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Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT QoS on GÉANT Premium IP and Less than Best Effort.

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Presentation on theme: "Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT QoS on GÉANT Premium IP and Less than Best Effort."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT QoS on GÉANT Premium IP and Less than Best Effort

2 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT Premium IP service The Premium IP service aims at offering the equivalent of an end-to-end leased line service at the IP layer across multiple domains. Model suggested by SEQUIN: end-to-end deployment of Quality of Service (QoS) operating across multiple management domains and exploiting a combination of various technologies (IP and ATM).

3 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT QoS metrics From users’ requirements and technical considerations : –One-way delay (OWD) –IP packet delay variation (IPDV) –Bandwidth –One-way packet loss (OWPL) The parameters definitions were chosen accordingly to the IETF IPPM working group.

4 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT Packets differentiation The Premium IP packets are tagged (marked) with the DIFFserv code point 46 (101110 in binary) by the source. The LBE ones are tagged DSCP 8 (001000)

5 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT Implementations Implemented based on the diffserv EF PHB. –that each node on the path of a diffserv domain must be EF compliant. EF PHB goal: forward the packet as soon as possible. –The mechanism used to forward the packets as soon as possible is a scheduling mechanism. Their goal is to serve preferrentially the Premium queue than the other queues. The scheduling mechanism on the Juniper is the Weighted Round Robin (WRR) The Premium IP packets should be classified in a queue with a very high service rate. Can find configuration information on (not the lastest one)

6 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT Queues Queue 0 (weight 5 - high priority) - loss-priority lowBest EffortNo tag highDWStag DSCP 32 Queue 1 (weight 90 - high priority) - loss-priority lowPremium IPtag DSCP 46 high/ Queue 2 (weitgth 1 - low priority) – loss-priority lowLBE tag DSCP 8 hightag to BE unauthorised PIP and DWS Queue 3 (weight 4 - high priority) - network control lowNetwork control tag DSCP 48 highNetwork control tag DSCP 56

7 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT Queues

8 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT Premium IP and DIFFserv The Premium IP traffic bandwidth utilisation should be lower than 10% of the link capacity. –To reach 20% of the bandwidth in case of link failure. [reminder] QoS techniques do not create bandwidth. –What you give to one class of service, you have to take it from another one.

9 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT Premium IP, ATM and over- provisioning Premium IP and ATM –guarantees provided by ATM PVCs Premium IP and over-provisioning –what is over-provisioning? (less than 30% of bandwidth utilisation) –very close monitoring needed

10 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT Premium IP specification Classification and high priority scheduling (DSCP) on all nodes Do not police on egress Do not shape anywhere Do not police on egress Do not shape anywhere Policing can be avoided at ingress when receiving from a trusted backbone Classify (IP pair prefixes) Police - Strict, Capacity Mark Classify (IP pair prefixes) Police - Strict, Capacity Mark Police by (AS source, destination) Aggregate capacity on all border nodes Police by (AS source, destination) Aggregate capacity on all border nodes

11 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT Example (one direction) Domain 1 802.1p VLAN Or dedicated wire Domain 5 802.1p VLAN Or dedicated wire Domain 2 ATM Domain 3 Backbone Classification (DSCP) Policing (AS aggregate) Classification (DSCP) Policing (AS aggregate) Domain 4 Classification (IP) Policing (strict 2 MTU) Marking - scheduling Classification (IP) Policing (strict 2 MTU) Marking - scheduling Classification (DSCP) Scheduling Classification (DSCP) Scheduling Dedicated PVC

12 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT Monitoring According to the SEQUIN workshop, the Premium IP monitoring is one of the most important requirement of the end-users. –Verify the behavior of the network –SLA verification –the for parameters should be monitored Taksometro monitor the Premium IP –bandwidth utilisation on the GÉANT circuits and on the access –bandwidth received on a NREN per destination NREN –losses due to the policers on a NREN access

13 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT Monitoring Still to be implemented –One-way delay monitoring (require strong synchronisation between the machines) edge to edge per link –IPDV, related to one-way delay monitoring but does not request any synchronisation. Edge to edge per link –These monitoring tools should be able to monitor the Premium IP as well as any other services deployed on GÉANT.

14 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT Monitoring

15 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT Debugging In addition to the monitoring infrastructure, some tools are needed to help the debugging. –A CoS traceroute has been developed by SEQUIN. Its goal is to indicate where the tagging is changed.

16 Nicolas Simar – DANTE : Premium IP and LBE transparency on GEANT Less than Best Effort The main idea of LBE is that this traffic class is able to make use of unutilised bandwidth in the network, but in a way such that in cases of competition for resources, the LBE traffic will be discarded before any Best Effort (BE) or higher-class traffic. –Equivalent to scavenger –applications: mirroring, support of new transport protocols non TCP compliants, networks backups, estimation of available bandwidth see GÉANT deliverable D9.9 (mid-September)

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