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1 Benefits Of Suffering. 2 Introduction  There are many reasons Why men suffer:  Their own sins  The sins of others  As a faithful Christian standing.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Benefits Of Suffering. 2 Introduction  There are many reasons Why men suffer:  Their own sins  The sins of others  As a faithful Christian standing."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Benefits Of Suffering

2 2 Introduction  There are many reasons Why men suffer:  Their own sins  The sins of others  As a faithful Christian standing for the truth – standing with God because we love Him

3 3 Introduction  Suffering may be either beneficial or destructive – it depends upon how the one suffering reacts to it  Suffering can be the source of wonderful blessings if we react in the right way!

4 4 1. Suffering Helps The Suffer To Know Himself  One of the greatest needs of man is to know himself

5 Ps. 139:23-24 5

6 6 1. Suffering Helps The Suffer To Know Himself  Mt. 26:21 ff  Before he was severely tested (which he failed) – Peter thought he was a tower of strength  However, the actual testing “introduced Peter to himself”

7 7 1. Suffering Helps The Suffer To Know Himself  We may not really know ourselves until we have been put into “the crucible of suffering”

8 8 2. It Helps Us See What Is Really Important  In the midst of great suffering we come to see what is really important  Wealth, power, popularity and such like have little appeal to a dying man

9 9 3. It Helps Us To Be Thankful For Our Blessings  We often take our blessings for granted  Let us remember that all good gifts come from God  Be thankful for the privilege of prayer, for salvation, the privilege of worship etc.

10 10 4. Suffering Helps Us See The Value Of Prayer  2 Ch. 33:9-13

11 11 5. Suffering Helps Us Better Understand The Fatherhood Of God  Mt. 6:9

12 Mt. 7:7-11 12

13 13 6. Helps Us To Better Understand Our Love For Others  When we see others suffer even to the point of dying, it helps us to better understand how much they mean to us – how much we truly love them  1 Cor. 13

14 14 7. It Helps Us To See That The Darkest Hours May Come Before The Brightest  How many give up too soon?

15 2 Cor. 5:7-8 15

16 Gal. 6:9 16

17 Rev. 2:10 17

18 8. Some Spiritual Heights Are Only reached By Going Through The Valley Of Affliction & Tears 18

19 2 Cor. 4:17-19 19

20 Deut. 4:40 20

21 Deut. 4:30-31 21

22 Ps. 119:71 22

23 Conclusion  “Suffering provides the suffering an opportunity to ‘begin anew’ the monumental task of building the kind of life God would have him build” 23

24 Conclusion  Instead of reacting bitterly against God each suffer should realize that he and his family may be richly blessed 24

25 Job 13:15 25

26 References  Spiritual Sword, Blessed Are Those Who Suffer---Faithfully (Mt. 5:10-12), Vol. 4 #3 26

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