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The Holy Spirit in our Past. “Who are the ‘Brethren’? All Christians are brethren. But who are the ‘Brethren? Some would say that no such people exist.

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Presentation on theme: "The Holy Spirit in our Past. “Who are the ‘Brethren’? All Christians are brethren. But who are the ‘Brethren? Some would say that no such people exist."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Holy Spirit in our Past


3 “Who are the ‘Brethren’? All Christians are brethren. But who are the ‘Brethren? Some would say that no such people exist. They would say that in the early 19 th century, in places far removed from each other, there was a movement of God’s Spirit which led many Christians ( concerned as they were about weakness and worldliness in the Church and the lack of missional activity) to turn from ecclesiastical traditions and to go back to the New Testament and practice what they found therein”

4 “The history of the Church since its inception at Pentecost has been one of recurring manifestations of the Holy Spirit’s activity in restoring and revitalising the testimony of God’s people. In the early years of the last (19 th ) century there was an evident movement of God’s Spirit that resulted in the redicovery of many truths that had been buried under the rubble of church tradition and superstition”

5 1.The inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture 2. The ‘Priesthood’ of all believers 3.The ‘Presidency’ of the Holy Spirit 4.All believers were members of “One Body” 5. The Lord’s Table was to be open to all his people 6. Spiritual gifts had been given to be used! 7. Leadership was plural 8. Each church was autonomous


7 Man Movement Machine Monument



10 “some Christians, anxious above all to be faithful to the revelation of God without compromise, ignore the challenge of the modern world and live in the past. Others, anxious to respond to the world around them trim and twist God’s revelation in their search for relevance. The Christian is at liberty to surrender neither to antiquity or to modernity! We must seek to submit to the revelation of yesterday within the realities of today, combining loyalty to the past with sensitivity to today. To live under the Word in the world”

11 1. full time pastors / workers 2. home groups 3. ‘family’ services 4. communion in public services 5. partnership / fellowship with others 6. Relaxing of traditional position regarding women 7. A lessening of opportunity around the Table 8. A transition from smart to casual dress

12 1. To what extent is the ‘presidency’ of the Spirit practically acknowledged and expressed in our church life and meetings 2. Does having a chairperson at the Breaking of Bread limit the opportunity for the Spirit to lead the saints in remembrance and worship? How can we keep a degree of chairing and give ‘room’ to the Spirit? 3. How does the principle of plural leadership play out in the context of a paid elder / pastor / worker? Is some ‘slippage’ into a ‘one man ministry’ a danger? How can this risk be offset? 4. Is there a risk inherent in fellowship across a broad denominational band that we will lose our distinctives and our people? How can we guard against this whilst expressing a broad view of the Church? 5. Do we teach sufficiently about the Holy Spirit. What ‘vibes’ do people pick up about His work and gifts without ever being given proper explanations?

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