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 Planning for improvement within the school.  Planning for your own improvement as a leader.

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2  Planning for improvement within the school.  Planning for your own improvement as a leader.

3  What needs to be done to move my school forward?  What interests me?  What are my strengths in my job/where do I need to be developed?

4  SIP/Standards and Quality Report  Journey to Excellence documents (HIGIOS, CAC)  Look around you... Listen to others... What needs fixing? This is a chance to have your say and to make a difference to something you believe in!

5  Formal self evaluation: Against the Standard for Educational Leadership.  Informal self evaluations: On-going process- ‘check in’ with yourself constantly as you work. Key questions to ask yourself: Why am I doing this? What difference will it make? How do I feel about it? How could I do it better next time?

6 ‘Only by much searching and mining are gold and diamonds obtained, and man can find every truth connected with his being if he will dig deep into the mine of his soul.’ James Allen, ‘O, happy the soul that saw its own faults.’ Mevlana Rumi. ‘Know thyself.’ Socrates

7 August- October  Complete self evaluation.  Begin learning journal.  Talk to coach.  Decide on leadership project/establish a group to help.  Decide on aims of project.  Break aims down into achievable tasks with a time-frame.  Delegate!

8 October –December  Complete some sort of audit: What is already being done in your school in relation to your project/what needs to be done? Speak to staff.  Research: Look at what others are doing/what is already out there that could help you?  Use audit/research findings to complete project tasks.

9 December- February  Keep working through project tasks to fulfil the aim.  Evaluate impact of project as you go along.  Begin to collate evidence of your project’s impact/evidence of your personal growth.  Complete a critical incident analysis.

10 March- May  Tie up ‘loose ends’ of project.  Final evaluations.  Complete a further critical incident analysis.  Collect and collate evidence- at least 10 pieces.  Share project with others.

11 May-June Complete written summary of project. Complete written reflection of learning journey. Send paper work to GTC/fill in form for Professional Recognition.

12  Know where you are heading at all times. Even if this changes. Always have a destination in mind! ‘To have his path made clear for him is the aspiration of every human being in our beclouded and tempestuous existence.’ Joseph ConradJoseph Conrad (1857-1924) British novelist.


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