnasaziHistoric Indians Random 100 200 300 400 500

2 What did the Archaic Indians hunt with? What is the atlatl

3 Name what the Archaic Indians and the Fremont ate. Archaic- Duck eggs, trout, berries, cattail Fremont- Pumpkins, squash, beans, and corn

4 Which group have archeologists found the with the oldest documented artifacts? Who are the Paleo Indians

5 Which two prehistoric groups were known as being hunter gatherers Who are the Paleo and Archaic Indians

6 T or F Did the Anasazi people practice cannibalism? What is true

7 Where do the Fremont Indians get their name from? What is the Fremont River

8 Where did the Anasazi live? Where is the four corners area?

9 T or F Did the Anasazi domesticate turkeys? What is true

10 What did the Anasazi eat? What is pumpkins, squash, beans, and corn

11 What happened to the Anasazi? What is they mysteriously disappeared?

12 Which two tribes hunted using the horse? Who are the Ute and Shoshone?

13 Which tribe is called the “Root Diggers?” Who is the Goshute Indians

14 Which tribe is known as nomadic hunter gatherers and farmers? Who is the Paiute?

15 Which tribe ate crickets, roots, seeds, plants, and nuts? What is the Goshute?

16 How did the Navajo make their clothing? What is they raised sheep and used the wool to make clothing?

17 Which tribes lived in tepees? Who are the Utes and Shoshone?

18 Which tribe lived in hogans? Who are the Navajo

19 Where did the Shoshone, Ute, and Navajo live?

20 Which tribes lived in wikiups? Who are the Paiute, the Goshute, and the Archaic Indians?

21 Show me where the Goshute and Paiute tribes lived

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