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;xh hLjg ;"q Life Management Skill for Personal Transformation.

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1 ;xh hLjg ;"q Life Management Skill for Personal Transformation

2 Four major techniques for Living 1. Swadhyaya Self Study 2. Sadhana Right Practice 3. Satsang Right Company 4. Sewa Service

3 There are two main objective of Self-study. They are: a. Professional Development b. Spiritual Development 1. Swadhyaya (Self Study) :jfWofofGdf k|db Swadhyayanma Pramada i.e. Self-study should be done without compromise. :jfWofok|jrgfEof+ g k|dlbtJod Swadhyaya Pravachnavyam na pramaditabyam i.e. without self-study one should not be a public speaker.

4 a. Professional Practice Professional development obeying professional ethics b. Yogic Practice Samatwam Yoga Uchhyate i.e., uplifts health, mind and body c. Mantra Practice Mantra i.e. chants help to lead a dynamic way of life managing stress and balancing emotion. 2. Sadhana (Right Practice) Active mind in competitive age cannot meet the level of heart?

5  Satsang is to be in right company with right people for right cause.  Computer also helps networking but Satsang helps to recharges our thoughts and ideologies transforming negativity towards positivity. 3. Satsang (Right Company) Guru Gorakhnath says; Hasiba, kheliba, dhariba dhyana, Aharhisham kathiba brahma giyana Hasain Khelai na kare mana bhanga, Te nihachala sada natha ke sanga Santa (saint) Kabir also says; Mana yeso nirmala bhayo jaise ganga nir Aage picche hara phire kahata kabir kabir

6  1fg+ ef/M lqmof lagf Gyanam bhara: Kriya bina i.e. knowledge without service is useless as theory without practice is lame.  Vedabyasa says k/f]ksf/M k'0ofo kfkfo k/kL8gd Paropakara: punyaya papaya parapidanam i.e. service provides emancipation while hurting other leads towards hell.  cfTdgf] lxtfo hut\ lxtfo r Aatmano hetaya jagat hetaya cha i.e. Serving oneself selflessly is serving for the world. 4. Sewa (Service)

7  Dffgj ;]jf g} dfwj ;]jf xf Manav sewa nai madhav sewa ho i.e. To serve human being is to serve God.  ;]jf lx k/df] wd{M Sewa he paramo dharma i.e. Service is the greatest religion.  The essence of Gita is Karma Yoga  ejt' ;Aa d+und Bhawatu sabba mangalam i.e. May all have well-being

8 Thanks. Dr. C. M. Yogi Founding Principal - Hindu VidyaPeeth-Nepal (HVP) Founding Chairperson - Shanti Sewa Ashram (SSA) Patron - Youth Society for Peace ( YSP) Founder - Society for Value Education (SVE) Chairperson - Nepal Inter-faith Movement > Po. Box: 6807, Kathmandu, Nepal, Ph. 00977-1-5527924 /5006125, and

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