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Designing Citizen-shaped Services: The ’Locality’ Approach.

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1 Designing Citizen-shaped Services: The ’Locality’ Approach

2 CONTEXT …………………………………………..


4 What did we begin to discover? A high proportion of customer demand is presented through rent arrears recovery Typically a problem to solve from presenting demand differs to demand in context We typically problem solve in isolation of internal and external silos We often require a multi-agency approach TYPICAL REASON FOR ARREARS In and out of work Varying work hours Redundancy / Getting paid from employer Family problems / relationship breakdown

5 What typically happened in ‘old world’? Rent Officer Monitor Account Rent Arrears Follow rent arrears Procedure Enforce payment by eviction process Receive payment stop eviction

6 What typically happened in ‘old world’? Customer Miss a payment Rent Arrears Make arrangements to pay Fail arrangement Borrow money to make payment to prevent eviction

7 Play DVD What we used to do

8 We didn’t actually know …… We only considered presenting demand…!! What does it feel like for customers in our ‘old’ system?

9 So what did we do?.......

10 Working to Purpose 1 Help me to resolve the problem(s) I have in my life/family/home community. 2 Understand what I need from my community and support me to be involved in defining how I can participate in its future.

11 Working to Principles 1 You understand me and the problems I need help to solveYou understand me and the problems I need help to solve 2 You take as long as necessary to understand meYou take as long as necessary to understand me 3 You do only what is necessary to create space for me to solve my problemsYou do only what is necessary to create space for me to solve my problems

12 Top Demands in Context Problem to solveNo.% I need help to manage my money3816% I need help with benefits2410% I need a more suitable property209% I need support to live my life independently 146% I need to make an arrangement I can afford 146% I need help to equip my home136% I need help with my health125% I need help with my child/children115% Help me to be safe in my home115% I need help with my new heating system73%

13 System Conditions - Internal Access to advice - housing benefit entitlement 30% Waiting List/Allocations - understanding need v's suitability of area/accomodation 18% Access to home support - maintaining independent living 13% ASB/Tenancy/Options cross working - different purpose 9% Allocations policy - moving with debt7% Income maximization7% Change to heating - access to advice to use/affordability 7% Adaptations high demand7%

14 System Conditions - External Access to budget management/bank account advice 31% Access to advice - benefit entitlement30% Access to finance/debt advice24% Access to support to resolve life issues (other than addiction) 13% Access to support to maintain independent living 13% Access to a health service - addiction9% Multi-agency involvement not necessarily solving the problem (different purposes) 9% Access to advice - income maximization7%

15 Realisation... If we continued to work with partners in the same way, they could not help as they were constrained by their own system.

16 Police Housing GP Access Centre 64% Value 36% Failure What hits front doors isn’t all work... 47% Value 53% Failure 65% Value 35% Failure 63% Value 37% Failure. We worry about eligibility and risk Demand is rising - we need to keep appointments short Be the gatekeeper Meet the numbers

17 A A Police Victim of DV Health Finances Social Services Children Housing

18 Capability and Cost What ‘A’ said she wanted: “I need help with housework and.....gaining access to the upstairs of the property. The two things that would have such a profound effect on mine and the children’s lives.” What ‘A’ said she wanted: “I need help with housework and.....gaining access to the upstairs of the property. The two things that would have such a profound effect on mine and the children’s lives.”

19 Capability and Cost What ‘A’ said she wanted: “I need help with housework and.....gaining access to the upstairs of the property. The two things that would have such a profound effect on mine and the children’s lives.” What ‘A’ said she wanted: “I need help with housework and.....gaining access to the upstairs of the property. The two things that would have such a profound effect on mine and the children’s lives.” What ‘A’ received: 2 x Anger Management Courses for 2 boys. Triple P Parenting Programme. Help cleaning 1 bedroom. Toilet frame, Perching stool & Bath board (for a bath she could not access).. What ‘A’ received: 2 x Anger Management Courses for 2 boys. Triple P Parenting Programme. Help cleaning 1 bedroom. Toilet frame, Perching stool & Bath board (for a bath she could not access)..

20 Capability and Cost What ‘A’ said she wanted: “I need help with housework and.....gaining access to the upstairs of the property. The two things that would have such a profound effect on mine and the children’s lives.” What ‘A’ said she wanted: “I need help with housework and.....gaining access to the upstairs of the property. The two things that would have such a profound effect on mine and the children’s lives.” What ‘A’ received: 2 x Anger Management Courses for 2 boys. Triple P Parenting Programme. Help cleaning 1 bedroom. Toilet frame, Perching stool & Bath board (for a bath she could not access).. What ‘A’ received: 2 x Anger Management Courses for 2 boys. Triple P Parenting Programme. Help cleaning 1 bedroom. Toilet frame, Perching stool & Bath board (for a bath she could not access).. And it took this many people to deliver it... 8 Social Workers. 22 Support Workers allocated. 30 Referrals in core flow. 16 Assessments in core flow. 36 Teams/Services. And it took this many people to deliver it... 8 Social Workers. 22 Support Workers allocated. 30 Referrals in core flow. 16 Assessments in core flow. 36 Teams/Services.

21 Capability and Cost Cost of what ‘A’ wanted: Cleaner, 10hrs/wk for 4 years: £14,560 Move to suitable property: £1,200 Stair lift: £5,000 Total: £20,760 Cost of what ‘A’ wanted: Cleaner, 10hrs/wk for 4 years: £14,560 Move to suitable property: £1,200 Stair lift: £5,000 Total: £20,760

22 Capability and Cost Cost of what ‘A’ wanted: Cleaner, 10hrs/wk for 4 years: £14,560 Move to suitable property: £1,200 Stair lift: £5,000 Total: £20,760 Cost of what ‘A’ wanted: Cleaner, 10hrs/wk for 4 years: £14,560 Move to suitable property: £1,200 Stair lift: £5,000 Total: £20,760 Cost of what ‘A’ has received: Under-estimate of all activities since mid-2008. Use of 2009 costs. TOTAL: £106,777 Cost of what ‘A’ has received: Under-estimate of all activities since mid-2008. Use of 2009 costs. TOTAL: £106,777

23 Capability and Cost Cost of what ‘A’ wanted: Cleaner, 10hrs/wk for 4 years: £14,560 Move to suitable property: £1,200 Stair lift: £5,000 Total: £20,760 Cost of what ‘A’ wanted: Cleaner, 10hrs/wk for 4 years: £14,560 Move to suitable property: £1,200 Stair lift: £5,000 Total: £20,760 Cost of what ‘A’ has received: Under-estimate of all activities since mid-2008. Use of 2009 costs. TOTAL: £106,777 Cost of what ‘A’ has received: Under-estimate of all activities since mid-2008. Use of 2009 costs. TOTAL: £106,777

24 We worry about risk!!! Protect our budgets/ income Protect our budgets/ income We focus on activities & targets!!! We focus on doing our bit and then pass it on P T S We process issues rather than fix them We record everything We only do what we have to We notice and record when people aren’t coping but don’t do anything about it Thanks but that does not help me My problem is getting worse No one is taking responsibility for helping me solve my problem Everyone has a little knowledge - no one is doing anything even when it’s getting worse

25 Protect our budgets/ income Protect our budgets/ income Referrals btwn agencies are the way to get things done Referrals lead to more referrals P T S We pass info to other agencies even when we don’t expect them to do anything We close the case if other agencies are involved Thanks but that does not help me My problem is getting worse No one is taking responsibility for helping me solve my problem Everyone has a little knowledge - no one is doing anything even when it’s getting worse Needs are complex…

26 P T S There are real barriers to sharing data. Thanks but that does not help me My problem is getting worse No one is taking responsibility for helping me solve my problem Everyone has a little knowledge - no one is doing anything even when it’s getting worse We don’t trust each other or citizens Knowledge is power, we are more special than you are

27 We believed what we were doing was working; making a difference – it isn’t. We missed opportunities to provide real help. Red flags not ‘heard’ or ‘seen’ in the system. We didn’t understand what mattered to the individual or the problem to solve The system focuses on the child – we miss/fail to act on the stated needs of the adult. We intervene with sanctions, coercion & threats – not help. Summary of Learning 1/2

28 We work in silos – we chop up people into functional activity. Assessment/referral leads to more assessment/ referral but problems don’t get solved. Everyone’s got a bit of knowledge but no one doing anything meaningful even when things are obviously getting worse. It’s OK because we have plans in place & review activity (not outcomes). Our work is crisis led. We have an episodic relationship with citizens Summary of Learning 2/2


30 Working to Purpose 1 Help me to resolve the problem(s) I have in my life/family/home community. 2 Understand what I need from my community and support me to be involved in defining how I can participate in its future.

31 Working to Principles 1 You understand me and the problems I need help to solveYou understand me and the problems I need help to solve 2 You take as long as necessary to understand meYou take as long as necessary to understand me 3 You do only what is necessary to create space for me to solve my problemsYou do only what is necessary to create space for me to solve my problems

32 Old World v’s New World Policy and Procedures Target driven Team Specialisms in silos: Rent/Welfare Team Tenancy Management Team Home Support Team ASB Team (different directorate/location) Purpose and Principles Measures driven One Team based in locality: Housing Locality Leader Housing Locality Officers Rent Specialism Tenancy Management specialism ASB specialism Home Support Officers

33 Old World v’s New World ‘Case is on my list/my patch therefore its my responsibility to deal with it’ Other teams will pick up their responsibilities ‘Referrals’ ‘I am the owner of this case’ ‘How can I help you get the help you need’ ‘Pull’

34 Measuring Outcomes The Triangle Specialist Professional Help (Long Term Support Needs) Multiple Problems to solve (I could go either way) Housing professional problems to solve (I am living my life ok)

35 How are we doing: The Triangle Where did I start? 5% Specialist Professional Help (Long Term Support) Multiple Problems to solve (I could go either way) Housing professional problems to solve (I am living my life ok) 31% 64%

36 How are we doing: The Triangle Where did I start? Where did I end up? 50% 5% Specialist Professional Help (Long Term Support) 5% Multiple Problems to solve (I could go either way) Housing professional problems to solve (I am living my life ok) 31% 64% 15% 80%

37 How are we doing?: Trial Cases in rent arrears` 65% of the cases have been successful 35% even though arrears have increased, it has been a result of external influences All customers still engaging with us on some level. 4 properties have become void and re-let 3 of the new tenants have a clear rent accounts 1 of the new tenants although in arrears due to a change of circumstances is working with us. 26 Winyates Cases: Arrears Position, Feb’12 – Aug’13

38 How are we doing?: Rent arrears figures

39 What does it feel like to work in our ‘new’ system? “We know what the ‘right thing’ is to do” “We know how customers feel about our service” “We work as a team rather than in our silo’s” “We have other agencies now working along side us instead of against us” “We know the right thing to do at an earlier stage” “We’re not going soft we still use enforcement”

40 Play DVD What we do now

41 And it’s not over yet …… We’ve only just begun ……….

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