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The JustPeople Model Making it work for you. The JustPeople model: How does it work? Why does it work? How could it work for you?

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Presentation on theme: "The JustPeople Model Making it work for you. The JustPeople model: How does it work? Why does it work? How could it work for you?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The JustPeople Model Making it work for you

2 The JustPeople model: How does it work? Why does it work? How could it work for you?

3 JustPeople Recruitment of volunteers CRB checking Training Volunteer brokerage Good practice guidance

4 Recruitment of volunteers Rigorous selection process Foundation training CRB checking *Volunteers identified by *Volunteers identified by partner JustPeople according to agency and referred to criteria determined by partner JustPeople for training and agency CRB check

5 CRB Checking Enhanced CRB checking Umbrella organisation for CRB Ex-offenders considered on a case-by-case basis We can help to facilitate the prison security clearance procedure

6 Training Two-day foundation training course: Introduction to Criminal Justice Why do people offend? Social issues facing offenders Pro social modelling Communication skills Listening skills Awareness of diversity issues Personal safety and risk Confidentiality Boundaries Dealing with difficult situations Advanced specialist training eg mentoring skills

7 Volunteer brokerage Volunteers registered as JustPeople volunteers and placements found in a number of agencies Link retained and volunteer ‘career’ plotted according to preferences of individual volunteer Agencies sign a brokerage agreement setting out respective rights and responsibilities JustPeople team work with agencies to identify volunteering needs; any risk issues and management of identified risk, and supervision arrangements for volunteer tasks

8 Assessment of need for volunteers Step by step planning of recruitment process Development of clear role descriptions and accountabilities Provision of sample policies Good practice guidance

9 Why It Works… Pact project – credibility Specialist knowledge and experience within the team Flexible, tailored service Prepared volunteers Personal development of volunteers Linkage between agencies Opportunities to support offenders at various points of engagement

10 Some of the agencies we work with: Exeter YMCA Soberlink Exeter SAFE PROMISe Shekinah Mission String of Pearls Courts Advice & Support Service

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