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Helen O’Dell How the LSA makes a Difference. Multitasking Statutory Function Maternity Matters Clinical Skills/RTP Facilitator Leadership “Fresh Eyes”

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Presentation on theme: "Helen O’Dell How the LSA makes a Difference. Multitasking Statutory Function Maternity Matters Clinical Skills/RTP Facilitator Leadership “Fresh Eyes”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Helen O’Dell How the LSA makes a Difference

2 Multitasking Statutory Function Maternity Matters Clinical Skills/RTP Facilitator Leadership “Fresh Eyes” Workforce Normalising Birth Maintaining Profile

3 Statutory Function Protection of Mothers and Babies Safe Maternity Services Supervisors of Midwives Annual Reviews Intention to Practice LSA Annual Audits Investigating concerns regarding practice Supporting Developmental/Supervised Practice programme Suspension from Practice

4 Maternity Matters South East Coast Maternity Matters Programme 4 Choice guarantees Choice of how to access maternity care Choice of type of antenatal care Choice of place of birth Choice of place of postnatal care

5 Clinical Skills/RTP Facilitators 3 year programme –Preceptorship for Newly Qualified Midwives –Recruitment and Retention –Return to Practice Midwives

6 Leadership NHS South East Coast supported funding for 56 senior midwives to complete the RCM leadership programmes: –Development Centre –Strategic Leadership

7 Workforce February 2008 – workforce review undertaken Demonstrated that, by 2012, there would be a 550 wte shortfall in midwives Rising birthrates March 2010 – funded increase of 314 wte Vacancy factor at March 2010 - 103.08 wte Vacancy factor at December 2010 – 38.67 wte Skill Mix – under review by all units Maternity Support Workers

8 “Fresh Eyes” Review of 12 maternal deaths between 2007- 2009 Multiprofessional review Report made 32 recommendations Multiprofessional training to over 900 staff All units have action plans Back to basics

9 Normalising Birth Regional Innovation Fund Bid Built on original work undertaken at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Obstetric and midwifery facilitators Modified Robson grouping –Group 1: First pregnancy –Group 5: VBAC Sustainability

10 Maintaining Profile Local Regional National International

11 Strategies and processes alone are not sufficient to drive the degree of change we are seeking……the NHS should focus on tackling the behaviours and cultures in the system that stand in the way….. David Nicholson, 2009

12 Thank You

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