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Working without a PFO Ruth Freeman Director of Income Generation and Marketing The Myton Hospices (Payroll Giving Anorak!) 27 th June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Working without a PFO Ruth Freeman Director of Income Generation and Marketing The Myton Hospices (Payroll Giving Anorak!) 27 th June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working without a PFO Ruth Freeman Director of Income Generation and Marketing The Myton Hospices (Payroll Giving Anorak!) 27 th June 2011

2 Payroll Giving The background Effie Bentham (supporter of Barnardo’s) introduced the Farthing league in 1905 Concept- high numbers of factory workers each giving a little to make a big difference By 1930 raising over £ 45,000 per annum for Barnardo’s By mid 80’s raising £ 4 million per annum, and not a PFO in sight ….

3 Why did it work ? Small amounts donated (pence rather than pounds) About the collective difference It was personal (about the cause) Messages were simple Promotions were F2F Promotions were fun

4 Payroll Giving Today Moved away from the ‘workforce making a collective difference’ concept More about the giving mechanism than the giving itself Focus on the benefits to the donor Perceived PFO ownership Works well for large charities with a strong brand and companies wanting to offer a choice

5 Making it work For you!

6 Myton’s story Started PG end 2007 (pre and post tax) Run 8 significant campaigns 402 Payroll Givers Average take up rate 51% £ 111,631 over 3 years + £ 22,622 in matched giving + £ 4,622 in Gift Aid + £4,321 Other company giving Total £ 143,196

7 What we did first In depth profiling of corporate supporter data base to identify companies: –with a PG contract –where employees have supported previously –with clear CSR goals –with current or past COTY partnerships Detailed research into identified companies –Workforce profile –Skills mix

8 What we did next Contacted companies for appointment Asked for 10 minutes Talked about 20% of employees raising £ 1,000,000 Invited interested decision makers to hospice and showed them around Talked about the best scheme for them Talked to payroll departments Involved them in the promotion

9 Developing a campaign Make it relevant to type of giving and appropriate to cause –If everyone at Joe Blogg’s and Son gives Just £ 1 per week we could …….. –If just 20% of the Coventry workforce gave just £1 per week we could run our services for….. Tailor product and level of ask to company needs – be flexible and creative Don’t call it Payroll Giving

10 Bespoke campaigns

11 Planning the promotion Key messages –‘You can make a difference’ – ‘ Be part of something special –You can be a stakeholder’ Make the materials attractive and engaging….. Run teaser campaigns Give out fun incentives



14 Tailoring the ask Lower the ask if appropriate – don’t go in too high Opt out schemes might be coming back so lower ‘asks’ may keep people in! Better to have 100 people giving 20p than 10 giving £ 1

15 Donor Care Send thank you to all new donors Notice and acknowledge lapsed donors even if it’s just to say thank you for support Keep companies in the communication loop Send at least an annual Thank you to companies and employees

16 Case Study 1 Small engineering company in Coventry – 42 employees Met FD and told him about the new hospice invited him + staff to come and have a look at hospice Put up pre- campaign posters about hospice


18 Results 37 people seen 32 signed up (86.4%) Annual Value = £ 1,768 Gift Aid = £ 442 Other support = £ 1,365 Total value over 3 years = £ 7995 Promotion costs = £ 960 R.O.I = 832 %

19 Case study 2 Medium sized company in Coventry 150 employees Invited MD to hospice He was already a supporter so agreed to match fund any donations Invited us to do presentation at staff meeting MD told staff he would match what ever they gave

20 Results Saw 89 people 58 signed up (64%) Annual Value £ 3016 Gift Aid = £ 754 Matched Funding = £ 3016 Total Value over 2 years = £ 13,572 Promotion costs £ 380 ROI = £ 3571%

21 Lessons learned Post tax schemes work well where the relationship is exclusive Gift Aid on PG works Grossing up Pre- tax schemes works If using own mandates check design with the agency first Get the number of canvassers / FRs right Promote events at promotions

22 Some top tips When targeting a particular company ask your staff to talk to friends and relatives that work there Ask individual donors (especially the good ones) to introduce you / and or PG to their company Invite decision makers and then staff to visit your project

23 Payroll Giving is a great way to achieve strategic goals if you…….. Treat it as an opportunity to talk to companies and develop corporate partnerships Incorporate it into all COTY partnerships Develop good donor care programmes Encourage supporters to feel like Stakeholders in the future Develop matched giving initiatives You are looking to fund new projects

24 The future Commissioned qualitative research Planning low value ask campaign Local consortium Target small to medium sized companies Target Company Directors from Major Giving list Marketing campaign designed by supporting company

25 In summary It really can work for you Don’t miss the boat

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