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Statements or Something Better? Direction of Change.

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Presentation on theme: "Statements or Something Better? Direction of Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statements or Something Better? Direction of Change

2 Background to statutory reform Recommendation by ESTYN, Audit Commission, CEA WAG Task Group: Statutory Assessment - Options for change ELLS Committee Policy Review: - Consult & build consensus. - Seek to make legislative change in Wales. - ALN to replace SEN Preliminary consultation in 2 phases. LCO secured (2007)

3 Key Rights & Principles UN Rights of the child (Rights to Action) Inclusive education High quality broad & balanced education Able to make good progress towards potential Holistic individual assessments & planning Early identification & intervention LAC needs recognised Ethnic & cultural needs recognised

4 Intended outcomes of reforms A more inclusive education system. Improved outcomes & well-being. Improved participation of learners. Increased trust & confidence of parents. Greater consistency of outcomes. Better partnerships between agencies Better partnership with parents/carers. More efficient use of resources

5 Strategic Priorities Improving consistency & quality Modernising systems

6 NHS Parallels Reducing harm & Unjustified variation. Targeting: –Right person –Right Place –Right Time –Every Time

7 New more flexible systems Severe & complex needs Less complex needs Individual Development Plans Support and disagreement resolution Early intervention Transition to adulthood

8 Severe & complex needs Holistic view of learner’s needs Multi-agency assessment, planning and provision Team around child & key working Early Support Individual development plan Improved transition to adulthood Birth to 25

9 Less complex needs Flexible school-based system Less bureaucracy Individual development plan Improved quality assurance Entitlement protection Team around the child / family / school where needed.

10 Individual development plans Single plan for child / young person Common format Person centred planning Involvement of learner & parents Action planning approach Key-working where needed Flexible processes & IT system

11 Parent support, advocacy & complaints Strong emphasis on information, advice, advocacy & mediation. Parent support networks School & LA disagreement resolution procedures Open & flexible process & tight timescales Last resort to ALN tribunal Extended access to tribunal

12 Quality assurance Securing the right provision ALN quality assurance system: –Tracking pupils –Monitoring funding –Assessing quality Inclusive Schools Profile

13 Building capacity LA strategic role School action plans Professional development Defined Provision Pathways Team around the school. Role of special schools Web based resources & networks

14 Leadership & Management Training for leaders & managers Self-evaluation audit materials Improved accountability Mandatory ALNCo training Regulation on ALNCo role

15 Immediate Priorities Regional planning Building multi-agency consensus Multi-agency assessment & planning Team around the child, family and school Early Support Quality Assurance System

16 Pilot schemes: Quality Assurance: Flintshire Caerphilly Complex needs: Carmarthenshire Torfaen Non-complex: Pembrokeshire Bridgend Torfaen ALNCo: Cardiff & Newport

17 Quality Assurance & Evaluation Action Research project Central co-ordination Pilot Management Boards WAG task group monitoring

18 Other reform developments Early Support Transition Key-worker pilots Behaviour & attendance pilots Post-16 Funding Review Right of Appeal for the child pilot Unlocking the potential of special schools

19 Process of reform Continuing to build a consensus with all stakeholders On-going evaluation Review of powers Formal consultation 2012 Legislation – target 2013 Phased implementation

20 “Sustainable improvement is not achieved through piecemeal change. Real and lasting improvement occurs when elements identified as instrumental to desired improvement are addressed simultaneously and in a way that they complement and support one another” School Effectiveness Framework 2008

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