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GCSE Mathematics Paper 1. Different Words ADD Plus Total More than Sum of SUBTRACT Take away Minus Difference Less than.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE Mathematics Paper 1. Different Words ADD Plus Total More than Sum of SUBTRACT Take away Minus Difference Less than."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE Mathematics Paper 1

2 Different Words ADD Plus Total More than Sum of SUBTRACT Take away Minus Difference Less than

3 MULTIPLY Times Lots of Product DIVIDE Share Divisible by 35 2 8 1 7 6 21 180 290 2 45 etc

4 Area & Perimeter Add up edges Answer in cm Area = Length x width Answer in cm 2

5 Area = HALF base x height ORBase x Height 2 Area of a Triangle Answer in cm 2

6 Area Units 100cm 1 m 2 100cm so 1m 2 = 10000 cm 2

7 Volume width height length Volume = length x width x height Units cm 3, m 3

8 “Percent” = out of 100 Percent without a calculator Find 10% by DIVIDING by 10 Then5% half of 10% 30%3 lots of 10% etc

9 Fraction of … ‘Divide by bottom and times by top’ 1 / 7 of … Divide amount by 7 3 / 7 of … Divide amount by 7 and times by 3

10 DST D ST Distance Speed Time Be aware of units 2hrs 30 mins = 2.5 hours

11 Ratios total = 10 450 ÷ 10 = 45 2 parts 2 x 45 = 90 etc Share £450 in ratio 2:3:5

12 Interior Angles 180º 360º 540º Add a side... Add 180º

13 Angles Exterior Angle of any shape add up to 360º

14 Angles 180º same size

15 Bearings Measured clockwise from north N Three figures e.g. 075º, 223º

16 Averages Mean = sum of values total freq Medianmiddle value (write in order first) Mode most popular (Modal) Range biggest - smallest

17 Algebra Key Words Solve what does x stand for? (must include = in sum) Factorise put INTO brackets

18 Transformations En lar gem e n t Rotation Reflection Translation Use the tracing paper! Careful of points of movement

19 Scatter Graphs x x x x x x x x x Correlation Positive Negative

20 Frequency Polygon Plot at the MIDPOINT and FREQ Normal scale going up in 5’s, 10’s, 20’s etc NOT groups

21 Grouped Frequency Diagram ‘Bar graph’ Normal scale Bars as wide as the group

22 Probability Probability of two events i.e. two sixes on a pair of dice Prob event 1 x prob event 2 i.e. 1 / 6 x 1 / 6 = 1 / 36

23 Probability Table of values Expected number of winners... Probability x number in Q

24 Graphs y = -x y = x y = x 2

25 Read every question carefully If you can do a question, Do it correctly! If struggling with a question, go onto the next and come back If time, check through each answer Good Luck

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