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PUCOWO ETH Zurich 10 th June 2010 Mark Hewitt Shiv Kaushal.

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1 PUCOWO ETH Zurich 10 th June 2010 Mark Hewitt Shiv Kaushal

2  Collaboration between Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York  Each site has HPC resources, allows access to whole WRG  WRG e-Science Centre: Responsible for collaborative research and P-Grade deployment

3  Some users prefer web based access than SSH  Ease of running jobs on remote sites  One access point for all resrouces.

4  Tested alternatives, NGS Portal, Enginframe, EASA  Needed a generic job submission system, not applications based.  Free!  Well supported

5  P-Grade installed in VM at York  Install straight forward but did need support from developers  Cut down many features to make it easier for users / support.  Configured SGE job managers  Extensive testing carried out  INCA testing of all three sites

6  Especially like the workflow editor  It does what it says on the tin!  Stable, run for many months at a time  Not easy without detailed training  Some bugs ◦ Java integration issues meaning jobs marked as ‘incomplete’, and strict dependencies on Java versions ◦ Not possible to inspect a job without downloading a zip file ◦ Deletion of a workflow leaves the old name unusable ◦ Incompatible with Ubuntu’s default Java  User interface could be made more ‘friendly’  Some steps are confusing e.g. “set for grid”

7  SARoNGS ◦ SARoNGS is a project supported by the UK National Grid Service ◦ Allows a user to create a short lived proxy based on their institutional login via Shibboleth.  Integrated with P-Grade ◦ Simple to do. Add a button on certificate page, plus JSP code to populated the certificate download form

8  Some difficulties installing 2.9 ◦ Install now separates Condor / Java etc ◦ Condor not running stably ◦ Lack of time due go to production level  NGS WMS now reached maturity ◦ Hope to have integration between WMS and P- Grade  SARoNGS to handle certificates and login

9  Mark Hewitt ◦ University of York (  Shiv Kaushal ◦ University of Leeds (  Thanks to: ◦ P-Grade team  Esp. Zoltan Farkas and Peter Kacsuk ◦ Joanna Schmidt  WRG e-Science Centre Director ◦ Aaron Turner  WRG York ◦ Mike Griffiths  WRG Sheffield

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