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How to Respond to people we don’t like How to Respond to people we don’t like - Matt 5:38-48.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Respond to people we don’t like How to Respond to people we don’t like - Matt 5:38-48."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Respond to people we don’t like How to Respond to people we don’t like - Matt 5:38-48

2 ‘an eye for an eye …’ i.A law for judges, not individuals (Deut 19:18-21) ii.A law of mercy iii.Most likely never taken literally What did Jesus say? What did Jesus say? – v39f: i.Accept insults! v39 - ‘Turn the other cheek’. ii.Don’t stand on you rights! v40 - ‘Give your cloak as well’


4 How to Respond to people we don’t like How to Respond to people we don’t like - Matt 5:38-48 ‘an eye for an eye …’ i.A law for judges, not individuals (Deut 19:18-21) ii.A law of mercy iii.Most likely never taken literally What did Jesus say? What did Jesus say? – v39f: i.Accept insults! v39 - ‘Turn the other cheek’. ii.Don’t stand on you rights! v40 - ‘Give your cloak as well’ iii.Be generous with your time and effort - v41 - ‘Go the second mile’. iv.Be generous with your possessions v42. ‘Give to those who ask you’.

5 If anyone is poor among your fellow Israelites in any of the towns of the land that the L ORD your God is giving you, do not be hard-hearted or tight- fisted towards them. Rather, be open- handed and freely lend them whatever they need. … Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart. Deut 15:7-11.

6 1.Be Generous with Grace! - v38-42 2.Be Stingy with Hatred – v43-48 What does it mean to ‘love’ our enemies? – This love is not a feeling, it’s a duty. – Seek their good, not harm. How to Respond to people we don’t like How to Respond to people we don’t like - Matt 5:38-48

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