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Month March 2011 across the Diocese and beyond…..

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1 Month March 2011 across the Diocese and beyond….


3 It’s different, it’s interesting and it’s fun It’s about learning and succeeding It helps them to think and reflect about really important ideas and events

4 Bedfordshire

5 What did they do? Worship Biodegradable balloons released with prayers or special messages Pancake race Tree planting Earth hour

6 Responses It brought tears to my eyes to see the school keeps RE and God at the centre of what it does. It was an amazing experience helping the children think about love, write their prayers and reflect on what they had learnt. Well done to the teachers. It really made my day to read it and to think that this tiny orange balloon had travelled over 200 miles I would Love to Know who wrote this poem and would like to say thank you for making my day. Lots and Lots of love to you all from Devon. XXX George ( from Tiverton)

7 We visited the Gurdwara in Bedford We went to church to learn about creative prayer Celebrating RE In Bedfordshire

8 We enjoyed our multicultural week We went to church on Ash Wednesday We listened to a talk about Fair Trade Our pancake race African stories

9 400 years of the King James Bible Celebrating with BRF

10 Hertfordshire Luton Gospel Choir sang with us RE Celebration Week A rabbi talked to Year 5 Mrs Chipperton spoke about her work and faith

11 I hurt and killed an animal and regretted it Our group decided..

12 It helps them to communicate and express their ideas in all sort of ways It gives them a chance to share opinions, change opinions and challenge each other’s opinions It encourages them to become active and responsible young people

13 St. Albans Abbey

14 So many ideas…

15 Teachers commented: The day went very quickly and the children talked animatedly about their experiences all the way back to school. We are already thinking how we might include some of the ideas in our curriculum review! Thank you all for organising such a stimulating event - far from being a Cinderella-subject, we learned how challenging good RE can be.

16 Teachers Celebrating RE at St. Albans Abbey It was a great day, our children enjoyed it a lot

17 It enables the development of the whole child – and teachers believe in that RE brings depth and breadth into the curriculum – difficult concepts and a wide range of issues Pupils like RE and get increasingly good results

18 It provides excellent links across the curriculum to enable learning It is an essential part of young people’s educational experience

19 RE develops understanding of beliefs, religions and cultures It provides direct links with families and faith communities

20 Bedford Faith Fest

21 Celebrating RE at the Al-Khoei Centre Brent

22 It encourages informed understanding of socio-political issues It helps develop social and moral awareness

23 Celebrating RE at the House of Commons

24 What’s worth fighting for in RE? Celebrating RE Symposium March 19th Conway Hall London

25 Why Celebrate RE? 24 th March Keynote speaker Clare Short The Zoroastrian Centre Harrow Our school won a visit to St. Albans Abbey! We watched the fire litany

26 Whose RE is it anyway? NASACRE Conference M arch 31st Conference will: explore the tensions and controversies within and between RE stakeholders with a particular focus on quality RE for pupils in schools; provide stimuli to thinking and discussions amongst RE stakeholders about why we should be bothered about it and what pupils should get out of it; provide an opportunity for stakeholders to voice, and share their different perspectives and listen to the different interests within the RE community. Keynote speaker Professor Andrew Wright

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