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Increasing access to electronic resources at the National Library of Scotland Initiatives and Challenges Lee Hibberd Digitisation Officer and ENCompass.

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Presentation on theme: "Increasing access to electronic resources at the National Library of Scotland Initiatives and Challenges Lee Hibberd Digitisation Officer and ENCompass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Increasing access to electronic resources at the National Library of Scotland Initiatives and Challenges Lee Hibberd Digitisation Officer and ENCompass Implementation Project Manager National Library of Scotland

2 An overview Our aim: a resource finding service Initiatives and Challenges –Integrating many resources into one system –XML, XSL and Dublin Core –Dealing with information overload –Who can use the service?

3 Our Aim

4 Integrating many resources into one system The generalist approach A range of electronic connections needed What goes in? Initiatives and Challenges 1

5 Image and quote from Jurassic Park (1993) © 1993 Universal Pictures Dr. Malcolm: Yeah, yeah --but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.

6 Integrating many resources into one system The generalist approach A range of electronic connections What goes in? Initiatives and Challenges 1 Granularity? Will taxonomy help? Which should you choose? Subject vs. Format How will the user cope?

7 XML, XSL and Dublin Core First large-scale use of XML XML holds and structures data Initiatives and Challenges 2


9 XML, XSL and Dublin Core First large-scale use of XML XML holds and structures data Initiatives and Challenges 2 Training and experience with XML and XSL has many other benefits Dublin Core data can be OAI harvestable Search engines can access content of databases not just static html XSL as a way of re-presenting and displaying structure of data

10 Dealing with information overload Need a clear conceptual benefit Reducing the stress of an attention seeking interface Initiatives and Challenges 3

11 Me ! Initiatives and Challenges 3

12 Me ! Initiatives and Challenges 3

13 Dealing with information overload Are people concerned about source, context or format? Initiatives and Challenges 3 Need a clear conceptual benefit Reducing the stress of an attention seeking interface A hierarchical taxonomy

14 Who can use the service? Improving remote access… …has problems –Abiding by the terms of our licence –Concurrent use –Often access for registered readers Who is a registered reader? On-line registration Should Scotland’s taxpayer provide the world with free access? Initiatives and Challenges 4

15 Can you help? Become involved as an external reviewer Pass on your comments today Contact:

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