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The Photographer In Me (My name is Erin, if you were wondering)

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1 The Photographer In Me (My name is Erin, if you were wondering)

2 I take pictures sometimes. Like this one of Priscilla, for example. She is off to the far right third of the picture and your eyes go from her eyes to whatever she’s pointing at because of the line made from her arm. She was pointing at a guy on a bike, if you were wondering. The depth of field is only allowing for the subject – Priscilla – to be in focus, while the background is blurry. That helps you know what, or who, the main focus is. I used the natural lighting from the sun to illuminate the subject. I believe I used a Cannon Rebel XT. If I were to change something in this photo, it would be making sure she was making a happy face. I made this picture more vibrant and brought up the contrast a bit. I also cropped it to make it more bettererer. This shows the internal anger that Priscilla has toward guys on bikes.

3 This is a picture of the lovely Priscilla Jaramillo on the walking bridge at the Riverfront Park in Salem Oregon. The picture had a lot of natural lighting and I edited it a wee bit on Pixlr, bringing up the saturation. I really like how most of the picture has cooler colors and then… BAM!!! She’s wearing a bright pink dress. It’s exciting. It’s a very symmetrical picture, with the bridge’s things on either side and her centered. Here we’ll find another beautiful photo of Priscilla posing on the dock to the ramp at the Riverfront. The lighting is a bit hard so her face has some really dark and really light places. I wish I could have changed that. I like how the focus is clearly Priscilla because the background is not so busy and it’s blurred out, anyway.

4 Get on my level. These are a couple shots of Alex that I took at the start of this semester. I like the first one because it’s a mysterious pose of him looking off in the distance and the angle isn’t that boring head- on crap. His head and body are in the top right-ish third area and the happy little shadows are very gentle. The second picture was really interesting to me because you can see the bright blue sky behind him and the under part of his chin isn’t even ugly, so it’s a win-win situation. This picture offers a sense of power because he looks big and mighty, like he’s gonna stomp your brains out. Pretty cool. His face is light up with natural light and it’s not too strong of a contrast between light and dark. The background isn’t so distracting, which was a wonderful thing in my opinion. If I were to change something about this picture, it would be making sure I didn’t cut off part of his arm. The end

5 The End Overall, I’ve found that portrait pictures are probably my favorite to do. I like capturing an emotion in a person and making the person feel super awkward while they try to think up a pose. I may not be the best photographer, but with more time and experience, I feel like I may have some potential. I think photography runs in my blood, because many of my family members also have a passion for photography. I don’t really like doing still life pictures because they kind of bore me, but I’m really not that picky. Whenever I get a chance to take pictures, I usually will take that opportunity in a heartbeat. I’m super excited to see what the future holds for me. In a week I’m going to Panama and Costa Rica and plan to take tons of pictures while I’m there.

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