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Learning and Teaching. Individual Task In YOUR opinion, what is the most important contribution YOUR subject can make to the development of the whole.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning and Teaching. Individual Task In YOUR opinion, what is the most important contribution YOUR subject can make to the development of the whole."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning and Teaching

2 Individual Task In YOUR opinion, what is the most important contribution YOUR subject can make to the development of the whole child? *Be succinct, answer must fit on one side of a Post-it note.

3 De-cluttering the Curriculum

4 Paired task Getting into the mind of the learner

5 Videos – Expert thinkers Video 1 Video 1 Professor of Psychology Carol McGuinness – Queens College, University Belfast Video 2 Video 2 David Perkins – Harvard Graduate School of Education Video 3Video 3 - ? Video 3

6 ‘Mere coverage is the death of understanding’

7 Knox Academy Learning and Teaching Approach ► Retain Teacher Autonomy ► Promote a balanced development of Skills and Knowledge within the Curriculum ► Create a Standard - something we can all ‘hang our hat on’ ► Raise Attainment across the school

8 Skills for Learning

9 Skills for Learning - Coding

10 Key Concept 1 Key Concept 2 Key Concept 3 Key Concept 4 Key Concept 5 Preparation of the Body Key Concepts Within this Key Concept you will; Examine in detail, how fitness assessment and analysis of test results can contribute to performance training Determine the various fitness assessment procedures used for collecting ‘relevant’ Information on a performers; physical, skill-related and mental fitness Distinguish factors which may influence/affect the validity of test results

11 Teacher resource


13 When? Copies of the Skills for learning pyramid will be distributed to all pupils via year group assemblies/house assemblies in November Staff/Faculties can access coding symbols for PowerPoint's and print poster sized copies of resources for classrooms in staff work file/Skills for learning – with immediate effect

14 Thinking Skills Activities What we are told What we know What we think we know What we want to find out The Thinking Triangle

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