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By Joanna Tait and Stewart Rodney. Hurdles for Applying to Medicine  Grades at Higher  UKCAT  Personal Statement  Which Universities  Interview.

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Presentation on theme: "By Joanna Tait and Stewart Rodney. Hurdles for Applying to Medicine  Grades at Higher  UKCAT  Personal Statement  Which Universities  Interview."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Joanna Tait and Stewart Rodney

2 Hurdles for Applying to Medicine  Grades at Higher  UKCAT  Personal Statement  Which Universities  Interview

3 1. Grades at Higher

4 Grades at Higher: Scottish Uni’s  St. Andrew’s:  Credit 1 at Standard Grade in Maths and Sciences  a minimum of AAAAB at Higher  at least 2 A grade predictions for S6 study in either new Highers or Advanced Highers.  Edinburgh:  2 at S.Grade at Bio, Chem, Maths and English  AAAAB at Higher (Chem + 2 from Bio/Physics/Maths)  Advanced Higher- advice 2 (chem + bio most relevant)

5 Grades at Higher: Scottish Uni’s  Aberdeen:  AAAAB, Chemistry required + 2 from Biology, Maths & Physics + 2 others  Glasgow:  Minimum of AAAAB at one sitting including Chemistry and Biology and either Mathematics or Physics.  Pass in SG English at Grade 2 or an Intermediate 2 pass in English or above is required.  Can do Chemistry or Biology as a crash Higher in S6 if Grades AAAAB are obtained in S5. (Minimum Grade B required in Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics or Physics Higher in S6.)  Candidates are not considered for entry to Medicine from S5.

6 Grades at Higher: Scottish Uni’s  Dundee:  AAABB grades at SQA Higher  The subjects must include Chemistry and another Science subject, all to be obtained in 5th year.  We also require Biology at least to Standard Grade.  Applications supported by AAAAC grades from 5th year will also be considered, provided the C grade is not in Higher Chemistry. (Approx. 6% of candidates sitting 5 Highers attain these grades).  Achievement at standard grade will also be taken into account.  We have no requirements at Advanced Higher but studies must be completed.

7 Grades at Higher: English Uni’s  Oxford:  AA in Advanced Highers (taken in one academic year)  AAAAA in Highers (taken in one academic year)  Applicants are required to offer: Chemistry (compulsory) at Advanced Higher AND At least one from Biology, Physics and Mathematics at Higher.  UCL  Highers alone do not fulfil the entry requirements.  3 Advanced Highers- Grades AAA  must include Chemistry and Biology.

8 2. UKCAT

9 UKCAT TEST  UK Clinical Aptitude Test  All UK medical applicants must sit  Suggest you sit end of summer – September  (15 th October deadline for UCAS)

10 UKCAT TEST  Quantitative Reasoning  Verbal Reasoning  Abstract Reasoning  Decision Analysis

11 QUANTITATIVE EXAMPLE Height in Metres 2-2.93-3.94-4.95-5.96-6.97-7.9 Number of Shop Building s 36121572 How many shop buildings are less than 5 metres high? A.6 B.9 C.12 D.15 E.21

12 QUANTITATIVE EXAMPLE Height in Metres 2-2.93-3.94-4.95-5.96-6.97-7.9 Number of Shop Building s 36121572 How many shop buildings are less than 5 metres high? A.6 B.9 C.12 D.15 E.21

13 VERBAL EXAMPLE The museum in Bradford, where Shakespeare was born, holds artefacts... Shakespeare was born in a museum in Bradford.  True  False  Can’t Tell



16 3. Personal Statement

17 PERSONAL STATEMENT Show you:  Want to study medicine  You have taken measures to understand what a career in medicine involves - work experiences - medic insight days/talking to doctors  Committed, dedicated to pursuing a career in medicine

18 PERSONAL STATEMENT Some pointers to include: Work experience (GP or Hospital Medicine) Volunteer Work (Old Folk’s Home, DDCA) Positions of Responsibility (Head Boy, Leader at Scouts, JNCO) Academic strength in science Caring, empathy Co-Curricular activities

19 WORK EXPERIENCE Work Experience Hospital MedicineGeneral Practice -Contact a practice (email/phone/write letter) -Arrange some time to shadow GP -Contact Ashludie -Assigned a supervisor -Observe Hospital Medicine -Medic Insight programme -Medic Week through school

20 WORK EXPERIENCE Work Experience Hospital MedicineGeneral Practice Asked a family friend (GP) -Shadowed for 1 day -Went on reception -Observe consultations and -Home visits Contacted someone Day in A+E

21 WORK EXPERIENCE Work Experience Hospital MedicineGeneral Practice -Wrote to Muirhead Practice -Spent three days in GP -Minor surgery, consultations, home visits -Sense of community -Contact Ashludie -Assigned a supervisor (Iain Tait) -Endoscopy, Liver Clinic, Radiology, MDT meeting, Pathology, Paediatric Clinic, Paediatric Theatre, A+E 2 week research project into GISTs

22 WORK EXPERIENCE  Experience + What you learned  Don’t list various complicated procedures lacking insight  Be prepared to be tested on everything you include

23 4. Which Universities  Ranking procedure  Influencial factors e.g. Your UKCAT score or Highers  Type of course – integrated, PBL

24 FUTURE MEETINGS  Personal Statement Help  UKCAT Help  Interview Workshop

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